The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and thirty-four, the first work (4)


World God galaxy, "Arrow" cruiser.


When Kaos returned from the "subspace", he felt the pain that a long time ago when Starlink technology was not enough to prevent superpowers from sleeping. To describe it in eight words, it was "a splitting headache" and "limbs and limbs". tingling".

This is a rare experience for an "old day", in every sense of the word.

Unable to control himself, Kaos tried to summarize all the information he knew so far.

Although he is still not sure who he is at this time, before the end of this world, he is still the "King in Yellow Hastur" and cannot use the ability of "other identities".

This is a "rules" level restriction.

For example, in the large-scale online battle game "Star Wars: Total War", a clone trooper whose real identity is a Star Alliance general can only be killed even if he knows that the "Darth Vader" in front of him is a corporal under his command. He cut it in half with his lightsaber.

The exception is when you have "GM (Game Manager)" authority.

And Emil, Matthew, and Sophie are obviously the GMs of the current world.

The purpose of their "game" is naturally completely different from that of "players" like themselves.

All the actions of ordinary players are basically to make themselves stronger, to have more advantages in PVP, or to have a greater impact on the world.

Although GMs can play in small accounts and do things similar to ordinary players, their main task is to maintain the balance of the world, and real GM accounts cannot leave the GM space - although this is an ordinary game setting, But it should be about the same?

Combined with the fact that I overheard their conversation a long time ago, I actually have the opportunity to become a GM, but... is it because I lack the experience of the "Three Kingdoms"?

Speaking of "players", they and "NPCs" are actually not so distinct in the current "game".

The so-called "players" should refer to the "NPCs" who have existed in several previous worlds and entered the next world by chance or intentionally. He/they often bring with them some "NPCs" from the previous world. world" abilities and character, and there is a high probability that they will be taken away when the world ends.

However, since it is "highly likely" rather than "certain", it means that in addition to NPCs becoming players, players may also become NPCs. If nothing else, it should be the same as "the same as the current world." "Tightness of connection".

For example, before Claude Rechthem dies, he, as his son, should not be able to leave this world, but Naiya, who has no worries, can definitely run away at any time.

And if the player marries or has other close connections with the NPC, there will be two situations: the NPC is converted into a player and leaves together, or the player is converted into an NPC and settles down.

In this way, it is easy to understand that the three GMs are all underage girls. Before they obtain "administrator" rights, they will become the NPC's daughters or sisters at most, and it is absolutely impossible for them to be chased by any male NPC.

No...wait a minute, if after leaving this world, all the "players" are little girls, that would be too scary.

On the bright side, there might be a lot of little boys?

Kaos retracted his wandering thoughts and began to consider the identities of the classmates around him.

Players can be sure that Naia, Kedori, Yuriko Suzuko and Mingmei Lin are from Nairn, but they should have no relevant memories like themselves. Misaka Mikoto and Lena Oxton are doubtful. After all, their performances are too special. Hannah and Cedric... Titie's NPCs, they have made an appointment to meet their parents and get married after their graduation trip.

As for teachers and parents...maybe, maybe not, there is too little contact.

The more troublesome problem is that Misaka Mikoto is connected to 20,000 Misaka sisters.

Although those Misaka sisters are numerous and powerful, they basically follow Mikoto's direction, which does not constitute a relationship for her to stay. It would be fine if Mikoto would stay in this world, as long as she leaves, she will directly take an entire army of sisters with her.

In this case... as long as the original number of players does not exceed 20,000, then it is a proper "most players are little girls", and the kind that requires emotional particles before speaking.

very horrible.

Finally, it’s about the current “mission”.

In Matthew's words, being attacked by the geth mothership should be part of the game's plot, and the "protagonist" is on the way to rescue. She will invite several powerful classmates to perform a certain task together. If they are because of the "protagonist" If she refuses based on her stance, he will agree. If the students agree because of her rescue behavior, he will refuse.

This is not to deliberately cause trouble for the "protagonist", but to allow her to confirm the identity of the "protagonist". Although Kaos said that he already believed it and did not need to confirm it, Emil and Sophie claimed that they must let her show one time.

So it’s actually what they want to see!

This is actually a bit suspicious, because the three of them don't seem to know what the plot of the current world is. This is not in line with their status as GMs. Maybe there is a level of "real players" above them, that is, "never become Players who have passed NPC".

Before each world begins, "real players" will know clearly how the world will develop, when and what will happen, which places are the key nodes, what choices will result in what results, etc.

Then, things were messed up by ordinary "players", and the advantage of foresight was messed up. In the end, the table had to be overturned - which was too miserable.

At the top, there are "game developers", or "operators". They have completely detached themselves from the game content itself and cannot get any fun from the game content. For them, the whole world is just a means to generate revenue. , and the "operators" who run the entire world must want to get things that ordinary players cannot imagine.

At present, it seems that [that person] in my impression should be a "real player", so he can take the identity of "Azathos", so he can make a "plot protagonist", so he will not actually put himself Are you patting me down?

No, if you want to take pictures, you should still be able to take pictures, but it’s better not to imitate Naia’s mischief.

"Uh... uh..."

Kaos felt as if he had regained control of his limbs, so he tried to move them and open his eyes.

The first thing that caught my eye was the faces of Naia and Kedori... looking down?

"Are you awake? The operation was successful?" Kedoli said.

"You are already sisters with us~" Naiya continued. to draw the old seal?

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