The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and thirty-five, the first work (5)


Kaos failed to put an old mark on Naiya's face. In fact, he didn't even have a chance to find a fork.

Because the hero of the Citadel, Commander Shepard, is here - the female one.

Two years ago, two human heroes, both named "Shepard", rose up like comets and fell almost simultaneously.

Connor Shepard was killed during the Battle of the Citadel, and John Shepard was killed in the subsequent hunt for the geth.

However, compared to John who sank with the ship, Kangna's life and death seem to be controversial. Some people say that she was seriously injured enough to cause death, but she was rescued by agencies that have been unwilling to give up and spent huge sums of money. Some people say that she was actually It was the excessive use of superpowers that got him involved in the subspace storm.

Judging from the fact that she appeared on the Normandy II with the "Earth Guardian" mark at this moment, the fact is probably the former.

When Kaos went crazy because he looked directly at [that person], the legendary hero successfully rescued the "Arrow" cruiser with a frigate from the geth mothership that was far larger than the dreadnought. .

To sum up her tactics, they are, in order, besieging Wei and rescuing Zhao, besieging a point for reinforcements, and besieging three and missing one.

The most outrageous thing is that she did not provide any direct help to the Arrow from beginning to end, but Waynus praised her greatly.

Specifically, her vehicle directly launched a surprise attack on the geth mothership, attracting some drones who wanted to attack the "Arrow", and then she led a team to land on the geth mothership and began to attract already The geth who began to attack the "Arrow" returned to defense. The last step was to let the Starfleet fleet, which had received the distress signal, deliberately leave a gap to allow the geth mothership to escape - after all, no one could guarantee it. Don't jump over the wall in a hurry.

As for the "Sharp Arrow" side, although most of the superpower students are unable to exert their full strength because the battlefield is in a spaceship, even with their compressed strength, under the command of Misaka Mikoto, various tactics are at their fingertips. It seemed that the entire defensive battle was as smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water.

It can be said that the tactical styles of Commander Shepard and Misaka Mikoto are two extremes.

Shepard will set an ultimate goal for those participating in the action and ask them to find ways to complete it. If there are any gaps, she will fill them in person. Everyone can see with a little reasoning that as long as they complete their own tasks, the battle will inevitably be victory.

Mikoto, on the other hand, will issue super-detailed orders to all combat units to achieve tactical goals that only she can understand with an overview of the overall situation. Participants in the battle only have small goals that are constantly updated one after another and are not difficult. When they put all After completing the small goals one by one, you will find that... you didn't do anything, so why did you win this battle inexplicably?

Metaphorically speaking, Shepard is a domineering marshal who leads the three armies, has a far-sighted vision, and throws down clear military orders, just in line with Qi Sheng, and scolds Fang Qiu, while Misaka Mikoto is the kind of person who gives unclear orders. Order, and then give the generals several tips and ask them to demolish which one under what circumstances. He is a wise and unpredictable military advisor.

Now, the generalissimo is coming to invite the military advisor to come out.

…By the way, I’d like to ask for a few more additions.


"Unfortunately, Commander Shepard, I have to decline your invitation."

In the conference room of the Normandy II, Misaka Mikoto solemnly rejected Connor Shepard's recruitment.

The "Arrow" was a battlefield that had experienced a fierce battle. There were almost no complete conference rooms. Even if there were, various noises from the surrounding hull repairs could not be heard. In the end, the two parties moved the place of discussion to Normandy II. On the number.

In this battle, all the commanders of both sides and those involved in the recruitment were present - except for Lena Oxton, who was sealed away by several Misaka sisters.

After some meaningless pleasantries and handovers, the two sides finally got down to business.

"Oh? Is it because I'm working with the Earth Guardians now?" Kangna turned her head and looked around.

Even without looking carefully, the "Earth Guardian" markings on the walls, tables and various equipment are conspicuous enough.

"That's not the case," Mikoto shook her head: "As a hero of the Citadel, and you have invited a representative of the "People's Federation", I believe you can hold your position, but you 'act according to the logic of your own behavior' itself. Might be just what the Earth Keepers need."

Good intentions lead to bad things, I understand.

"Besides, before you came to recruit students from Academy City, didn't you investigate what the 'Earth Guardians' did to us? Those present were all those who had experienced it, and they would probably object." Mikoto turned her head and glanced over Kaos, Yuriko Suzuko and Misaka10032.

That's right, Kaos nodded, not knowing what fate he had with the "Guardian of the Earth". He participated in the destruction of several of its plans, and he could indeed be said to have experienced it.

Uh... wait, is nodding now equivalent to acknowledging that I am opposed to this matter? It seems that Mashu and the others let themselves adapt to the situation. When they see Mikoto playing red, they play bad, and when Mikoto plays bad, they play red?

If it's about the "victims of Operation Earth Guardian", it seems that only I, who have never experienced it personally, have a reason not to object... Oops, I'm screwed.

Kaos felt like he was being attacked by death rays by Emil, Angela and Yueyong Shena, and he almost broke out in a cold sweat.

"I agree to join," at this moment, Yuriko Suzuko interrupted. After everyone turned their attention to her, she took another sip of the coffee in her hand, and then continued: "Don't look at me with that look. , I know what you are thinking."

No, we don't know.

"At first, I was quite opposed to what Suzuka Touya did, but since no one came to stop me, I had to muddle along until the discharge girl came over and killed me," she said.

Bilibili... Electric sparks flashed across Mikoto's forehead, but she finally gave up on hitting her own person on this more serious occasion.

"The academy did not destroy the research results of Touya Suzuka," Yuriko Suzina continued: "This means that even if there are some problems in the process, these data must be applied even if it is to prevent those sacrifices from being in vain."

"Similarly speaking, the 'Earth Guardian' may indeed be profiting from Commander Shepard's actions, but as long as the results of the Commander's actions are good, they should be supported, and..." She showed a fierce smile. : "You don't need to hold back at all when fighting something like an 'infiltrator, right?"

"Well..." Misaka Mikoto seemed to hesitate.

At this time, Shepard stood up with his hands on the table, and at this moment, Kaos understood what the girls wanted him to see.

Countless black smoke and ashes appeared out of thin air, and then combined with each other to form several long objects like dialog boxes in front of Shepard, but no one seemed to notice its existence.

【Xiao Zhi Yi. (model)]

【Move with emotion. (Rebellion)]

【Inducement to gain. 】

These "long strips" seem to be just simple words, but no matter which one is followed by endless "possibilities of the world", it seems that as long as you choose one of them, the world attached to the option that conflicts with it will last forever. Parallel to the current world.

At the same time, the feeling of "being watched by [that person]" appeared again, but the target was not Kaos, but Shepard. To be more was those "options".

In other words... Connor Shepard's usual actions are determined by herself, only when it involves certain major decisions. Then [that person] will pay a little attention and make a choice for her.

In that case...uh.

Just when Kaos was thinking this and began to think divergently, Sophie's ghostly figure, much smaller in size, appeared next to the dialog box, then raised her hand to pull out a new dialog box, and then began to type, fill in, confirm, and submit. .

[Throw it in for food. (Gluttony)]

The new dialog box appears just below the three options as if it had been there from the beginning.

...It’s a miracle that this “original work” hasn’t been played to death by you.

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