The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and thirty-six, the first work (6)


Normandie II, communications room.

"[According to the information we have received, this Conna Shepard should be the real thing,]" Lichtem, wearing a governor uniform, said to Kaos through the holographic image: "[Although it is unclear about the 'Earth Guardian' How to 'resurrect' a person who has been dead for two years, and what they want to do with this opportunity. However, Commander Shepard himself should not do anything that harms the interests of the Star Alliance. You can choose to follow her and support her. its actions, but pay attention to safety.】"

"Hmm... um..." Kaos nodded: "But the dean of the college can actually allow his best students to participate in this kind of 'internship' with unknown dangers."

Kaos was "on leave" at this time, like other students who were recruited and stayed on voluntarily.

Contrary to what Kaos expected, Conna Shepard did not make a "choice" at all. She first reasoned, then moved emotionally, then showed the students the benefits of participating in this matter, and finally came up with a I bought a batch of snacks and successfully bribed all the Misaka sisters except 10032.

After that, most of the students were preparing to return on board the Star Alliance reinforcement ship, and those who were queuing up to report that they were safe and chatting were naturally those who accepted the recruitment or stayed on their own initiative and were confident in their abilities.

Since the Normandy II, like its prototype, is a stealth ship, external communications must go through its communication room, which also means that the content of the conversation may be known to the staff on the ship, so this conversation will not involve any confidentiality.

"[Theoretically speaking, after this 'graduation trip', you should do something similar to 'fill in a volunteer' and be assigned to different positions based on your personal wishes to prepare for entering society. As far as I know, even For the students with the weakest powers, at least double digits of departments and units have sent letters of intent.]" Lichtem paused: "[However, 'crazy' level power users like Misaka Mikoto, for the time being, It's really hard to place her in a position, and an investigation into a galactic threat would be a perfect fit.]"

The implication is... Including my own "unknown territory" that cannot be classified, the most suitable place for those students with ridiculously strong superpowers is the battlefield. However, the entire Citadel Council is currently at peace. If you don't plan to go It can be a good idea to fight against the "infiltrators" when it comes to causing trouble for the roaming geth.

"But I remember that Star Alliance didn't seem to think that 'infiltrators' existed before?" Kaos tilted his head.

"[Oh, before the Battle of the Citadel, the Citadel Council did not recognize the existence of the 'Reaper', but now the rifles named after it are selling like hotcakes,]" Lechtem smiled slightly: "[It's up to this god to Fortunately for the heroes of Fort, those old diehards are finally willing to admit the existence of the 'Infiltrator', the 'Reaper Vanguard', and start preparing for war assuming that the 'Reaper' is coming. On this basis, if you...]"

"——If we can find evidence or inflict heavy damage on it, it will be a major victory for the Star Alliance and even the galaxy." Kaos continued.

"[That's right.]" Lichtem nodded.

"Maybe next time we meet, I will have a Star Alliance Medal of Honor, dad." Since the topic was too serious, Kaos tried to liven up the atmosphere.

"[I don't lack that kind of thing,]" Lichtem seemed to curl his lips: "[If something goes wrong in this operation... you must protect yourself.]"

"Of course, I run faster than anyone else." Kaos continued to ramble.

Trouble, how can an ordinary superpower protect himself when serious problems arise in space battles? Dad probably guessed something.

In short, just pretend to be stupid and get through it.


After finishing the communication, Kaos began to wander around the Normandy II while observing other members of the operation recruited by Kangna.

The list of people who stayed behind either actively or passively this time is: Misaka Mikoto, Lena Oxton, Suzuko Yuriko, Naia, Kedori, Misaka 10032, Illya Kamski, Lin Mingmei,

And Yue Yong Kanna.

What a guy, I have covered all the members of the SOS team from instructors to honorary members.

Forget about others, how was that eldest lady Illya recruited? Does she have any fighting ability?

In the words of Gwen Stacey, the head of the "Earthkeepers", her in-depth research on androids helps to identify "infiltrators" disguised as humans.

Pretending to be human? Tell me, how can that kind of mechanical octopus disguise itself as a human?

In addition to the students, there are also two powerful people suspected of being special forces, Anna Elena and Sam Fisher, as well as trumpets opened by two GMs, Emil Mengsk and Angela Ziegler.

By observing these "GMs" including Yueyong Shena, Kaos discovered one thing - they seemed to be "playing more".

It's okay for an ordinary person to doze off occasionally. Even if the frequency is relatively high, it can be explained that he did not sleep well last night. However, the three "GMs" would be in a daze from time to time or simply sit on the chair and fall asleep directly. This is completely abnormal. .

The only possibility is that they control more than one incarnation at the same time for some purpose. Switching control between incarnations will cause the uncontrolled one to appear sluggish. This kind of thing, "Old Days" and "Outer Gods" Very familiar.

As he observed these girls, Kaos also discovered another thing - Kangna seemed not to know the special identities of the three of them at all, nor was she aware of [that person]'s gaze, as if she was really a person. Just like ordinary Citadel ghosts.

However, her "soul" does not seem to match her "body", and she seems to be able to run away from home at any time. In this case, it is probably not surprising that she would be targeted by those little girls.

Hmm... No, there is also [that one] who is eyeing her.

After turning around a few times, Kaos had begun to judge where Kangna was based on the "pressure" of [that person's] gaze.

From Kaos's point of view, the infrastructure on the Normandy II is quite complete, and the models are also very advanced. It can be seen that the "Earth Guardian" attaches great importance to her, and it is the best to have everything.

As for the crew members... Gwen is a slippery man at first glance, and it is impossible to come up with something. The other crew members don't know anything, and they seem to be randomly selected from the peripheral departments of the "Earth Guardian".

These ordinary crew members have obviously not been exposed to the dark side of the "Earth Guardians" and firmly believe that they are really doing things for mankind. From time to time they will say "for a blue and pure world", which makes people quite speechless.

All in all, he had nothing to do but get used to the pressure of being watched before his next mission to capture the Infiltrator began.

How about... go to bed? Although there is no vest to open it.

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