The Collection of The End

Chapter 164 Mage and Ruins

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 20th, 5:00——

"Apprentices, I think you are ready to explore Sattar. If anyone needs time, I don't mind waiting another ten minutes." Tovdir deliberately used magic to amplify his voice in the entire Hall of Achievement sounded.

The Hall of Achievement and the Hall of Faces are slightly inferior buildings in addition to the most eye-catching and tall main building of the Elemental Hall in the Winterhold Mage Academy. Guarded towers.

They are hollow cylindrical inside, and each has a huge magic well whose blue light goes straight to the top of the hall. The dormitories of apprentices and lecturers are distributed in three floors around the magic well, and each floor has twenty independent single dormitories. There are stairs connecting the upper and lower floors.

Due to the poor climate in Winterhold, no windows were opened in all the rooms, and only the light and darkness of the magic well in the middle of the hall indicated the change of day and night.

There are no special rules for specific living arrangements, although some tutors prefer to live higher up, but Tovdir prefers to live with students on the ground floor.

It is said that the reason why there is no deliberate distinction between lecturers and apprentices is to express the idea that "there is only one sequence in the pursuit of magic, and there is no teacher and student".

For a college with only three, no, four apprentices at this time, this "dormitory building" still seemed a bit empty, and even the sound of them knocking over coffee tables and cabinets in a panic can be heard in the dormitory.

"Before the volcanic eruption and the 'big collapse' in Morrowind Province, this place was full of people—I was still an apprentice who didn't know anything at that time." Anel Gan stood beside Tovdir, speaking slightly The hall, which produces continuous echoes when a little sound is made, is a little emotional.

"In the face of endless magical knowledge, we are all apprentices." Toftdir slowly shook his head: "Just like where we are going this time, Sattar is clearly underground near Winterhold, but he avoided it." Any form of magical detection until the 'Great Cave' exposed it, and only recently have we completed the analysis of its entrance seal."

"For a ruin without any information, is it inappropriate to let apprentices enter rashly?" Anel Gan looked at the apprentices who were gradually walking out of the room, and lowered his voice: "If there is anything that cannot be handled—"

"If you write all the explorations into reports and books for apprentices to read, they will only become magical librarians," Toftil patted his deputy on the shoulder: "And the academy originally planned to let We two transformation masters will handle this."

"You don't know anything about power, Forrest Gump." His other shoulder was also patted: "There is no problem that can't be solved with one big fireball. If there is, five more shots."

"Don't call me Forrest Gump!" Anel Gan turned around and avoided, "Aren't you looking for your 'classmates'?"

"Stingy." The blond, slender Nord girl shrugged and walked towards the positions of several apprentices. Since she was indoors without a hood on, everyone could clearly see the braids and blue hair on the back of her head. The aristocratic-style head with a hair tie and a lock of hair raised inexplicably on the forehead.

"What the hell is she thinking? Isn't it good to use her true colors?" Anel Gan struggled a lot to see the elf girl with black hair and black eyes through that layer of camouflage.

"I think you are already familiar with enchantment spells, and you also have enough power to protect yourself," Toftil did not answer Arnell's question, amplified his voice again and said to the gathered four apprentices: "Go on Come down, I will lead you to explore the unique application of magic in history, our goal is the ruins of Sattar that the academy is excavating, please follow me."


The reason why I chose to start at such an early time is that I don’t know how long it will take to explore the ruins, and I must spare as much time as possible.

But there is another point, because it is impossible for the residents of Winterhold to go out at this time, and even the patrolling guards will not go out to blow the air because the guard is about to change.

Although those people didn't dare to do anything to the academy mages, it would be troublesome to be ridiculed even if they were ridiculed, especially since the few apprentices in this class were all violent tempered specialists in destruction magic.

When the team walked out of Winterhold without touching anyone, Toftdil breathed a sigh of relief, and began to think about the personalities of these students and what tasks should be given to them in the next exploration.

Perhaps for ordinary people, it is completely impossible to understand another person's personality in just two days, but for the mages of the Mage Academy, this is simply a piece of cake.

For example, a person with an aggressive personality or a bad temper is likely to achieve success in destruction magic; a cautious person has a lot of experience in summoning; Logically, you can get twice the result with half the effort in the study of the Department of Change. As for the Department of Restoration... Well, it is generally considered to be the choice of the cowardly. developed.

For those who are new to the threshold of magic, they basically start with the destruction spells, but then they will develop into specific types according to their own inclinations. For example, the tiger man Zag, who is good at lightning, is as violent as ever. Already able to gather lightning balls, and the defensive enchantment will not last long, the dark elf Brelina can still only issue ice blades, but it seems that because her race is often discriminated against in the sky, she has already touched the invisibility technique As for the Redguard Angmond, although he may have mastered the fire spell because he was born in the hot Hammerfell, he somehow prefers defense, and the enchantment has a wider and longer-lasting range than other students.

As for Zela Pesh..., Toftdil sighed, any spell can be mastered in a short time, and the effect is amazing. Should it be said that he is the former Akatosh god and high elf saint? ?

At that time, the "Great Sinking" had just ended, and the entire college was in chaos. She was still a little girl, and she came out of the shell mound under the college with a confused face, and no one came to greet her. I thought she was a child separated from her parents in the accident and ran to take care of her. After going through the adoption procedures by accident, I found out from the previous chief mage that this was the prophecy of a big collapse. I sealed myself in Beiqiu Fifty years to delay it from happening, the "Elf Maiden" has been forgotten.

The reason why she didn't use her original appearance was probably to prevent the "consultant" sent by Summerset Island from recognizing her. Although Thaumo no longer has her legend, given the longevity of the elves, it is inevitable that some will be passed down.

When it comes to the lifespan of the elves, Toftdir has a stomachache. For Zela, the past twenty years are just from a girl to a young girl, but his address has changed from "brother" to "father." ", and now "father" is about to become "grandpa".

Fortunately, she was smarter than expected. One day, after thinking about it for a long time in front of her gray-haired self, she called out "Master" (Master), which finally eased the gradually embarrassing addressing problem.


Under the sky, there are a large number of ancient ruins buried. Except for some Nord tombs, most of them are dwarf (Dwemer) cities and ancient Nord city ruins.

In contrast, the value of dwarven ruins is greater, because most of them are still running automatically, and most of the weapons, equipment and treasures are well preserved. Since their forging technology cannot be reproduced, the value of buying and selling is also higher, while The city ruins of the ancient Nords not only have endless traps, but also ghouls who get up to attack the intruders because they are disturbed, but the income is only tattered weapons that are about to decay. If you can’t find something of sufficient value, Exploring it is a loss-making business.

The ruins to be explored were revealed because of the big collapse. Some archaeologists mistakenly thought that it was a dwarf city and hired an excavation team to develop it. Later, it was discovered that it was a worthless ruin of the ancient city of Nord, and it was protected by magic. It was directly sold to the academy cheaply.

Naturally, the Mage Academy will not tell them that this is the city "Sattar" established by the ancient hero Sgrammer when he landed in Skyrim Province for the first time. Gan conducted an in-depth exploration.

The entrance sealed by magic looks like the side door of Sattar City. After entering, it gradually descends along the spiral stairs. It is dark because it is underground. A huge square, though not easily explored due to the collapsed rooms everywhere, only the nearest and largest stone house remains intact.

"Blarina, check if there are any traps nearby. If you find them, don't try to disarm them. Just come back and report. Zag, go find any enemies and clean them up by the way. Onmond, you protect Zag." Torvdir observed Looking at the surrounding environment, he quickly issued an order: "Zera, check this house with Anel to see if there are any ancient relics."

Directly transfer the inexperienced apprentices away from this potentially rewarding but also risky stone house, Toftdir decided to personally investigate with his deputy and a strong enough adopted daughter.

Although several apprentices seemed dissatisfied, they also knew that their strength was not enough to face the possible danger of a ruin, so they began to check other parts of the square according to the detection methods they had learned.

"Yo, Forrest Gump, it looks like we're going to cooperate." With no other apprentices around, Zela changed her words directly.

"Don't call me Forrest Gump!" Anel Gan said angrily while maintaining the candlelight technique in his hand.

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