The Collection of The End

Chapter 165 Mad God and Faction

My name is Akatosh,

I'm thinking about my alignment and stats.

— 4E, 168, Moon of the Second Seed, 12th, 9:20 —

The longest-lived and wisest Emperor of the Septim Empire, Martin Septim (Martin Septim) died.

He was originally just a little monk in the monastery, with the blood of the Septim dynasty flowing in his body without knowing it, but under the crisis of annihilation created by Mehrunes Dagon, he and his friends, as well as those who supported him With the help of the nobles of the empire, he turned the tide and closed the gates of annihilation one by one. In the final battle in the imperial capital, he summoned the incarnation of the dragon of time Akatosh at the cost of his own soul to defeat the demon god and succeed him as the new emperor. After a hundred years of reign, he gave up the throne to his grandson Usser Septim, and continued to protect the empire for decades. After his great-grandson Ussell Septim II ascended the throne as emperor, he died at the age of 100 Ninety years old.

"If I'm not mistaken, there seems to be an unlucky ghost who has been the prince all his life?" I stood high above the capital of the empire, watching Martin's soul. This old man who is almost two hundred years old is checking whether his funeral is correct proper place.

"[Yeah yeah, he and Pelagius III stole cheese from snow rats together in my domain, ha ha, ha ha ha ha!]" It's not a stupid system next to me, and it can't come In the present world, this is a tall woman wearing mixed-style clothes with completely different colors on the left and right sides. She is holding a staff with four laughing faces on the top. She has white hair with shawls, a beautiful face like an elf, and a perfect figure. ——If she didn't look like a lunatic, someone would probably call her a goddess.

"If I remember correctly, we are in a state of hostility. Is it really okay for you to appear in front of me so swaggeringly? Sheogorath?" Since the avatar is still trapped underground in Winterhold, I used A In Katosh's real body, the female demon in front of me is not as big as my claws, and can be slapped away with a slap.

It's just that I don't really want her "crazy" priesthood.

“[Quack quack——]” Sheogorath let out a weird laugh that didn’t fit her appearance at all: “[I’m just here to have a look. What's the place for the game?"

"Wait?! What did you say?" I was hallucinating? Why did I hear certain familiar words, and was unknowingly infected by this guy's madness?

"[Ah, I guessed it, Akatosh, you really love that guy Martin,]" Sheogorath continued to shake his head: "[Once the sea was too difficult for the water, except Wushan is not a cloud~]"

In the world of the English department, there is no one who suddenly pops out two Chinese poems in the voice of the broadcaster, and he really deserves to be a crazy demon.

‘Stupid system, you have to explain to me, this guy also wears it? '

【Hmm... that's not the case. She talks like this because she is the protagonist of the fourth generation of games. If the protagonists of the first three generations didn't die early, you would also speak in this way when you meet them. 】

' that's the case, since the 'game protagonist' has no self-awareness, so a personality can be deduced from the behavior of the protagonist during the control period? '

[and then went crazy]

It's a good mouthful, although she is crazy only because she inherited Sheogorath's priesthood, and it has nothing to do with the protagonists acting upside down.

"Hey, Dear Sheogorath, what was your original ID?" Since her so-called madness is full of Internet terms, communication is naturally not a problem.

"【Oh, that name has been forgotten for centuries, it seems to be 'wind legend'?】"

what? Super god wind? Ruofeng? Forget it, let her be called Sheogorath.

"So, Sheogorath, what the hell are you here for? If nothing else, I'll shoot you back into oblivion." I raised my paw at her.

"[Just came to grab a sofa, why are you so fierce~]" Sheogorath crouched in defense, covering her head.

...Forget it, ignore her for now, the most urgent thing is to take away the soul of old Martin, and by the way, ask him how he feels after living two hundred years.

The old emperor's eulogy was surprisingly long. From the beginning of quelling the crisis of annihilation, to the past two hundred years, everything the empire did would boast about him. Since he was in the state of his soul, he couldn't tell if he would blush.

But no matter how long it is, there is an end. The ceremony is over, and the coffin of the old emperor will be buried in the imperial mausoleum. Judging by his appearance, he seems to be planning to follow, so I directly scooped him up.


"Ah, the fog of Songgarde." Martin Septim stood on the wilderness of Songgarde, first sighed and looked around, and then bowed his head slightly to me: "Your Excellency Akatosh, thank you for tolerating my waywardness. "

"That's my own wrong judgment," I said in a way I learned from other holy spirits, letting voices come from all directions without being able to distinguish the source of the sound: "I didn't expect you to be without any illness or injury. , itself has a lifespan of almost two hundred years."

"I'm very ashamed. I'm just a little monk. I prevented the crisis of annihilation by chance, but I don't think my achievements are comparable to the emperors of the past, so I have the audacity to ask you to let me stay in the world for a little longer. Now, I'm finally confident enough to meet Seb Septim." During the conversation, his soul image gradually changed from an old man wearing an emperor's attire to a young man, and finally turned into a monk wearing a monk's clothes, smiling even Some shy young people.

Sheogorath covered her mouth exaggeratedly on the side, but she just refused to show up to meet each other: "【You gave birth to me, but I gave birth to you and I am old...】"

The wording seems wrong? Thinking about it, it seems right.

"You may be able to meet some sages, but I'm afraid you won't be able to see the first emperor of the empire." I didn't have time to talk to Sheogorath, and continued to say to Martin: "He has been promoted to the ninth Holy Spirit Talos, and he is keen to participate in fierce battles. I hardly ever see it."

"I understand, thank you again." He bowed his head slightly, glanced at Sheogorath's direction, and then walked slowly towards the Hall of Valor.

"So you were planning to abduct him into your mad domain?" I asked, turning to Sheogorath.

"[That's fine...]" She whispered, and her figure suddenly disappeared: "[Speaking of which, have you considered your own camp?]"

[Hint: Established an alliance with Sheogorath]

[Hint: Obtain the Doomsday Element: Words of Madness]

[Hint: Get the priesthood: 'Crazy']

No! Throw that thing as far as it goes for me! I don't want to listen to the prayers of a bunch of lunatics all day long.

[Anyway, as long as you don't take the initiative to use the 'words of madness' to drive people crazy, the naturally occurring lunatics will not connect the line of belief. ] The stupid system explained.

'Speaking of which, she just said 'camp', what does that mean? Vampires and Dawnguard? '

[Probably refers to the traditional nine-square grid camp in the fantasy world.] Alduin's stupid system replied, [You first shot the chaotic and evil Dagon, and then knocked down the lawful and neutral Poyt, and let go of Absolute just now. Neutral Sheogorath, it is difficult for other Daedrics to define your alignment to determine alliance or hostility. 】

‘Shouldn’t all holy spirits be lawful and kind? '

[To be precise, only Stendarr belongs to the lawful good camp. He is the god of justice, mercy, and benevolence. He hates all demons. The predecessor of the 'Dawn Guard', the 'Vigilante', belongs to him. Although the other holy spirits do not The evil side, but also tends to be neutral and chaotic. 】

‘Ah, I remembered, those vigilantes seem to have been wiped out by vampires? Remind my sister to remind me when the time comes. '

[It's chaotic goodness. ] said the stupid system.

"What?" Seeing Martin walk into the Hall of Valor, I released Akatosh's possession and returned to my small courtyard.

[Bearing all the pain and misfortune to save everyone and save the world, this kind of kindness without bottom line and rules is called chaotic kindness. 】The little black dragon circled around the globe on Nirn.

"No, it's not right at all," I recalled what I did in the Fate world: "I just saved 'people I contacted and recognized', not 'everyone' in the true sense."

"For example, I appeared eight years in advance, until I summoned Lin Hao and began to relieve various diseases in Fuyuki City, the number of people who died due to various accidents, diseases, and dying of death definitely reached four figures. I didn't have any of these people. I saved them, because they never appeared in the original work, and even if they did appear in the original work, I did not rescue Emiya Torikiken and the residents of that island, because their deaths were caused by the appearance of 'Emiya Kiritsugu' Necessary conditions."


"It's the same now. I knew that there would be a big war between the Septim Empire and the ancestors of Shenzhou, which would trigger a civil war in Skyrim Province, but I didn't do anything. I was afraid that I would do too much before the plot started. So that the plot deviates from the right track, unable to save the original goal, and then letting those who are not within the scope of cognition die in large numbers—”

To achieve the goal by whatever means is indeed chaotic and evil.

[It's chaos and kindness~] The stupid system is flapping its wings.

"Go, I haven't reached the point where I need your comfort." I raised my hand and patted the little black dragon away.

[Afraid that the plot will go off track? Are you sure there was a plot in the last world? Ordinary traversers, who would dare to drop Marshal C butterfly directly? The rest of the story is even more wild, but you still save all the intended targets. 】The little black dragon landed on the globe.


[I bet you that the plot of this world will still be in chaos, but you have saved all the targets as always, believe it or not? 】

"But the soldiers who died in the Great War—"

[In a work, if there is no name, people who are only roughly given collective names such as 'XX soldiers', 'robbers', 'grave robbers', 'flame mages' and 'XX guards' can be sacrificed at will without anyone Painful and unfortunate about them, so don't feel guilty about their deaths. 】

Really... Speaking of which, I am still [Patient Zero] without a name.

"Your eloquence has improved a lot."

[Of course, I will grow after completing a world, hmph~] Xiaolong made a gesture of akimbo with his wings.

Still "huh"? I walked over and grabbed its two wings and pulled them to the sides.

【What... wait... it hurts... woo woo...】

Well, it's much more pleasing to the eye now.

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