The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and fifty-eight, the final work (8)

——? ? ? ——

Jingle Bell--

In an empty old apartment, an old-fashioned telephone is ringing, and the "perspective" rotates around it at the same time.

Scattered clutter, overturned tables and chairs, cracked walls, cobwebs in the corners and dust on the floor all proved that this was a room that had not been occupied for a long time.

Jingle Bell--

However, the dilapidated boarded-up windows, the thick iron chains that securely fastened the door, and the piles of empty cans and beverage bottles in the corners all prove that this place was once a "shelter."

If all exits have been sealed from the inside, where is the original owner?

Jingle Bell--

When the "perspective" changes to the original angle, Neo, Gwen and Connor appear next to the phone as if they were there from the beginning.

Neo still looked like the black trench coat with big sunglasses, Gwen put on her "Spider Girl Uniform" of tight black leather jacket and white hood, and Connor put on an outfit like an elite policewoman, except The shiny extra-large sword on the back looks a bit out of place.


Neo picked up the receiver: "We're in."

"Wow, this is such a cool way to appear~" Gwen looked around: "Although you said that the environment in 'The Matrix' is basically restoring the environment before 1999, isn't it a bit too much?"

"Now, what is our purpose? What kind of enemies will we encounter?" After briefly observing the environment, Kangna pointed to the core issue of this mission.

"Okay, got it." Neo chatted with Locke on the old-fashioned phone for a few words, then put down the receiver and turned to Gwen and Connor: "The good news is that we were not scattered, which proves that the matrix did not detect our intrusion, and the bad news is , it’s not about whether this place will be invaded or not.”

"I would like to hear the details." Kangna responded.

"I have said before that if the Matrix is ​​regarded as a game, then it is a game without NPCs. Almost everyone you see in it does not know that they are controlled by the Matrix and lives their lives step by step. Real people," Neo replied: "If we connect on the hinterland planet of the matrix, we will appear in big cities. If we connect on remote planets, we will appear in the countryside. Of course, this is just the 'online location', and we can decide where to go at our own discretion. Where, in the virtual world, distance doesn’t really mean much.”

"I think I understand something." Kangna walked to the window and looked out. As expected, although it was daytime and the apartment was obviously in a downtown area, there was only silence outside.

"Yes, although there are many people in Zion, they are not connected to the matrix. To the matrix, this is a 'wilderness' where no one lives, and above the 'wilderness', it can create whatever environment it wants. ," Neo paused: "As long as any living creature appears here, it must be a 'virus', and his 'anti-virus software' can act at will."

"Are they the 'agents' who know kung fu you mentioned?" Kangna subconsciously held down the hilt of her sword.

"Not necessarily. They appear as agents because that is the most suitable for the urban environment. In an abandoned city, their appearance can be changed at will, as long as it suits the environment.

for example--"


With a loud noise, the wall beside Kangna was suddenly penetrated. The attacker seemed to want to take advantage of the situation to catch Kangna, but she rolled on the spot to avoid it.

The smoke and dust generated by the explosion of the wall dispersed slightly, allowing the three people present to see its appearance clearly.

It was a huge man nearly three meters tall, wearing a brown and yellow windbreaker and a wide-brimmed hat. On his rigid face, a pair of fierce and cruel little eyes were staring at Kangna.

At the same time, a dull voice sounded, as if squeezed out from between teeth: "[stars——!]"

"...Such as this," Neo pulled out a gun from his windbreaker: "Run, now."


"Isn't it? That's it?" A moment later, in a messy apartment, Gwen kicked the "chaser" who was lying motionless on the ground, and turned to look at Neo: "Are you sure we should run away immediately?"

"..." Neo didn't answer. He pressed his earphone and listened for a moment before saying, "It's not dead, it's just 'offline'. We still have to leave as soon as possible and find the control center of this attack."

"I really don't have the feeling of 'killing' it." Kangna pulled out the big sword from behind the pursuer. "You said it's called a 'pursuer'? Does that mean it will pursue us relentlessly?"

"All agents will do this before losing us. The only good news right now is that the city is empty and it cannot launch a raid by swapping places with other 'NPCs.'" Neo looked at the gun Da Jian looked at Kang Na again, as if he wanted to ask something but gave up: "Let's go."

Kangna originally planned to carry the sword behind her back, but after looking at the giant man lying on the ground, she thought about it and simply carried it upside down.

Outside the abandoned apartment, there are buildings of different heights, but the same old and dead buildings. They are gray as a whole, without any sign of living things, and the sky is also shrouded in lead-gray low clouds, giving the whole building a sense of apocalypse. breath.

However, although the building looks dilapidated, it is still structurally sound. When Neo took Gwen and Connor to climb over the walls of the buildings, almost nothing collapsed.

"Didn't you say you could fly? Why don't you fly by yourself instead of letting me fly?" Gwen muttered very dissatisfied.

"If you don't want the 'Chaser' to be able to fly or have super long-range attack capabilities, it's best not to do that," Neo replied, glancing at Kangna: "I'm not sure now, a What abilities will a pursuer who is stabbed in the back by a great sword evolve?"

"Adaptability?" Kangna raised an eyebrow.

"Perhaps you may think that grox is a super artificial intelligence that will immediately use all means to nip threats in the bud when they discover threats. However, this is just a misunderstanding. Except for some out-of-control 'anti-virus software', most of them are used to deal with threats." The strength of us 'hackers' is only enough to suppress the strength we show." Neo replied.

"Let me guess, those out-of-control 'anti-virus software' must have been created by you." Gwen pouted.

"About this, I-"

[Woo————! 】

At this moment, there was a strange loud sound, like a steam whistle or an air raid siren.

At the same time, the entire city was "burning" as far as the eye could see.

No, it's not burning, but the sky suddenly turns fiery red, and the outer walls of all buildings are rapidly peeling off and turning into debris into the sky, looking as if they are burning.

In less than half a minute, the entire city, which was originally quiet and abandoned, turned into an ashes city that seemed to have suffered a major fire, leaving only the remains of its basic structure.

At the same time as it appeared, there were countless zombies all over the ruins and streets, constantly humming and roaring, bustling about.

"——I am not responsible for this." After being slightly stunned, Neo added the second half of the sentence.

"Well..." Kangna looked around: "There are so many 'immortals'."

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