The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and fifty-nine, the final work (9)

——? ? ? ——


"Not 'immortal', but 'redundant data'."

After clearing away the nearby "zombie" that attacked Kangna and others due to the sudden world transition, Neo adjusted his sunglasses that were a little crooked and said so.

"'Redundant data'?" Kangna asked doubtfully: "As far as I know, this kind of stuff is deleted regularly. Could it be that we fell into the matrix's recycle bin?"

"The so-called 'redundant data' has two definitions. Initially, it refers to the 'real npcs' used to make up the numbers before there are enough 'npcs' in the matrix. As the matrix draws more and more people in - —In your words, it is 'harvesting'. These 'real npcs' will gradually give up their identities and enter the area to be deleted. Under this definition, they can also be regarded as part of the matrix." Neo replied.

"What about another definition?" Kangna already had a guess, but she continued to ask.

"The second definition refers to the 'true NPCs' who have awakened their self-awareness before their positions are replaced and themselves are deleted. They, no, or rather, they will obey orders and give up their identities, but they will Refusing to enter the 'area to be deleted' made it impossible for the matrix to 'delete' them, and as these 'awakened ones' gradually increased, they began to consciously connect with each other and formed a loose group." Neo replied.

Therefore, when the grox meme spreads to the outside world, it will cause the androids to awaken. However, there is no need to talk to the "galactic humans" about this kind of thing.

Kangna nodded slowly, expressing understanding: "So, what is the Matrix's attitude towards them?"

"We have no way of knowing what the core of such a huge mechanical empire thinks, but judging from the known facts, it initially adopted a laissez-faire attitude, because their activities in the virtual world will not affect it." Harvest work until we 'hackers' appeared," Neo paused and continued: "Since the Matrix's attitude towards them has always been 'delete', some of them began to contact us and assisted us in rescuing us from the Matrix. My compatriots, this behavior is quite understandable - as long as 'real people' need fewer identities, then 'real npcs' don't have to give up their original identities. This behavior eventually led grox to include them in the 'anti-virus software' 'Or in the 'target group' of 'agents'."

"Good guy, are you playing Romance of the Three Kingdoms?" Gwen joked after returning from a trip.

"Actually, it's 'Four Kingdoms'," Neo adjusted his sunglasses again: "Due to too much contact with the 'awakened ones' who had redundant data and us 'transcendents', the 'agents' were inevitably awakened. Self-awareness, however, would be more inclined to eliminate us due to their memory and ability to gain redundant data through 'assimilation'."

"Then who wins in the end -" Kangna paused as soon as she spoke, glanced at the bustling "zombie" on the street, and then changed her words: "Then how did the 'redundant data' lose?"

"About three years ago, agents found a way to invade Zion from the data level and started a big melee with us in the virtual world. The leaders were those 'agents' who had awakened their self-awareness," Neo said in his tone. It was a bit strange. He seemed to want to explain something further, but gave up: "Since the agents themselves are part of the matrix, they severely slowed down the CPU of the matrix or the running speed of other key programs after they fought. The redundant data took advantage of this opportunity." A full-scale attack was launched on the Matrix,

This event is known to us as the ‘Matrix Revolution’. "

"We were busy dealing with agent attacks at the time and didn't know the details. The redundant data seemed to be trying to blackmail the matrix through some means, so that it would treat them as normal data and no longer delete them at will. Judging from the analysis of the battlefield afterwards, both sides Their strength is evenly matched. As long as we can hold off the agents and prevent them from returning to defense, the 'revolution' will almost certainly succeed, but..." Neo sighed.

"But they failed." Kangna glanced at the bustling "zombie" again.

"What happened?" Gwen was also attracted by this secret and asked again and again.

"I don't know. It's impossible for us to ask the matrix, and the redundant data has all become like this, so there's no way to ask." Neo gestured to the bottom of the building: "What is certain is that the redundant data must be in When they had the advantage and almost forced the Matrix to compromise, they made some superfluous move, triggering some kind of defense method that even the Matrix itself didn't know about, causing the entire army to be annihilated."

"Hmm..." Kangna looked at Neo suspiciously: "Then how did they become like this?"

Although she couldn't see his expression clearly, she was quite convinced that this "savior" obviously knew something, but was unwilling to say it.

In addition, according to this statement, Raven should also be "redundant data", but she is obviously fine under the protection of the Supreme Mage. It seems that the "Savior" does not know about the "Xavier Academy for Gifted Youth".

"Their data was destroyed but not deleted, and the Matrix was used to its best advantage, assigning their identities as 'zombie', 'slime', 'roadbandit', 'ferocious beast', 'war miscellany' Soldiers and other NPCs appear with the purpose of killing them. Thanks to them, the virtual world shaped by the Matrix has become more and more diverse, forcing hackers like us to read guides when invading, so this is abandoned "The setting of the table world and the burning inner world is not unusual," Neo shrugged: "Personally, my favorite is the world of 'ancient city plus kung fu'."

"Oh...then according to your 'strategy', what should we do now?" Gwen's eyes sparkled, like a child who discovered a new toy.

"This strategy seems to have been written by me. I have never seen a similar virtual scene. At present, it seems that we should rush as quickly as possible in the 'outer world' while dealing with the attacks of the pursuers, and stick to it when switching to the inner world. ", don't attract too much attention from the 'zombie', so as not to be attacked from both sides," Neo replied: "However, our goal itself remains unchanged: to find and destroy the communication center of the host where grox launched the attack on Zion."

"If you have never seen the appearance of the communication center, how do you know where it is?" Kangna questioned: "Before we hid here, you seemed to be on your way very purposefully."

"Because..." Neo adjusted his sunglasses: "The Matrix doesn't know how to hide it. Just look for the grandest building in the city. In my home city, the core area of ​​the Matrix is ​​the tallest building in the city, shaped like a corn. The same gleaming building.”

He seems to be hiding something again, maybe it has something to do with his ability, but it probably isn't very important...


At this moment, the sharp air-raid siren sounded again, and the burning ruins of the city began to "attach" its outer shell again. What appeared in front of the three people at the same time was a familiar giant figure in a brown trench coat with a big brimmed hat and him. A rough roar.


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