The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and seventy-two, civil war (12)



The unknown war cry of the green creature received an enthusiastic response from its kind. The atmosphere at the scene seemed to be celebrating the occurrence of something, and also seemed to be mobilizing in front of some upcoming action.

"As you can guess, they are the ancestors of our 'Titan Clan', and this is our birthplace." Thanos looked at Dr. Qiyi: "In a sense, I am serving as the 'host', I'm entertaining you as a 'guest'."

"Well... we humans have a proverb, 'There is a road to heaven if you don't take it, but there is no door to hell if you break in.' It is very suitable to describe my current situation." Dr. Qiyi spread his hands.

"Humor can't change your situation, Doctor," Thanos raised his gloves again: "However, the friendship of the landlord must still be fulfilled."

As the red gems on the gloves bloomed, the surrounding "phantoms" began to "fast forward".

The greenskins collect, breed, train, fight, and expand. Although Doctor Strange can only observe from this position, which is roughly the top of some kind of altar, he can still tell that this is a vibrant and eager to fight and expand. Races, judging from the changes in their weapons, houses, vehicles, and daily necessities, they developed from the Paleolithic Age to the Steam Age with almost no pressure.

Although there were battles with other creatures of similar appearance but different colors during the period, and they were even beaten all the way to the birthplace of this civilization, in the end they all ended in their victory, and the originally pure green-skinned residents gradually began to be mixed. Red, orange, yellow, cyan, blue, purple and other colors, if nothing else, they have extended their influence to the entire planet.

However, after the green skins developed into the steam era, their technology seemed to have gone astray, and did not develop in the direction of automatic machinery and artificial intelligence that Dr. Qiyi was familiar with. From the appearance, it looked more like what is still in the human cultural circle today. "Steampunk" has a large audience, and this sense of similarity reaches its limit when they send a weird spaceship with two huge air bags, like an airship, into space.

"Doctor, can you use the [Time Stone] to see the future development?" Thanos "paused" the historical process at this time.

"No," Dr. Qiyi shook his head: "When I came to this planet, the countless 'possibilities' that I would have directly fought with you disappeared in an instant, and were replaced by countless branches in communicating with you. I didn't have time to confirm them one by one. You can only choose a branch that will not start a war with you immediately to buy time - the time it takes to confirm the future of the branch cannot be eliminated using the 'Time Stone'."

"Oh, I thought about it carefully. Since you said it so honestly, there is really no reason to take action immediately. However, it seems that you can't use 'Time Backtracking'. If you accidentally reach 'DeadEnd', you can only I can hope that Ancient One will not give up on you, his best student." Thanos sneered and let the red light on his gloves shine again.

In the illusion, the greenskins' society began to develop in a bad direction.

Since there are countless undeveloped planets with rich resources in the universe, the development of the green grassland planet, which has almost exhausted its resources in the development process, has come to a standstill. It can provide very few resources for the development of alien planets, and the amount of external support required is huge. Quite astonishing, this can be seen from the number of "immigration ships" and "transport ships" taking off and landing in the sky.

In order to strive to become "immigrants", the green skins on the planet began to compete and even fight with each other. I don't know when they began to use those steampunk-style machines to transform themselves. The battle turned into a battle, and the battle became Even if they are seriously injured and on the verge of death, they can continue to survive as long as parts are replaced. The greenskins, who were originally unafraid of life and death due to their special breeding methods and fighting styles, have become more and more unscrupulous.

When the illusion freezes and dissipates, what it shows is that those new races that can already be called "mechanical greenskins" raise the flag of rebellion against their original compatriots.

When thousands of ships launch together.

And as the illusion dissipated, when the world that was smoky and polluted by various machines but still had blue sea and blue sky turned back into a world with only gray and black earth, purple muddy ocean and red sky, even if there was no need for Sanos to specifically explain, Dr. Qiyi You can also guess what happened on this planet - the more united a race is, the more it hates betrayal.

"...'Syllogism'?" Dr. Qiyi looked at Thanos: "You support the behavior of the 'Reapers', so you take action when they attack?"

"Don't be stupid, doctor, use your brain. As a race whose compatriots were massacred by mechanized compatriots and who had to destroy their home planet in order to eliminate those mechanical freaks, how can we have any good impressions of the 'Reapers'? Thanos scoffed.

"Then what is your purpose in obtaining the 'Infinity Stones'?" Dr. Qiyi asked.

"I want to destroy all 'automatic machines' and 'artificial intelligence' in this universe, and cut off any possibility of their birth in the future." Thanos replied.

"What?" This unexpected answer made Dr. Qiyi stunned for a moment.

"I want to tilt this world to the 'magic side', 'Supreme Mage'," Thanos deliberately emphasized the title of "Mage": "Magic will not betray the user. Do you think your cloak will want to strangle it one day?" Kill you?"

"..." Dr. Qiyi glanced down at the cloak and found that it was diligently cleaning his shoes.

"What exactly will you do?" he asked instead.

"[Infinity Stones] have the power to change the rules of the world. I will distort all the technological theories after the steam age. To put it simply, maybe they can discover some basic technological theories, but the subsequent derivation based on this will be completely wrong. , just like 1+1 can equal 2, but 2+2 may equal 17, 915 or 10080. In this way, automatic machinery and artificial intelligence will never appear due to the lack of underlying technology. The so-called 'syllogism' cannot The attack was defeated, and the 'Reaper' was also eliminated, what do you think?" Thanos stared at Dr. Qiyi.

"This..." Dr. Qiyi was stunned for a moment.

"[Don't be fooled, shoehorned face, what I said before, don't try to understand the enemy. If there is no target that is big enough and can't find faults, the villain will be the king of the mountain.]"

As a slightly frivolous and white-noisy electronic sound sounded, a gleaming golden steel armor descended from the sky and struck a pose with one hand on the ground.


The mask of the golden armor opened, revealing Jin Gu's handsome face: "Big Chin over there, let me ask you, how many people are you prepared to kill in order to achieve this goal?"

"All those in advanced civilizations who have mastered the basics of current technology and may re-derive them when the technology tree is in chaos," Thanos replied: "About 50% of the total population."

"Huh..." Dr. Qiyi breathed a long sigh of relief as if he was relieved, and raised his hands towards Thanos, with red light flashing on his fingertips: "It seems I have to stop you."

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