The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and seventy-three, civil war (13)


Green grassland planet.

"Why are you here?" Thanos ignored Dr. Qiyi's fighting posture and turned his attention to the newly appeared golden armor: "'Iron Man'."

"I don't know," Iron Man finished posing and closed his helmet again: "[It was probably blown by the strong wind.]"

"Hmph...were you caught in a subspace storm when you were chasing Ebony Maw?" Thanos glanced at him again, then turned to Dr. Qiyi: "Is this also part of your plan?"

"Maintaining dimensions is the responsibility of the 'Supreme Mage'. Even if there is no 'space gem', people who have performed cross-latitude actions can be directly pulled over." Dr. Qiyi answered the question incorrectly.

"What's the point of dragging a 'mortal' here who has all his combat power in armor? Will you provide me with subordinates?" Thanos raised his arm armor towards Iron Man, and the yellow light flashed away.

"[Oh, is that a warning signal? It's a pity that I never look at the traffic lights when crossing the road.]" Iron Man tilted his head.

"..." Thanos opened his eyes slightly, and the orange light on his gloves flashed again.

"[Is this some kind of popular game?]" Iron Man raised his arm and pointed his palm at Thanos: "[I'll play it too.]"

Zhizhi - hey!

A blazing blue laser emitted from the palm of Iron Man's armor, but it was shattered into pieces by Thanos when he pinched it casually.

"Without a heart and without a soul," Thanos looked at Iron Man seriously: "Are you...'what'?"

"[I am Iron Man.]" The golden armor slapped its chest vigorously.


"Is that the 'Wandering Soul'?" The girl standing behind Thanos spoke for the first time: "Please let me deal with him, Ash... Lord Thanos."

"Okay," Thanos nodded and turned to Dr. Qiyi: "I have to attack this 'Supreme Mage''s self-confidence that came out of nowhere."

"Of course it comes from the 'Supreme Mage'." Dr. Qiyi said meaningfully.

"Perhaps you can know my next move in advance, but that doesn't mean -" Thanos suddenly waved his fist, a purple light flashed on his arm armor, and a thick current with a sharp arrow formed at the front was directed toward Qiyi The doctor shot away: "——You can catch it!"


Dr. Qiyi failed to catch it. He drew a large circle made of sparks in front of him in advance, so that the current was instantly submerged in it, without even an electric spark rising.

"Interesting." Thanos praised, and then repeated his old trick, but this time the electric current was not "thrown out", and its end was still connected to the golden arm armor, as if he was preparing to kill it while the ring of fire swallowed the electric current. Wave" to break the ring of fire.


Different tricks, Dr. Qiyi did not use the same method to deal with it. He did not expand the "spark circle", but set up a "concave lens" made of blue crystals in the direction of the current. At the same time, he turned a corner and returned the same way.

"Hmph." Thanos stopped the current transmission and instead caught the reflected current with his backhand. This "hit himself" move made him take two steps back involuntarily.

"[Good job! Shoehorn face!]" Iron Man cheered from a distance.

"You dare to look away?" Gray Feng, who was approaching Iron Man, suddenly made a sliding step and swung the spiral sword in his hand across Iron Man's legs.

"[Oh, don't be like this, I don't hit women, and there are disabled people.]" Iron Man did two back flips at the extreme distance to avoid the attack.

"That's just right. I specialize in hitting men, especially smooth-talking men." Gray Wind missed the target with his sweeping sweep and turned around to slash. When Iron Man tried to dodge once again, the spiral sword suddenly sprayed out with enough force for two sword lengths. The double-length flame blackened a large area of ​​the golden armor.

"Be careful, that girl is not simple. You'd better not get hit by her directly -" Dr. Qiyi warned loudly without looking back.

"[You should have told me earlier, this armor is my favorite——]" Iron Man joked from afar,

At the same time, he relied on the mecha's mobility to avoid Gray Wind's attack.

On the surface, Gray Feng was always blindfolded and did not have any auxiliary investigation methods, but he could "lock" his position at any time and pursue him with a spiral sword that could emit flames.

Although Iron Man can avoid her melee attacks by flying far high, and even suppress her in the air, he seems to have been dealing with her on the ground out of a desperate need to save face.

"It seems that if you want to deal with the 'Mage', you can't use 'spells'." On the other side, Thanos absorbed the electric light again, and the red light flashed on his hand again: "You can try to rebound this."

"What's the rebound?" Dr. Qiyi asked halfway, then looked up at the sky in slight shock.

"Those are space-based weapons that were not used up at the time. Although it has been a long time, those things originally had no technical content. The only power was gravity, which can be considered as waste heat." Thanos crossed his arms.

Boom boom boom——

The next moment, ten suns appeared in the dim sky.

No, that is not the sun, but ten asteroids that have just fallen into the atmosphere and are emitting blazing fire due to friction with the air.

"[Hey! Stop! If that thing falls, it will smash everyone here into small pieces.]" Iron Man rolled to avoid trying to persuade Gray Wind to stop.

"Don't worry, that thing doesn't have friendly fire damage detection." Hui Feng ignored it and used his offensive more fiercely.

"[Don't worry at all!]"

"Hand over the [Time Stone], doctor," Thanos ignored the commotion on the second battlefield: "Since Ancient One gave the Time Stone to you who is not strong enough, he must have expected that it would be snatched away by me. You just A courier, she just gave it to me directly because of her identity and face."

"You reminded me that the Supreme Mage is much more proficient in using the 'Time Stone' than I am. Since she chose to give the stone to me for safekeeping, she must have seen a future that I have not yet seen, that is..." Dr. Qiyi narrowed his eyes: "Something that only I, Harold Winston, can do."

"..." Thanos made no comment, just looked at him silently with his arms folded.

"That's it! That's it!" After a few seconds of thinking, Dr. Qiyi suddenly raised his hands and made an action of tearing something apart. His fingertips kept glowing with red light. Following his movements, ten "shooting stars" Sparks also began to appear in the direction of the fall.

"If you forcefully remove those meteors, you won't be able to escape from my hands. I will take away your gems like picking fruits." Thanos said.

"Of course... no!" Dr. Qiyi suddenly separated his hands and opened a circle of fire in the direction of the falling star.

However, this ring of fire did not expand enough to "swallow" all the meteors, but instead "vomited" something out.

Boom - boom!

An extremely violent explosion occurred in the sky, and for some reason an unusually large mushroom cloud was formed. The ten falling meteors were deflected by the shock wave of the explosion, and fell diagonally towards the surrounding black desert and purple sea.

In the aftermath of the explosion, two items that appeared to be life-saving capsules fell straight down, creating two large craters near the battlefield.

Under everyone's gaze, the door of the rescue cabin slowly opened, revealing two power armors, one black and one blue.

"[Bah! Tychus! I shouldn't have believed your nonsense and brought twenty 'Apocalypse' strategic nuclear bombs through the star gate? Will it explode now?"

"[Stop talking nonsense! Jim! As soon as I heard Sarah complaining that it's not fun without nuclear bombs, what kind of idiot was he who stuffed two more nuclear bombs into the ship?]"

...I always feel that they are two very dangerous people, in every sense of the word.

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