The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and seventy-four, civil war (14)


Green grassland planet.

"[Oh, hey, who can tell me what happened here? I guess I am not responsible for this 'nuclear war wasteland', right?]"

"[Are you guys fighting? It just so happens that the most powerful mercenary in the universe, Mr. Finley, is here. Whoever pays the highest price will go with me.]"

The three parties discovered the others almost at the same time. Since they were not sure which side the two intruders would support, they carefully kept a distance from each other, and the heat of the battle that was originally heating up slowly cooled down.

However, based on the previous conversation, it seems that the intruder is not very serious?

"Their weapons and armor are very poor. Although they have certain special abilities, they are still quite weak." Gray Wind retreated to Thanos and whispered.

"Ah, I can see it, and one of them has a bad brain and the other has a bad stomach." Thanos's eyes did not focus on the two people wearing power armor but looked at the position slightly above their heads. He responded casually.

"Have a bad stomach?" Gray Feng repeated doubtfully, turned around and looked at the two armored soldiers carefully, and then shook his head in confusion.

"Although I have a way to recruit them, the follow-up matters are too troublesome, so let's forget it." Thanos said again.

On the other side, Dr. Qiyi has closed his eyes, his expression constantly changing.

"[Hey, Jim, I think I should help the little girl over there with the big bodyguard. The two guys here look like a nouveau riche and a bad guy.]"

"[Don't be stupid, Tychus, the two here are at least humans. I can't feel even a trace of humanity in that purple alien and the 'little girl' you call me.]"

The two intruders were still talking carelessly, whether they were simply being arrogant or extremely confident in their own strength.

"James Raynor! Tychus Finley!" Dr. Qiyi suddenly opened his eyes and shouted to the two outsiders: "Gentlemen! The purple-skinned one is Mobius from the Mobius Foundation. pull'!!"

"[...]" The two outsiders were silent at the same time, and then looked at Thanos with murderous eyes.

"It's ridiculous. You searched the timeline just to find the possibility of recruiting them. I'm just waiting for you to dive into the dead end of 'Dead End'." Thanos sneered and without any excuse, he raised his hand to the two wearing The soldier in power armor ticked.

Da da da! boom!

The soldier in black power armor directly picked up the heavy submachine gun on his waist and started shooting, while the one in blue power armor ran and charged.

"Lord Thanos, I can-" Gray Feng looked at Thanos who raised his hand to wave a barrier to block the rain of bullets, and asked for orders again.

"No, if you accidentally kill any of them, you will be in big trouble. You go find the Supreme Mage. Before I subdue these troublesome guys, don't let him see the future so easily." Thanos waved his backhand and bounced all the bullets he blocked, but it was completely unable to stop Tychus' charge.


Tychus slammed his shoulder into Thanos with such force that he took five or six steps back.

"..." Gray Wind hesitated for two seconds, ignoring Tychus who was fighting with Thanos, Raynor who was eyeing her vigilantly, and Iron Man who took the opportunity to fly over and try to join the siege. He turned around and dragged a The lavender afterimage rushed towards Dr. Qiyi at the edge of the battlefield.


boom! boom! Swish, swish, swish!

While Thanos was fighting in close combat with three armored warriors, Gray Wind wielded a flaming spiral sword to chase down Dr. Qiyi.

No matter where Dr. Qiyi moved through the "ring of fire", she could always rush over immediately. Several times she was too close and the big sword came first. Dr. Qiyi had to use the ring of fire to build a shield to parry. attack.

During this process, he tried to use some spells to attack or control Gray Wind, but every time he was blocked and neutralized by the faint white light emerging from her body.

"I have never seen you in any future," Dr. Qiyi flashed around and tried to talk to Gray Wind: "Where did you come from? Why did you assist Thanos in destroying half of the world's population?"

Gray Wind thought for a moment and seemed to find that Thanos did not prevent her from communicating with Doctor Strange, so he continued to slash at him with his sword and replied: "I come from a world that is about to be destroyed, and Lord Thanos can save my world. ,It's that simple."

"Does it come from a dimension that has been destroyed by machinery..." Dr. Qiyi was slightly distracted and was almost hit by a big sword, but his cloak pulled him away in advance when the situation was bad, and it was only scorched a little. hair.

"Listen, you may not know my identity and responsibilities." Unpredictable, Dr. Qiyi tried to speak on his own: "As the 'Supreme Mage' who maintains the security of the dimension, I have enough power to save your world, so you should not--"

"To maintain 'dimensional security', why do you want to prevent 'what happens within the dimension'?" Gray Wind interrupted him: "Will reducing the population of a dimension by half lead to the destruction of the dimension? You want to stop Lord Thanos just for the sake of After you gain power, you want to protect the selfishness of your acquaintances, right?"

"Obviously he came first——"

"Besides, you can't save my world at all," Gray Wind interrupted him again: "Because you haven't been able to escape until now."

"..." Dr. Qiyi was silent.

Since the encounter, Thanos has been asking for the "Time Stone", but has no intention of stopping his escape. However, every time he tries to open a long-distance "portal", he fails. The longest distance that can be opened is On the other side of the planet, although James Raynor and Tychus Finley had just been "summoned" over, it was also a one-way ticket.

It was as if the planet had been completely blocked.

Perhaps this is the reason why Thanos took action without saying a word when he encountered him on other planets: as long as he comes to this planet, dealing with him becomes a matter of catching a turtle in a jar, and for the prey that falls into the trap, the hunter will naturally Don't hesitate to say a few more words.

However, even so, there must be a way to win, as long as he is given enough time.


After avoiding Gray Wind's attack again through the ring of fire, Dr. Qiyi appeared at an altitude of more than ten meters. He looked at the trio of power armors who were gradually declining over there, and then looked down at Gray Wind, who was looking up at him. , raised a finger and shook it:

"You and Thanos are indeed very strong, but you both have a fatal weakness, which is that you can't fly. Now, I want to continue to read the possibility of victory on the timeline."


Gray Feng took out something like a "physical flame" with his backhand and crushed it into pieces.

As the "physical flame" shattered, countless tiny bits of fire began to spread from the palms of her hands to her whole body, gradually appearing on Hui Feng's black dress, and eventually formed a wing that seemed to be burning with flames. A large scarf.

She waved her "scarf wings" and rushed straight towards Dr. Qiyi in mid-air:

"Give you a chance to say it again."

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