The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and seventy-five, civil war (15)




Thanos raised his hand to squeeze the fist thrown by Iron Man, and then directly swung it to knock Tychus away. Then Shi Shiran turned around to face Raynor who had just rushed behind him.

With the idea of ​​"it's coming", Renault launched a pre-calculated attack that "must hit", and then was kicked away as expected.

As time goes by, the battle on the "armored soldier" side becomes increasingly difficult.

Since Thanos possesses some kind of "force field" that specifically defends against long-range attacks, Raynor's focused shooting, Tychus's shotstorm, or Iron Man's palm lasers and small missiles are all ineffective, and he has to engage in close combat with him. .

Faced with the attacks of three highly maneuverable mechas, he clearly did not have any detection system to assist him, but he could accurately predict every attack even at a blind spot. He would either reach out to block it, or directly punch or raise his leg to directly attack. Knock the attacker away.

Every time the combat analyzer built into the mecha calculates Thanos's movement limits and so-called "sure hit" attack plan based on his previous actions, it will be slapped in the face at the next moment - literally.

The continuous ineffectiveness of attacks made the three people's siege frequency gradually become sparse. In the end, perhaps by coincidence or perhaps by necessity, after a dismantled joint attack, they stopped the attack at the same time, and then said "Is this time?" Isn't it your turn?" He looked at his two partners with an attitude.

"What? Have your efforts to 'save the world' ended here?" Thanos moved his arms and looked around at the three mechas that were still vaguely surrounding him: "I suggest you go home as soon as possible and spend more time with me. Stay with your friends, family and loved ones until I find the last [Infinity Stone]."

No one responded, no one stepped back.

Swish swish - swish!

In the distance, Gray Feng, who was flapping her flaming wings, was still chasing Dr. Qiyi with her flaming sword. While attacking, she could easily wave away various small spells cast by Dr. Qiyi in order to contain her son.

"I think you may have some misunderstanding about what I said, 'Killing half of all life in the universe.'" Thanos raised his arm armor: "It's not something I and my fleet did personally, but some kind of To obliterate the rules, all you need to do is gather six [Infinity Stones] that symbolize the basic energy of the universe, snap your fingers, and modify the rules of the universe itself to 'no automatic machines and artificial intelligence are allowed to exist', and we are preparing to destroy the entire universe. The 'reapers' who 'harvest' will be wiped out in ashes. In order to achieve this goal, sacrifices related to this knowledge are naturally acceptable. I can guarantee that there will be no pain in this kind of erasure."

"[We will defeat you, and then defeat the Reaper.]" Iron Man responded.

"It's ridiculous. I collected statistics just after I made statistics on the strength of all the forces in the current universe that might resist the Reapers - including my Dark Order - and I was convinced that you would not be able to resist this round of 'harvest'." Infinity Stones], I don’t know what basis you have to be so confident. Blind confidence is arrogance, and this kind of unfounded arrogance is useless except for making your civilization be destroyed by the Reapers faster.” Thanos said.

"There's always another way," Renault said.

"Then come up with your solution, cowboy," Thanos glanced at him: "You are satisfied with realizing your own cheap justice and morality, and placing your hope in 'future possibilities' that you don't even believe in. Then, when you When you are cornered by the Reapers and learn that the correct solution has eluded you, no matter how much you hate yourself for saying, 'There is always another way,' it is of no use."

"Shut up! You big purple sweet potato!" Tychus huffed and dressed roughly: "We are warriors! We should be wrapped in horse leather! Die on the battlefield! Instead of using the lives of the people we are supposed to protect to gain a victory without glory! "

"You seem to call yourself a mercenary?" Thanos teased,

Then before Tychus retorted angrily, he continued: "I have nothing to refute for the reason of glory. However, when you choose to fight for glory, go through countless tragic battles, and finally swallow your last breath in front of the endless mechanical army of the Reapers. When you take a breath, I hope you can tell the countless dead souls who are waiting for you what 'Glory' means to them."


"Silence is your answer."

The battlefield fell silent for a moment, with only the sounds of chasing and escaping still going on in the distance.

"[We still have 'heroes',]" Iron Man said: "[We already have a team of heroes who went to the Reapers' homeland by reverse-engineering the repeaters, and another team of heroes who are used to resist the invasion of the Reapers. They are being formed, and their members are all extraordinary people with combat power that far exceeds that of ordinary people.]"

"Oh? So what?" Thanos looked at Iron Man.

"[There are 'Infinity Stones' in this universe that can rewrite the basic rules, so magical items of the same level as them must also exist. Perhaps the birth of the 'Reaper' relies on one of them," Iron Man said in a calm and confident tone. A coherent voice analyzed: "[You say we are arrogant and have no plan, but you also cannot prove that your plan to 'collect infinite gems' is the only solution to fight against the Reapers."

Thanos stared at Iron Man, his expression gradually darkening.

"[Our hero team will also work hard to find things similar to the 'Infinity Stones' when assisting various civilizations in the galaxy to resist the Reaper attack,]" Iron Man said: "[You said that after collecting six Infinity Stones, as long as You can change the rules of the universe with a snap of your fingers, but this behavior is more like 'sending a request'. We can find other 'senders', and even find ways to directly modify the rules of the universe and make some more gentle settings. Rather than your crude plan that costs half the population.】"

"Yes, I almost got caught by this purple sweet potato spirit," Tychus shouted: "Why did we come to this universe? Isn't it because Sarah thinks it's too troublesome to tear up the reapers with her hands, and she wants some Revelation to relax. Wait a minute - wait, Sarah seems to have no pressure at all to beat this guy, right? Is he afraid of being retaliated by Sarah so he doesn't hit us harshly? "

"...Hmph," Thanos glanced at Tychus: "It seems that the intuition of people with low IQs is more accurate, but it is not that easy for the Queen of Blades to defeat me."

"Does that mean it can be defeated?" Renault instantly became energetic, "Let's go! Tychus! Reaper or something, go back and discuss a solution with Sarah, and stop this guy from getting the gem first!"

"Your stomach is really bad." Thanos raised his fist and purple light lit up.

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