The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and seventy-eight, civil war (18)


Sanctuary One.

"Lord Thanos! You can't blame me for this. We listened to Ebony Maw, locked the energy of the Time Stone and used psychic jump to track it. Theoretically, it should appear on the face of that 'Doctor Qiyi', but -" Keep it As soon as Proxima Centauri with black twin tails appeared from the "Altar of Heroes", he yelled at Thanos, trying to clear up the relationship. In the middle of the sentence, he suddenly discovered Gray Wind: "Which universe did you bring this from? The little girl?"

"The Dark Souls universe." Thanos responded casually.

"Hello, my name is Gray Feng." Gray Feng lifted the hem of his skirt.

"Okay, it's normal to have six of the five Obsidian generals." Night Proxima turned his eyes and looked around, and found Black Dwarf and Deathblade General: "The group was destroyed? Black Dwarf is just more durable, but always It can be beaten to death. What’s wrong with you, General Deathblade? Isn’t it said that ‘the sword is there and the man is there’?”

"What else can you do? Are you satisfied that you were beaten up with both men and swords?" General Deathblade replied angrily.

"Well...seeing that you are already miserable enough, I won't laugh at you, and continue to grab time when you are ready-" Midnight Proxima Centauri suddenly noticed the five gems in Thanos' hand. : "Uh... you've already grabbed the gem..."

"Have you never thought that the 'Time Stone' itself might allow the holder to predict your clumsy tracking? And then use the trick to throw you in front of someone who can kill you? But that is no longer important now." Sa North raised his arm to demonstrate: "Now only the 'Space Stone' is left to achieve the final goal. I have asked the superstar to go to the front line. Do you want to stay and rest or go with us?"

"I'm going! Hmm..." Proxima Centauri shouted, then turned around and poked the black dwarf next to him as if thinking of something: "Self-destruction will take a lot of effort, right? If you haven't recovered yet, you don't have to follow me this time. .”

"[Roar——]" Black Dwarf patted his chest hard.

"It seems he can still fight, Lord Thanos, we..." Proxima Centauri suddenly raised his eyebrows and looked around again: "The guy with random ideas from Ebony Maw was afraid of being beaten to death by us, so he didn't dare to come back. ?”

"He was beaten away by two 'heroes' and should be being hunted now," Thanos said: "It just saved me the chance to think of a way to fend off those two 'heroes'."

"Oh... okay, then where should we go next?" Dark Night Proxima turned the spear in his hand.

"Go to the Galactic Center." Thanos raised his hand and drew a star map overlooking the Milky Way in the void in front of him. On it were dozens of blood-red arrows extending outward from the Galactic Center, occupying the galaxy along the way, and all kinds of The "territory" of civilization and power is in a mess: "Now that the 'Reapers' have started this round of 'harvesting', all the troops accumulated for 50,000 years should have been launched as expected, and some of the remaining 'security' The Reapers are busy dealing with the heroes and the Awakeners who broke in from Omega Four. Now it seems that there are not enough troops to prevent us from defeating and controlling the largest force in the main universe, even if the machines The Emperor wants to create or activate new reapers to deal with us, but the 'hackers' who are wreaking havoc in the virtual dimension will only think that the target is themselves and will never give it this chance."

"As expected of Lord Thanos!" Proxima Centauri praised first, and then asked doubtfully: "But what about the 'space gem'?"

"[The Space Stone] is in the Citadel, kept by the AI ​​'Catalyst' that controls the operation of the Galaxy's Mass Effect Relay," Thanos replied: "Its situation is rather special because it exists in all uses at the same time.' In Mass Effect Jump's Mass Effect core, the manager AI must be voluntarily handed over according to preset logic, and cannot be obtained through robbery, which means snatching and controlling all the repeaters in the entire galaxy."

"Understood, we have to destroy all the repeaters so that it has nowhere to escape." Dark Night Proxima clapped her hands.

"That's not much less than the workload of total control!" General Deathblade couldn't help but interject.

"We don't have to do anything to it," Thanos shook his head: "The existence of the 'Mass Effect Repeater' and the 'Citadel' was originally intended to bring the development direction of civilization in each reincarnation closer to the same direction, so that it can be ' Reaper's harvest is itself part of the harvesting cycle. When the heroes who enter the center of the galaxy finally discover this fact, there is about a one-third chance of completely destroying it, allowing future civilizations to develop new technologies. With the use of aerospace means, when the repeater no longer exists, we will be able to obtain the 'space gems' that have no use."

"Where are the other two thirds?" Proxima Centauri asked.

"Perhaps to control the Reapers, or to merge with the Reapers, it depends on whether the work of the Superstar is successful," Thanos said: "If those 'heroes' choose these two branch routes, it will not be the same for us. It's just a matter of waiting a little longer. No one can afford to control so many Reapers at the same time. Choosing to control means gaining control of the Reapers for a period of time at the cost of annihilating one's own consciousness, but eventually these powers will return to In the hands of the Catalyst, merging with the Reapers will only lead to those half-human, half-machine 'new species' becoming the new Reapers after an unknown number of years."

"Well... every universe we have experienced seems to have similar things," Proxima Centauri touched his chin: "A 'Doomsday Judgment' that will lead to the destruction of the world and leave all indigenous people helpless, for us It's a useful tool, and the means to eliminate the inevitable 'doomsday' is quite simple for us."

"I very much agree with this." Hui Feng, who had been listening quietly, interjected: "If you limit your vision to a certain world, there may be countless almost unsolvable difficulties. But once you jump out of that world, the so-called difficulties and troubles are just A little problem."

"Your words make it impossible for me to judge for the time being whether the adults abducted you before or after saving your world." Dark Night Proxima tilted her head to look at Gray Wind.

"Perhaps it's still in the process of rescue?" Gray Wind winked at her.

"In short, our next task is to control or completely destroy the 'Reaper's' host to ensure that when the 'heroes' decide the fate of the 'Reaper', it is us who are responsible for the execution and use this to obtain the [Space Gems]." Thanos concluded.

"As always, through the invisible means of Antelope Corner, he has taken the threat to the world into his hands. He is worthy of Lord Thanos." General Deathblade, who finally found a chance to speak, took the opportunity to take a shot.

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