The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and seventy-nine, civil war (19)


Omega Galaxy, Kronos Space Carrier.

After the mothership was attacked, SCP's special department "Cerberus" was fully operational with extremely efficient execution.

That is an unknown, extremely powerful civilization or race that is not in the Citadel database.

Although the "Human Alliance" has similar attributes, because of its blood connection with the "Earth Alliance", there is no possibility of "enemies" with them from the beginning.

But the forces that call themselves the "Dark Order" are different. They almost clearly show hostility and even murderous intentions.

Although General Grissom's "Magic Fleet", Sharon and her tactical team, and "Iron Man" Jin Gu happened to be on board, the attack was stopped in time, and the cadres of the Dark Order were defeated. Kill or drive them away, but the destructive power they can cause alone is still quite amazing.

What's even more worrying is that they were able to use the ring-shaped spacecraft to trap "Kronos" with extraordinary accuracy. This means that not only are their individual soldiers powerful, but their troops and technology are also extremely elite and advanced.

Although the cadres of the Dark Order mysteriously turned into black ashes and disappeared after being killed, the images left behind during their battles and the almost completely captured battleship can help the technological development of the Star Alliance. A leap.

However, there are gains and losses. In the face of this new threat, if the Star Alliance wants to seek help from the Citadel Council, it means that they have to hand over the battleship, or at least conduct "joint scientific research", and those The great enemy currently only cares about itself, and the Citadel Council civilization, which is dragging its feet in dealing with the Reapers, will never allocate manpower to help solve this "humanity's own threat" other than taking the opportunity to share technology.

Then, the only partner that can be chosen is "People's Alliance".

"The galaxy is facing a new threat, Ms. Kerrigan," Jack Harper sat in the moderator's seat and said to the "People's Alliance" representative in front of him: "We need to unite to find a solution."

"If I heard you correctly, Mr. Illusive Man," said Sarah Kerrigan, who had flaming hair and burning eyes and was wearing a pure white formal dress, leaning on the back of the seat with her arms around her in a lazy posture: "Your so-called 'solution' is for me to give up my own defense and go with your children to help those aliens who 'only care about themselves'?"

"This is the solution to the 'Reapers'," Jack replied: "For those 'Dark Orders', we have to rely on a team of powerful extraordinary people."

"If I remember correctly, I just sent the little princess of the Terran Republic into such a team not long ago." Kerrigan responded.

"That's different," Jack naturally had a plan for this: "Compared to frontal assault, the team led by Kangna is more suitable for infiltration and destruction. This is related to their original mission - 'investigating infiltrators' , judging from the fact that the Reapers launched an attack shortly after they passed through the 'Omega 4 Relay', they obviously hit the key points of these mechanical monsters. While they continue to operate, we also need to harvest them on the frontal battlefield. I want you to be more serious, instead of hiding in your turtle shell like those members of the Citadel Council."

"In other words, your team will not only kill the 'Reapers' that are raging everywhere, but also rush to the location where the Dark Order appears and snipe them?" Kerrigan turned slightly sideways and held his own with the back of his hand. Face: "I don't want to be led by the nose."

Jack was not sure what Kerrigan's attitude was, so he continued to follow the predetermined persuasion plan: "Of course, this is just a preliminary plan. After we confirm the purpose of the Dark Order, we will sniper them in a planned way according to their purpose. , destroying the Reapers is just a convenience."

"As far as I know, people from the Dark Order rushed into your spaceship, smashed, looted and escaped." Kerrigan raised her finger: "How are you going to determine the purpose?"

"Those are just soldiers,

At most, he can be considered an elite, someone who doesn't say much and just starts fighting." Jack responded: "The strongest combat force on our side. 'Iron Man' and 'Captain America' are hunting down their commanders. According to experience, the senior leaders or think tanks of these huge forces like to announce their plans to the enemy in order to enjoy the pleasure of the enemy knowing that they will be attacked but unable to defend themselves. It's very annoying. However, they may know the upper limit of our combat power, but they certainly don't know how powerful Ms. Kerrigan is. "

"Oh? Really? Tell me." Kerrigan asked, seemingly interested.

"Although we don't know the specific structure of the 'Kprulu Sector', the Tyranid Republic and other forces are still technology-based, right?" Jack said: "Under this premise, 'Omega' There is no regular garrison, which is enough to prove that Ms. Kerrigan, your personal strength is enough to match a conventional fleet, and destroying the Reaper warship with your bare hands is about as easy as breathing for you."

"Uh-huh, keep going." Kerrigan said noncommittally.

"'Cerberus', as a team that specializes in finding and cleaning up the 'civilized', is very aware of how unpredictable the Reapers' 'civilization' abilities are. However, our diplomats stationed in Omega have never received any information from Omega. There are reports of people being enlightened in Omega, which proves that not only do you have the ability to be immune to mental interference, but you can even spread it and protect other people," Jack said: "However, this ability should have a limited range. During the period you leave Omega , in addition to sending our superpower fleet to defend, we will also station Cerberus agents to protect the residents of Omega and detect and prevent any 'civilization' in time."

"It sounds like you're trying to sideline me." Kerrigan replied in a way that made it unclear whether he was joking or not.

"This is the most critical point," Jack said in a deep voice: "You seem to have a sense of ease in everything. This is especially obvious when you can easily send the sister of the President of the Republic of Korhal away. We are bold By inference, if Miss Emile Mengsk is in danger, even if she is far away in the center of the galaxy, you can rush to her side in an instant and take control of the situation."

"..." Kerrigan sat upright and put down the arm supporting her cheek: "You know what? I originally planned to accept your invitation, but I would only show the ability you 'think I have', because I have my own My mission is not to use it to play a little game of saving the world with you, but now that you have revealed this, you must come up with a reason that can really impress me."

"about this……"


A halo of sparks suddenly appeared in the conference room, and then, a thin-faced man wearing a blue robe and a red cloak stepped out of it.

"The leader of the Dark Order is 'Eamon'." He said.

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