The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and eighty, civil war (20)


"Indeed, it's 'Eamonn'."

After repeatedly observing the attack and defense of Kronos, the ring battleship attack, and most importantly, the attack and defense of the emerald grassland planet, Kerrigan nodded slowly, and then said:

"His voice is basically the same as the 'Voice of Darkness', and he also has the appearance of the Dark Protoss, and he also has the traitor Tal'darin of the Protoss and Dr. Narud who has been working for Amon. Although the 'Death Leap' The form of expression is a bit strange, but that may be what it looks like after being improved by him."

"Protoss?" Jack asked.

"The aliens who live in seclusion in the remote corners of the Koprulu sector are said to be one of Aemon's creations, the descendants of the greenskins he showed you," Kerrigan said while thinking: "It seems , before they differentiated into the branch of protoss, they deviated on their own to the route of 'mechanization' and 'reaper'. This fact actually completes the contradictory part of the historical records of protoss."

"After we helped the protoss eliminate the 'zerg', maybe he felt that the protoss was the right choice, so he planned to eliminate all machines and let the world develop towards the 'magic side'?" Next to Kerrigan, wearing black armor The man said.

"Oh, don't be stupid. Even if he plans to support the protoss, he will not choose the few orthodox protoss left. Didn't you see the Tal'darin named 'Aranak'?" Kerrigan sneered. : "As expected, after we eliminated the Insect Saint, Dr. Narud escaped from the Koprulu sector and secretly developed his current form to Eamon who didn't know where, and even found a few 'Infinity Stones'. Don’t think it’s a good thing that he’s trying to destroy the Reapers. It’s just because he himself is afraid of these master-devouring mechanical creations. He must use the original power of the universe to destroy them and wipe out half of the population of the universe. In this way , a civilization that suddenly loses mechanical assistance cannot be the opponent of his 'Dark Order'."

Since he didn't know anything about "protoss history" or "zerg", Jack couldn't get in the conversation at all. However, he somehow felt that the man who called himself "Jim Raynor" was a little guilty and even short of breath when facing Kerrigan. What do you mean by flattery, um... henpeck?

"How is it? Mr. Illusive Man?" Kerrigan changed the topic and looked at Jack: "Although it is not complete, you should have understood the history and background of the enemy you chose, facing an old monster who has lived for an unknown period of time. , your determination to form a team to fight against it still hasn’t wavered?”

"No, of course not, or in other words, my determination has become stronger." Jack smiled and turned to look at the person sitting next to him: "Facing such an extremely powerful enemy, ordinary troops are useless, and extraordinary forces must be used. People come to fight against extraordinary people, such as you, Ms. Kerrigan, who can tear crops with your hands, and this...'Mage Supreme' who can teleport people thousands of miles to the intended target."

It was this tall and thin man wearing a blue robe and a red turban who sent Renault, Tychus and Jingu back through the portal like a ring of fire.

No matter how it is verified, the person who claims to be "Dr. Qiyi" and "Supreme Mage" is Harold Winston, who once worked at the model-controlled life moon base, but the "magic" he possesses is also real. After learning magic for less than five years, the previous "Supreme Mage" even chose to pass the throne to him. This is enough to prove that this man who might have died as a "growable android expert" is actually a genius. Magician.

"No, I can assist you at some point, but I will not join your team." Dr. Qiyi heard this and shook his head repeatedly: "The duty of the 'Supreme Mage' is to maintain the security of the dimension. Between creatures of the same latitude, no matter what, Life or death, the 'Supreme Mage' will not interfere."

"But..." Jack raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"Thanos is different," Dr. Qiyi continued as if he could predict his words: "Although he was born in this dimension,

But the power they possess comes from the dark dimension. Mages can basically do this by borrowing power from other dimensions, as long as they can pay the price without having too much impact on this dimension. But Thanos is trying to use this This kind of power affects the entire dimension. As the 'Supreme Mage', I have the responsibility to stop him. "

Another bunch of unfamiliar terms... Jack tried his best to understand, and finally came to the conclusion:

"That is to say, you will only help when this 'Thanos' and his 'Dark Order' take action. You will not participate in any battle with the Reapers."

"Yes, the Supreme Mage and Karma Taj have maintained the security of the dimension for who knows how long, but they have never stopped the 'Reaper' in any way, because that is a matter within the dimension and should be resolved by the dimension itself." Qiyi The doctor nodded.

"But as far as I know, before you encountered Thanos, you were going around warning civilizations about to be attacked by reapers to defend themselves, right?"

Jin Gu, sitting on the other side of the conference table, interjected.

Among the "superhumans" present, Jack was only familiar with the "Iron Man", but until he saw him "chop" the arrogant Thanos, he always thought that he was really just a warrior who relied entirely on combat. A's nouveau riche.

Judging from the miserable condition of his body at this moment, he should be a typical superpower with high attack and low defense. He originally made the steel armor just to improve his defense ability, but he didn't expect that the armor was too powerful and it could crush him alone. Overwhelming the vast majority of enemies, he never found a chance to display his own abilities—until Thanos, who believed the same, dismantled his armor.

To use a metaphor... After peeling off the shell of an egg, a hedgehog emerges from it.

"I am indeed the 'Mage Supreme', but before that I was still a human being," Dr. Qiyi sighed: "I will not use any power belonging to the 'Mage Supreme' to fight against the Reapers, but that does not mean I can't use the power that's 'my own'."

"But all your magic was taught by the former 'Supreme Mage', and the 'fake time stone' was also given to you by her." Jin Gu seemed to have made up his mind to argue, and he didn't know if he was venting his anger in the video of Dr. Qiyi. He was included in the plot against Thanos.

"It is true," Dr. Qiyi responded: "It is one of the means given to me by the teacher to fight against Thanos, but after analysis, I am convinced that it is to use the power of the time stone to warn various civilizations that the planet reapers are about to launch Attack' is a necessary condition to attract Thanos to attack me and defeat him."

...What a cunning mage.

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