The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and eighty-one, the hero never returns (1)


Galactic center, matrix?

"Sister~ I'm here to visit again~"

Kangna stepped into the white circular room with monitors on all four walls and loudly greeted the "original" who looked exactly like Illya when she grew up.

"[...I told you not to call me that.]" The original, who was observing the contents of the surrounding monitors, sighed.

"Then I call you 'Mom'?" Kang Na tilted her head.

"[No, isn't this more serious?]" The original one looked at Kangna: "[I think you did it on purpose.]"

"Hey~" Kang Na raised her fist and knocked on her head.

"[...I really should record your appearance at this moment and send it outside to show those who regard you as their savior.]" The first work seemed even more helpless.

"Okay, sister, let's get down to business." Kangna straightened her expression and became more serious.

"[It was very natural to ignore the question of the title...]" The original one shook his head and raised his hand to project a huge star map in front of him, including the entire galaxy: "[Take a look.]"

"Hehehe~" Kangna smiled and leaned over and began to observe the notes on the "Galaxy".

Of course, Kangna didn't call this mysterious girl "sister" just to get close to her. When she met her a month ago, she had already explained their relationship succinctly.

From the "original work" to the "last work", there are a total of six girls of similar age in the universe, all of whom are the incarnations of [Lin Hao] that supernatural beings are looking for. However, except for the "first work", other incarnations Her personality template is not set according to her own personality. When it comes to Kangna, even the incarnation itself is no longer "created" by her personally, but is only given the corresponding "person" and attention. Otherwise, , ordinary androids created with the personality template of Sophie, who is also extremely high in personality, will not be able to awaken their self-awareness even if they encounter the "source of fire", "cosmic cube" and "soul gem".

The purpose of creating them is undoubtedly to "save the world."

From this relationship point of view, there is no problem for Kang Na to call her "sister" in the original work, and her character is basically set according to "Lin Hao". It seems that calling her "mom" is also OK.

But the first work clearly told Kangna that her behavior was moving closer to the "root of the world", which would eventually lead to her being like the "first five games", after a certain vigorous "saving the world", she would emerge from the "surface of the world" "Disappearance—disappearance in the true sense, even the fact that it "existed" will no longer exist.

By then, if they were not powerful enough to forcibly break through this "disappearing" existence, they would not be discovered at all.

However, according to this statement, the original work herself is also in a state of "disappearing", so what did she save deep in the matrix at this time?

Regarding Kangna's problem, the original work only switched the monitor in the room to the "Reapers" that were wreaking havoc across the galaxy, and then spread their hands.

Unexpected, but also reasonable, this kind of mechanical civilization that usually stays in the center of the Milky Way and only goes out to harvest once every 50,000 years, with no development at all, can sustain this kind of reincarnation so many times?

Once they left, a new space civilization was born. This new civilization took nearly 50,000 years to develop to its peak, and then directly smashed these old antiques when they emerged. Isn't it a very reasonable development?

However, because they were brought back from the brink of destruction by a being of too high a level, this possibility did not exist from the beginning.

However, the original work did not save those ugly "Reapers". When Kangna laughed at her taste, the original work added an explanation that what she saved was the maker of the Reapers, "Cyberlux", where It is the virtual space currently called the "Matrix", and the reapers' behavior of capturing the harvested civilizations into the virtual space is also influenced by their original creators.

As for those first aborigines,

Their minds are not strong enough to maintain themselves for such a long time, so most of them have fallen into a deep sleep, while the remaining small number have chosen to remain active even if their self-consciousness collapses and all memories are lost. The act is called "reincarnation" and is the reason why "The Matrix" sets time in the virtual world to a continuous loop.

As for the "original work" itself, it will wake up every time the reapers start to harvest the current civilization, which is at this moment.

According to the "syllogism" that "organic civilization will inevitably create mechanical civilization and then destroy itself", the Reapers accurately harvest every civilization that enters space and then merge it into the virtual world of the galactic center.

At that time, when Kang Na questioned why she didn't do something, Chu Zhi used the monitor next to her to show her what happened in several reincarnations.

Although the original work was very clear that it was not "destroying the world", it could even be said to be "saving the world" to some extent, but those harvested civilizations would not think so, and they would try their best to resist and fight. And in the process, a lot of heroic deeds and highlight moments emerged.

The original work was touched by these, and took the initiative to control and try to stop the reapers' actions, hoping to allow these civilizations that tried their best to survive to survive.

Since the Reapers themselves are acting according to a predetermined program, there is no reason why they must do this. Rather, it would be troublesome for them to harvest an entire galaxy of creatures and then merge them into the matrix. After being interfered by the original , and retreated decisively.

But the result was different from what was expected, either because the potential was exhausted when resisting the Reapers, or the suppressed conflicts suddenly broke out, or even because of a famine or plague, these civilizations that had not been "harvested" were replaced by the Reapers. After the retreat, it died out at an extremely strange speed, and then a new round of civilization appeared.

The first game naturally didn't believe in this evil, and the second game even completely banned the Reapers from appearing outside the Galactic Center.

This time, the galactic civilization finally achieved vigorous development. Even after the scheduled fifty thousand years, there was no sign of decline. Then, under the unbelievable eyes of the original work, they created a new mechanical civilization and transformed Destroyed himself.

After this new batch of reapers wiped out the civilization of the entire galaxy, they came to the center of the galaxy to join Big Brother.

After several times, the original work discovered that she, who was deep in the matrix and could only control whether the Reapers would attack, could not prevent the destruction of galactic civilization. In the end, she chose to let it go and wake up every 50,000 years to see what happened. An epic war movie that inevitably ends in tragedy and then goes to sleep.

But this time, it seems to be different. First, Kelly Kamsky was involved in the subspace storm, which not only triggered the "Ghost Signal" incident in advance, but also gave himself a slight sense of "existence" - because he His daughter "Ilya Kamsky" looks almost exactly like him.

Then, the "last work" Kangna appeared, not only successfully solving the "ghost signal", but also participating in and solving many events that may lead to the destruction of the current civilization. It is obvious that [Lin Hao] finally believes that the behavior of the "Reaper" is "Destroy the world", I want to correct it.

Although the "original work" has a very high status, it was born in this world after all. Even if it has the same personality, it is impossible to understand [Lin Hao]'s motivation, and several little girls in Yunzhong City cannot connect with it. This "non-existent" place of hers.

Therefore, when Kangna first arrived at the Galactic Center, she looked for an opportunity to take her, who had a similar identity, to the depths of the matrix to reveal the nature of the world to her.

Then, there was an extra "sister" who looked like brown candy.

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