The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and eighty-four, the hero never returns (4)


"Hey hey~" After being praised by the original work, Kang Na scratched her head: "With our current strength, after uniting the 'redundant data' forces, are there any chances of winning if we attack the controller of the matrix, 'Machine Emperor'? "

The so-called "redundant data" indeed refers to "Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters", or "Kama Taj" and "Supreme Mage".

Based on Kangna's understanding of it, it is obviously some kind of "surreal" existence, and it just actively joined the "redundant data" camp. However, because the main body of this camp was severely damaged, the result was that it was originally a fish in water. Instead, the small group became the main force.

Hmm... maybe this is the reason why Gu Yi left the burden of the Supreme Mage to Doctor Qiyi.

After dealing with agents in the Matrix and taking the opportunity to sneak around for a walk, Kangna discovered that neither the former nor the current "Supreme Mage" was in the academy. The person in charge was a handsome young man who called himself "Seraph". The big gun made him so skilled that the "anti-virus software" that Kang Na originally had to work hard to get couldn't hold up even half a move in front of him.

He took Kangna to meet Abby and Raven, who had grown up after not seeing each other for a long time, and made the decision for the "redundant data" forces to form an alliance with the Normandy side. As long as they start attacking the core of the matrix, the redundant data will also start simultaneously. Create chaos internally.

However, Kangna's recruitment of himself failed. Seraph claimed that his force would only be used to protect "Kama Taj" and would never take the initiative to leave the academy and take action against the Matrix.

Raven said with great interest that she could now control a large number of Reapers at once, and planned to join in the fun, but was rejected by Kang Na.

Just kidding, a group of reapers gathered with an obvious purpose appeared on the battlefield, it would be strange if they were not targeted by both sides.

As for the target of the attack, "Mechanical Emperor", it is just a name that Zion takes for granted. The management model of Gestalt consciousness clusters such as the Matrix and the Reapers cannot be imperial. If you insist on saying so, "Mechanical Emperor" can be called a A "host" follows predetermined logic to hunt down hackers and harvest civilization.

Simply destroying it is meaningless. After countless reincarnations of development, it cannot still be an existence that relies on hardware. If Zion destroys or controls it, it will at most make the "Reaper" lose its command for a period of time. We will soon contact the "Mechanical Emperor" who has activated the backup host.

If you must do this, you must immediately send self-destruct commands to as many Reaper warships as possible after taking control and destroy them directly. However, this is still a temporary solution rather than a permanent solution. The huge productivity of the Galactic Center is enough to Enough troops have been accumulated before a reincarnation, and in this reincarnation, the conflicts suppressed due to the invasion of the reapers will break out again and get out of hand.

That's right, it's what the original game called "self-collapse", and Kangna can easily find a dozen reasons for the collapse.

"[Now, we can fight, but the losses will be heavy.]" Chu Zuo thought for a while and replied.

"Eh? Why? Our combat power has exceeded the number of Reapers deployed in the center of the galaxy, right?" Kangna poked at the combat power of the Reapers located in the center of the galaxy in confusion.

This value was originally 1024. Obviously the Machine Emperor didn't know how powerful the "Awakened One" was, so he just calculated it as high as he could, and then made up the whole number.

But after several updates, the Normandy Expeditionary Force has joined, and it has been surpassed in terms of numerical value alone. This does not include the number of Reapers that were destroyed in the Citadel and Zion.

Even so, will he lose?

"[Because what you plan to attack is the matrix host, it will take the initiative to send additional reapers when it detects this attempt.]" The initial effect looked at Kang Na with a look that said, "You can't even solve such a simple question."

"But... the total number of reapers in each harvest cycle is fixed, right?" Kangna asked doubtfully.

"[Then what do you think is done with the reapers that were not destroyed after each harvest?]" The original author asked rhetorically.

"...rebuild it?" Kangna asked in a tone that she didn't even believe.

"[The ones that are seriously damaged will do that, but more will be combined and transformed with each other to become a 'battery' frame or part of the mechanical planet. When you threaten the host, it can use these antiques to fight back against you. Although the combat power It's not as good as this reincarnation, but it's more than enough to make up for it in quantity.]" Shizuozuo replied.

"This question is out of line! Teacher!"

In a sense, the original work can indeed be called a teacher. She is like a teacher who gives students a paper with the theme of "Reaper Invasion, How to Fight the Enemy". The difficulty of the paper is not high, and you can fill in the blanks and choose Judgment, analysis and calculation are all available, and there are various problem-solving methods. However, the students did not see the preset logical traps in the questions and confidently filled in the wrong answers. The teacher was also helpless.

"[...]" The original one was stunned for a moment after hearing this title, then raised his hand to add a pair of square-framed glasses to his face, and then transformed a thin pointer on his hand, snapping Knocked on Kang Na's head: "[It's not over the top, think about it carefully.]"

"Ouch!" Kangna exclaimed, covering her head exaggeratedly, and then said while thinking: "Do we need to arrange troops to deal with the reinforcements summoned by the Machine Emperor when we attack it? No, Zion's troops are not that many. Or make the illusion that the target of the attack is not the host but somewhere else, and then suddenly attack and cut off its external communications? That’s not possible, there is a virtual dimension, so it’s impossible to cut it off, hmm..."

On the other side, the original work was playing with the pointer in his hand with great interest. Occasionally he raised his hand and waved it lightly as if he wanted to whip something, but there was nothing to whip around, so he tilted his head and started thinking, seeming to be wondering about this "want to whip" Where did the "human" behavior come from.

"Hey hey hey~" After thinking for a while, Kangna came to the side of the original work with a smile: "Teacher, can you highlight the key points?"

"[You obviously did this type of question in the last exam, how come you won't do it if you change the question stem? You need to think more~]" The original teacher said in a tone like a real teacher.

"Hmm...huh?" Kangna was not a real student after all. Although she no longer used the bionic body, her way of thinking and calculation was still there, and she quickly came up with the answer based on this too obvious prompt.

"Should we launch an attack on the Matrix host from the 'virtual dimension'? Just like how we blocked the attack on Zion?" After Kangna said a few words, the logic began to become smoother: "If the Matrix host will attack because of the enemy, If it increases its troops because of a threat, then if it launches an attack that poses no threat to it at all, it will not increase its troops. As the master of the virtual dimension, it is impossible for it to regard an attack from the virtual dimension as a threat. In other words, We should attack and control the Matrix host's software in the virtual dimension, and then destroy its hardware in the real dimension."

No questions were used, and it was obvious that Kangna was convinced of this battle plan.

"[Congratulations, you got the answer right~]" The original one clapped twice.

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