The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and eighty-five, the hero never returns (5)


Matrix, observation room.

"——So, we divide into two teams and launch attacks from the virtual dimension and the real dimension at the same time. This can ensure that the 'Mechanical Emperor' will not increase its troops."

"——What? Reinforcements? There are no reinforcements. The Reapers from the 'Outer Galaxy' are also launching attacks. It would be good if they can hold off those expeditionary forces and prevent them from returning to defense."

"——Everyone has tried to enter the matrix. Determine whether you are stronger in the real or virtual dimension. Our tasks on both fronts are very difficult."

The original work is watching Kangna arrange the duel through surveillance.

Here she only acts cute and coquettish, pretending to be a younger sister. But after I returned home, I became the commander strategizing, which was quite interesting.

Obviously, although he told her the origins of the "First Work" and the "Last Work", she still didn't have much understanding of this identity.

The monitoring of this "observation room" can not only passively accept the information obtained by the reaper army, but also use the idea of ​​​​the original work to explore specific places or people. Even if there is only one name, you can directly find them.

But if you really do that, there will be countless results due to too few qualifications, unless the owner of that name, such as "Kanna Shepard", has enough influence in the entire galaxy, any intelligent creature After hearing this name, she was the first thing that came to mind.

If you don’t limit the name, you can also vaguely search through specific descriptions. For example, in countless previous reincarnations, the items she retrieved more often include “lone hero”, “team command”, “group operations”, and “development of prehistoric ruins” ", "Cultivation of biological weapons", "Psychic awakening", "Development of mechanical intelligence" and so on.

These hobbies were evaluated by Kang Na as like watching "highlight moments", which is not a problem. After all, the development of the Milky Way will almost always follow the same trajectory under the deliberate guidance of the Reapers. There are too many similar things to watch. She is a little tired of aesthetics. Only the endless ideas of intelligent creatures can give her a sense of freshness.

This is also the reason why every time the Matrix harvests a round of civilization, it cleans the memories of the survivors of the civilization and merges them into the virtual dimension - those "planet hosts" with fixed programming have no ability to innovate at all and must rely on intelligent creatures to survive in various places. Only the inspiration that bursts out from different environments can make them go further.

Those strange "reincarnation worlds" in the virtual dimension are basically facts that have happened before. They were copied by the matrix and arranged and combined with members of different civilizations in the hope that they could come up with something new, although the probability is not high. , but the occasional spark of inspiration is still enough to allow it to gradually evolve.

However, although this method was quite effective at the beginning, as the duration increased indefinitely, even if the memory was cleaned regularly, those, uh, "reincarnators" would inevitably develop some kind of "drug resistance", and they began to Becoming able to find and act on the "optimal solution" and "standard answer" of each world as if instinctively, the virtual world experience again and again turned into a skilled worker assembly line, which directly led to the "inspiration" required by the matrix. Exhaustion, just like the development of civilization in the Milky Way. If the matrix had self-awareness, it would definitely lament that "good and evil will eventually be rewarded, and the way of heaven is reincarnation. If you don't believe it, look up and see who will be spared by heaven."

Unable to evolve, the Matrix is ​​about to become the same as the original work. It wakes up once every 50,000 years in order to gain some inspiration, but it seizes the last bit of "inspiration": "throwing into the world and cleaning the memory" in the "Reincarnation". "Plunging into the next world" adds a step to the cycle of "living through life in the 'normal world'".

It is difficult to say whether the reincarnations who provided this inspiration are saints or sinners, because after most reincarnations "live an ordinary life" in the virtual world created by the matrix, those "intuitions about the 'reincarnation world'" will disappear , the behavior when thrown into the matrix is ​​no different from that of a newcomer, and it can also provide "sparks of inspiration" for the matrix to use again.

As a result, this model became the operating law of the virtual world that is still used by the Matrix today.

Although this model makes it impossible for reincarnations to escape from reincarnation, they will get a stable life to rest after being unable to provide inspiration. Only the reincarnations who participate in it are qualified to judge their merits and demerits.

Oh, no, there are still people who can escape, such as those in Zion.

Any machinery may fail, even if the failure rate is as low as several decimal places, as long as it is not zero, it will happen one day.

I can’t remember the exact number of reincarnations in the original work, but the Matrix made a serious mistake when it put people into reincarnation again. It was supposed to put a reincarnation into a world where "human beings are controlled by machines and become energy batteries." world, but it seemed to have inexplicably confused the boundaries between reality and virtuality, directly "waking up" the reincarnator.

The man who was later called the "Savior" was originally habitually doing things according to the laws of the reincarnation world, but he soon discovered that something was wrong. The environment he was in was the "real world" rather than the "reincarnation world". After a brief period of confusion, After that, he immediately began to try to rescue his compatriots, bringing them out of the virtual world, dismantling the matrix equipment to arm himself, and establishing strongholds to rescue more compatriots. This group of people who had awakened from reincarnation called themselves "Awakened Ones."

On the Matrix side, there is no plan to deal with this kind of thing, and there is no way to deal with it. In other words, its way of dealing with it is to immediately create a lot of "human beings are controlled by machines, and the lucky ones escape and start to rescue their compatriots." In the world of reincarnation, it is best to experiment with how to deal with it.

This rare event provided a lot of fun to the original work, and also provided a rare intervention to prevent the matrix from taking back the "savior" too quickly. In the end, the "awakened ones" established a place called "Eden" home.

Then, it was no longer interesting. Because the living environment was too difficult, traitors appeared among those "awakened ones". They took the initiative to contact the matrix and sold the coordinates of Eden, just to reconnect to the matrix and enjoy the blessings.

The ridiculous part is that this traitor was rescued from the "normal world" and has no idea of ​​the cruelty and pain of the "reincarnation world". He really thinks that the matrix is ​​imprisoning them for power supply.

After this incident, the matrix gained more "sparks of inspiration" and concluded that regular "awakenings" would help evolution, and that the "awakened ones" should be captured after they were betrayed by the "traitors" .

The specific implementation method of this conclusion is... to pretend to be stupid. Even if the host knows the location of the "Awakened Ones" completely, the agents responsible for chasing and hunting them are completely unaware.

And this result caused new problems. When the host was deliberately out of sync, the "agent" began to become self-aware and vaguely perceived the truth about the "reincarnation world" and the "awakened one". However, this change was very slow. , it was only recently that Agent Smith's problems suddenly erupted.

To sum up, this reincarnation is obviously different from the previous ones. Not only did the "Outer Galaxy" hit the center of the galaxy, but "Last Work" was also involved, and she even brought some of her colleagues [Lin Hao] 】"people" who are inextricably connected.

Therefore, it is completely meaningless for Kangna to resolutely refuse her help and insist on fighting a good fight with their own strength.

The original work glanced at Kang Na's companions displayed on the surveillance screen one by one.

Emil Mengsk, Angela Kyrielight Ziegler, Tsukiyomi Kanna, Suzuko Yuriko, Kaos Reichtemu, Kedori Reichtemu, Naia Qiongqi.

These children with the label "shielding the same level of existence from observation" are really interesting.

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