The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and eighty-six, the hero never returns (6)


After stabilizing the battle line, Zion began to try to launch a counterattack against the Reaper army, with two lines going at the same time.

The realistic targets are those industrial planets that produce Reapers and Mechanical Octopus. The main purpose is to destroy the production line or simply take it for yourself. The enemies you will encounter are basically Mechanical Octopus and Reaper battleships.

The goal of the virtual dimension is to destroy nodes along the way and strive to destroy more control centers and paralyze the matrix's command system. The enemies here, in addition to "agents", come from various "reincarnation worlds" with strange shapes and abilities. Strange enemies.

The ultimate goal of both lines is directly at the matrix host "Grox". Judging from the time it takes for the former, it is basically equivalent to walking from the earth to the sun. Although there is indeed a threat, it will basically be ignored.

Starting from the virtual dimension, the difficulty of reaching the host's node in the virtual dimension is more than an order of magnitude lower. After all, "distance" is meaningless in the virtual world, but this kind of offensive is extremely difficult. After all, to harvest tin An's Matrix troops are all in a state of "pretending to be stupid", and the resources allocated to them in the virtual dimension are extremely limited. If these "awakened ones" who overestimate their capabilities think that this is the upper limit of force in the virtual world, and try to attack the Matrix through the virtual dimension, The master node launched an attack, and "Grox" with full power will definitely let them know what hell is.

Although the details and wording may not be consistent, the above should be the Matrix's idea. It will not increase troops on either side of the two fronts. It can be said that Kangna's plan has been half successful, but the remaining The next half depends on hard power.

The original work was thinking while looking at the surveillance screen.

Kangna's behavior of coming to find her is very similar to entering the cheat code that is displayed on the whole map in some real-time strategy games. Although it can gain a certain advantage, it is still very difficult to win with this, and it is obvious that there are "unlimited resources" "Cheats", "accelerated construction", "increased damage" and even "direct victory" were available, but she refused to use them, insisting on "fighting a good fight" to show to "my sister who is about to sleep again" .

This silly girl has obviously been an android for a while, but her way of thinking is still not rigorous enough. If she can fight a "good fight" and win, interrupting the reaper's harvest cycle, then there is no need for her to continue to sleep, and if she If she loses this battle - although the possibility is very small - her "secrets" will be activated to save her and then go into sleep, and she will not be able to see the "good fight".

The only possibility of achieving these two situations at the same time is if she fights a "good fight" and is about to win, but is suddenly defeated by some extraordinary and unpredictable external factors, and she has to intervene and then go into hibernation... It's impossible no matter how you think about it.

As for specific task arrangements...

The candidates who stayed in the "Citadel" and "Zion" for defense include Angela, Emil, Tsukiyoshina and Illya, mainly because of their obvious "Resurrection Level Healing", "Noon has arrived" ", "A powerful mecha that can self-destruct and reorganize itself", "The Force", "You can become a super powerful adult by drinking alcohol", such outrageous abilities cannot be realized in the matrix, but for some reason it is even more outrageous" "Absolute Defense", "Death Eye" and "Endless Appetite" can be used instead - probably because they come with "inevitable realization" prerequisites.

As for Illya, it was purely because Trinity wouldn't let her go, and she couldn't refuse her "mothers." The family comedy of the savior's family constantly cutting things off and getting into chaos is actually quite interesting, but after all, it's someone else's Privacy, in the original work, I glanced at it for a moment and then gave up observing it - if I continue to watch it, I will either be full of dog food or be overwhelmed by the sweetness.

The candidates who take the initiative in reality are Anna, Sam, Misaka Mikoto, Lina, Kaos, Kedori and Naia.

Anna and Sam are standard Star Alliance soldiers and cannot use any special abilities in the Matrix - healing grenades and sleep are useless against agents.

The reason for Misaka Mikoto's selection is opposite to that of the three little girls. She chose the real team because the "railgun" is more powerful in reality. Although the destructive power of this ability is exactly the same in the real and virtual dimensions, it is not the same in reality. Things that were damaged by the electromagnetic gun can be repaired by just "refreshing" them.

Lina... Although 90% of her reasons are that she must follow Mikoto, a little part is because her spatial ability is easily exploited in the matrix, especially after seeing Abi's "opening the door" ability.

As for the "Outer God Trio", their abilities are actually stronger in the virtual dimension, but after some private discussions with Emil and the others, they also found some excuses to join the attack team in the real dimension. If expected, he should be planning to hack into the matrix halfway and launch a surprise attack.

This resulted in that only Kangna, Gwen, Neo, and Misaka 10032 launched attacks at the virtual dimension level.

In addition to these "saviors" who are already very familiar with the matrix, 10032 joined as a terminal of the "Misaka Network". The special network composed of Misaka's sister androids is not limited by distance. The original task is to assist these A "Galactic Heart Expeditionary Force" was used to communicate with the "Outer Galaxy", but she didn't expect that she could also maintain contact with the Misaka Network after entering the matrix. This meant that when they were conquering those strange "reincarnation worlds", they had an extra "offsite" Rescue" option.

Although there are too many weird worlds, only a small part of the memes due to the spread of information have been reproduced by "Outer Galaxy" through novels, animations, games and movies. It is basically impossible to find every one of them, but it is better than nothing.

Well... although as soon as this lineup comes out, the first game can roughly judge what the specific fight will be based on the overall situation. Naturally, there is no "surprise" and "beautiful battle" when it is expected, but after all It's my sister's wish, let's... wait?

"Kelly Kamski! The hero's name is 'Batman'! His abilities are precise movements and heroic strength!"

"Misaka 10032! The hero's name is 'Misaka Sister'! Her ability is remote communication!"

"Connor Shepard! The hero's name is 'Savior'! His ability is to fly in the air!"

"Gwen Stacy! The hero's name is 'Spider Girl'! Her ability is to spray spider silk with a radius of 200 meters!"

"Okay! Let's go!"

Four people who were expected to attack from the virtual dimension stood in a row in the "connection program" and made a strange pose before entering the matrix together.

...You want to laugh Grox to death?

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