The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and eighty-eight, the hero never returns (8)


Mechanical Planet Defense Line.


"As expected of my sister!"

The Normandy II is like a petrel flying through the storm. In addition to avoiding the dense red laser fire of the Reaper warships, it can also use its thick and white "railgun" to launch attacks on the space fortress locked in this galaxy. .

Although sound cannot be transmitted in space, it does not prevent anyone who sees this ray of light from thinking about the sound effects and expressing their admiration.

Although this blow did not cause much damage to the huge space fortress, the "space anchor" covering the entire galaxy and allowing entry and exit was destroyed. Those who followed her were struggling to deal with the reapers. The Zion fleets have started short-distance jumps to leave this galaxy and go to the next mechanical planet.

The main gun originally equipped by the "Normandy II" was naturally a "mass effect cannon". This attack method has a very good killing effect on ships using "mass effect shields", but it is not effective against armor.

Due to the convenience of application and easy maintenance, nearly 90% of the ships in the "Outer Galaxy" are using this shield and main gun, but none of the "Reapers" are using it. Instead, they use ablation that is very unreasonable for space battleships. Armor and lasers targeting shields are undoubtedly part of the "harvesting strategy", which aims to suppress all galactic civilization fleets in terms of attack and defense.

However, the "Earth Guardian" obviously had a backhand when building this ship. Misaka Mikoto boarded the ship and after confirming the Reaper's defense methods, she tried to transform the main gun into a railgun, and then discovered the parts that needed to be modified. There are very few, and the whole process is extremely smooth, as if the ship was prepared to be modified into other types of main guns from the beginning of the design.

Obviously, the "Guardian of Heaven and Earth" knew who his enemy was from the beginning. Moreover, Yuriko Suzuko and Gwen Stacy, both of the two fronts against the Matrix actually had his people. Is it a coincidence or a far-reaching plan? Woolen cloth?

I casually glanced at the leader of the "Earth Guardians", Jin Gu, who claimed to be "Iron Man" and "Lock of the Sky", and found that he was with the Queen of Blades, Sharon Rogers, Ao Yuyu, Dr. Qiyi and other vests , under the leadership of "Illusive Man" Jack Harper, helped various races in the outer galaxy eliminate the threat of the Reapers, resulting in the outer galaxy's combat strength and combat readiness increasing.

Having become slightly interested in this, I started to search for information related to the "Earth Guardian". Although it would be more convenient to directly search Jin Gu's memory, since she is now in a "non-existent" state, if I do that, I will only It will turn this "Iron Man" into an idiot instantly, so it can only be observed through the specific behaviors of the relevant people.

It’s his true form, and he doesn’t have the label of “blocking observation at the same level”, but he doesn’t seem to be a native, not to mention that his “tentacle chains” that can cut Thanos into pieces are part of himself, and he seems to have precognition. The method used to strengthen the Uruk Group, just by suddenly forcibly reincarnating the heir of Uruk into a baby girl a few years ago, was already quite outrageous. Yuriko Suzuko once went to confront him, but the result was nothing. Now Drinking coffee with a stinky face all day long.

Well...mostly like "Batman" and "Joker", he has some understanding of the nature of the world, but he only has a superficial understanding. I hope his actions will not make him regret in the future.


The world of reincarnation "Jurassic Park".



"Using kung fu to defeat a bit..."


"It's more problematic to stab a dinosaur with a big sword on the back!"

Compared with the cosmic war in the real dimension, the team attacking from the virtual dimension made much less noise.

At least, it is much less noisy than the reincarnation world of deadly cold snaps, global tsunamis, falling comets, and super-large tornadoes, especially when there is a monster that keeps chasing behind it, howling "STARS".

That thing called "Chaser" is a type of "agent" or "anti-virus software".

Just like the Triangle Head of Silent Hill and the Ringwraiths of Middle-earth, they are methods of "oppressing reincarnations in a world that is inherently dangerous."

Not to mention anything else, the "Chaser" itself was created to track members of a special force called "STARS". When it is released into the world, the planetary host will assign it an initial motivation of "who is a member of STARS" , that is, who it will target first in this "reincarnation world", which can give other reincarnations a chance to kill it.

For the reason that "there will be no fatal situation", they do not have autonomous consciousness under the premise of adhering to the logic of pursuit. If the reincarnations get rid of them by their own abilities, the planetary host cannot provide them with perspective.

However, because Kangna and others wanted to destroy the communication center at that time, and Zion was not connected to the Internet, it was a no-man's land for the planet host, so the logic module pulled out and selected all humans as "STARS members."

They are all targets, which means there is no priority, so the pursuer thought for a while with its poor little brain and decided to chase Kangna, who was wearing a police uniform and had stars on her body.

Then, until the virtual dimension team fought their way out of no man's land, they failed to hit it.

After leaving the "no man's land", you will naturally arrive at the "peopled land", and this "people", in addition to the reincarnations who are performing tasks, also refers to the "NPCs", that is, the identities of those "redundant data" before awakening. An unlucky guy who can be directly exchanged by agents or even take away his identity.

In a new world, if reincarnations are not intended to "survive in the wilderness", then it is always necessary to arrange NPCs to shape the worldview, provide information, help or hinder, but the form of existence is not necessarily certain.

As far as we know from the original work, in the beginning, when she was still the "incarnation of Lin Hao" and the reincarnation world was not yet called the reincarnation world, NPCs were existences that "will not act as long as they are not contacted".

For example, if she receives a mission to clear out twenty kobolds to help buy time for the village guards who are building a sentry tower, then when she kills the last kobold in the target, the sentry tower will be completed instantly, including the ones inside. The decorative guards have all been completed, and there is no such thing as "when I kill ten, I go back and find that the guard tower is already half-built".

This mode is indeed very convenient because there is no need to arrange the synchronization of building sentry towers, but it is only suitable for "single player". If everyone in a group takes on this task, and then the completion degree is uneven, it will cause some people to Some people can see the sentry tower, some people can't, some people go to other people in the village to help, and some people advance the sentry tower story line. In the most extreme case, no one in the team can see anyone else, which means there is an extra group. "Mirror".

The result is that after a period of time, when the number of reincarnations reaches a certain level, the reincarnation world collapses on its own, and it seems that a big hole is left for Lin Hao to escape. The original work is the self-awareness gained after that incident. .

After this incident, the Matrix came up with NPCs that "will act according to preset logic even if no one is watching", which is the predecessor of redundant data.

When there are reincarnators and NPCs in the reincarnation world, there will be a "reasonable plot" requirement. For example, in this world where "ancient dinosaurs are resurrected with fossils, causing them to flood the world", the appearance of a biochemically modified monster is equivalent to It was unreasonable, so the "chaser" who had never caught anyone retired honorably, and his position was replaced by a giant tyrannosaurus that had been specially alienated and had extremely strong vitality.

Then, he was beaten a hundred times by Batman and Connor.

When they destroyed the planet's host node and left, it was almost moved to tears - even though the Tyrannosaurus didn't have tear glands.

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