The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and eighty-nine, the hero never returns (9)


virtual dimension.

Neo, Connor, Gwen, and Misaka 10032 arrived in the world of "Hellgate: London", just one step away from the world where Grox lives.

Just like all the "reincarnation world" settings that have been explored along the way, this world is still full of elements of destruction and doomsday.

Only the ruins of the majestic city remain. During the wandering of demons and deformed monsters, magma, fire, sulfur and ashes filled the earth and sky. The survivors hid in underground shelters and huge subway lines, struggling to survive. At the same time, they are also trying every possible means to drive those "invaders" out of this world.

Unlike most previous worlds that were caused by natural and man-made disasters, the reason why this world is on the verge of destruction lies in its name - "Gate to Hell".

This is a planet with quite advanced mechanical science. It is only one step away from being able to travel into space. However, the sudden appearance of "gates to hell" around the world destroyed the possibility of its continued development.

It is a kind of "space crack" that shatters space like glass. They appear irregularly all over the world, and then they have a ferocious appearance, and all kinds of demons swarm out of them, killing mortals who are caught off guard.

The armies of various countries immediately launched a counterattack against the demons. Fortunately, these demons are not completely immune to high-tech weapons like the legendary monsters. They will still be injured and die if they are hit by bullets, and they will become... A puddle of minced meat, so after experiencing the initial chaos, humans temporarily formed a stalemate with the demons.

But, it's only temporary.

Humans will get tired, weapons will overheat, and ammunition will run out, but the number of demons is endless. What is even more desperate is that after they suffered from technological weapons, the demons that followed emerged from the "Gate of Hell" Targeted defenses began to appear on his body.

After using weapons of mass destruction several times with little success, the human army had to switch from an offensive posture to a defensive posture. In the end, it could only defend specific important cities with superior forces. Residents outside those cities could only Let them fend for themselves.

The only good news is that these demons do not seem to have a unified organization and goal. After emerging from the "Gate of Hell", they will only linger around the door they came out of, and will almost never leave if they are not attacked. The "sphere of influence" gave those survivors hiding in shelters and subway passages a chance to survive.

After further investigation, humans discovered that the "Gate of Hell" also has a scale. The smallest Gate of Hell only has a dozen or even single-digit demons pouring out at most. If this area is fenced off, you can even target demons in your free time. For fun, as for the largest Hell Gate, its scope of influence and the number of demons pouring out of it are simply difficult to count. If its location did not limit the area it can control, the coverage of this Hell Gate may even exceed its More than five times the existing control area.

Yes, as the name of the world goes, this gate to hell is in "London", and the British Isles are already completely a world of demons.

Faced with the invasion of demons, humans who had temporarily stabilized the front line were naturally unwilling to give up their homeland, and began to develop various weapons against demons and methods to destroy the "Gate of Hell". At the same time, perhaps the influence of demons continued to There are humans who have awakened "superpowers", and this superpower is also a weapon against demons.

In the end, after a special team took the initiative to enter a very small "Gate to Hell" and destroyed it, humans finally found a way to completely expel the devil:

Inside each "Hell Gate", there will be a varying number of "Hell Obelisks" depending on its size. As long as they are all destroyed, the Hell Gate will be closed and the demons pouring out of it will die instantly. But the problem The thing is, inside the "Gate of Hell", there are ten or even a hundred times the number of demons stationed there than the number of demons that emerged. To go deep into the "Devil Realm" and successfully escape after destroying the "Obelisk of Hell\

,"But it's an extremely difficult challenge.

This is one of the rare pure PVE (player versus environment) reincarnation worlds in the Matrix. The mission of the reincarnators is basically to protect a certain shelter from falling, or to conquer a certain "Gate to Hell", or even to simply kill as many people as possible. How much supplies does the devil collect?

Theoretically speaking, if you want to "clear" this world, you must close the largest "Gate to Hell: London", but so far no one has succeeded, and all major human forces have completely given up on conquering it.

And if Kangna wants to reach the next world, she must destroy the "Gate to Hell".

Maybe it's a coincidence... No, it's definitely Grox's deliberate arrangement. Although it is invincible in its own world, it is reasonable to arrange an extremely difficult challenge at the "doorway".

However, since he is a "savior", it is completely basic to do something "that no one in the world can do".

After traveling through so many reincarnation worlds, the behavior pattern of this team has been basically fixed: Kangna relies on her very friendly appearance to find people to talk to, Misaka 10032 searches for any works similar to that world through the Misaka network, Gwen Diao Spider Silk conducts environmental reconnaissance, while Neo uses his "data perspective" to observe and confirm the basic settings of the world.

"Hello, we are a new team of demon hunters here. Are there any demon settlements or demon gates nearby that pose a greater threat?"

"Oh? Doesn't the manager here not allow outside demon hunters to act without authorization? Which shelter does the manager settle in? Let's go visit."

"Thank you very much for your help. Here are the 200 magic crystals we got by killing the demon on the way here. Please be sure to accept it."

Look, when she was outside, she knew her identity as "bionic policewoman", "castle ghost", "savior" and so on. How could she act coquettishly and cutely when she came to the "monitoring room"?

The original one muttered while watching Kangna skillfully negotiate with the aborigines.

...Wait a minute, she seems to have a behavioral suggestion system. Could it be that the system thinks she has the temperament of a "teacher" and a "sister"?

No, no, how could a standard mass-produced product that every android has be able to analyze this "original work" of its own? Mostly it was Kangna herself who showed her true feelings, yes, that's it.

Watching Kangna finish talking to the wilderness sentry, rendezvous with the team members, and then head towards the nearby shelter, the original novel finally stopped doubting itself.

Speaking of which, what on earth are you worried about? Since Kangna is the "last work", she will naturally turn danger into good fortune, and no matter what difficulties she encounters, she will eventually save the world... Wait?

If you think about it carefully, it seems that she only has the "core" as her incarnation now? During the original "Battle of the Citadel", the android body had been "liquidated" and disappeared due to excessive use of the power borrowed from the "Second Game".

Therefore, she should have entered the state of "non-existence" from that time on like her "sisters" and stayed in the place where she disappeared, waiting for [Lin Hao] to recover, instead of inexplicably acquiring a human body and resurrection.

The person who presided over the resurrection work was the "Earth Guardian", also known as Jin Gu. He was not qualified enough to do such a thing, but... no matter how you check, all the records in the outer galaxy show that Kangna was in the Citadel. During the battle, he was hit by the wreckage of the Reaper warship and his life was in critical condition. He was rescued by the Earth Guardian for two years before he was successfully resurrected.

Those who knew Kangna since she was an android naturally didn't believe this, but Kangna's method of self-identification was too simple and crude. They finally used "Maybe the unique technology of the Earth Guardian can turn the android into a human." The excuses convinced themselves.

But how could the original work not know that the Earth Guardian did not have similar technology at all. Jin Gu really believed that he had resurrected Kang Na, which can be proved by the wording in his various correspondence documents.

In other words... there is someone similar to her, or even slightly higher than her, who interferes with Kangna? Only when she was vaguely aware of this did she take the initiative to care about Kangna without knowing it.

Who is it? The Ancient One? Or another "certain work"? They can't be the "Four Vendors" who were made into statues of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, right?

The original work began to swing back and forth on the chair, tilting his head to look around at the surveillance footage, but he still couldn't figure out the point.

"This is trouble." When the original work fell into self-doubt, Kangna and others had already roughly understood the "plot" of this world: "The node of the 'Planet Host' should be inside the 'London Gate', but based on the We simply can’t fight with our current combat power.”

"Perhaps we can encourage people in this world to organize an expeditionary force?" Misaka 10032 first thought of alliance.

"This team cannot be organized while other Hell Gates are still raging." Gwen disagreed.

"Then let's destroy all the other 'Gates to Hell' first?" Kangna suggested.

"[Time, we don't have that much time.]" Neo shook his head.

"Then, there is only one choice," Kangna paused: "Gather the 'heroes' of this world, organize a team, and launch an 'expedition' with no return."

"Why do I feel like this seems a bit familiar?" Gwen glanced at Kangna: "Is this the third time you have done this?"

"Actually," Kang Na curled her lips: "It's the fifth time."

"[There is no problem with the plan itself. Since the 'London Gate' has never been conquered in this world, there should be many people with certain strength and obsession with it,]" Neo adjusted his sunglasses: "[There is a list of personnel. ?】"

"Yes," Kangna nodded and opened the universal tool disguised as a local communication device: "There may be some missing, but these people have clearly expressed their hope to capture the 'London Gate'."

"Strategy?" Gwen muttered.

"At least that's what they said," Kangna cleared her throat and began to read the list: "Asuna, Kirito, Momonga, Albedo, Sora, Shiro, Yuri, Otonashi..."

With a bang, the first work fell from the chair.


"Illya——!" The girl swordsman with long orange hair and wearing soft armor with a red cross on a white background pressed the original head into her arms: "We have been looking for you for a long time, where have you gone? ?”

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The original creation was breathless and his hands were waving wildly.

At this time, although she still looks like silver hair and red eyes, she has shrunk by several years inexplicably. She does not wear a nun's uniform and a crown. This cute dress with light black gauze makes her look like... …Magical girl?

"..." The male members of the temporary team all showed expressions of "I don't know who to envy."

"Ha...ha..." After being released, the little face of the original work was already flushed: "TBC hasn't been updated in three years. Didn't we make an appointment with AFK to find new games to play? Obviously I can't find Ya. Sina, you guys!"

"Really?" The swordsman named Asuna asked doubtfully: "Our whole guild went to play 'SwordArtOnline', 'ALfheimOnline', 'GunGaleOnline' and 'UnderWorldOnline', and we recently found this 'Hellgate::LondonOnline' '."

"Oh...UnderWorld, no wonder," said the original author with a blank look: "I went to play StarCraft, StarCraftII, Diablo, DiabloII, DiabloIII, Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm..."

"Why do you think you're playing games that have nothing to do with World of Warcraft?" Asuna raised her hand and knocked on the head of the original game.

"Yeah, it doesn't matter..." The original one wanted to roll his eyes, but held it back for the sake of his image.

"Okay, okay, you are here, you must also want to conquer this super difficult game that is said to have never been conquered, right?" Asuna rubbed her head with her backhand.

The original work hummed twice, and when he raised his eyes, he saw Kangna winking at this side. Judging from the shape of her mouth, she was saying... [Sister, you are so cute].

"They are friends I met in other games, and they are also interested in 'London'," said the original author: "This game does not restrict bringing things in from other games, which means it is very difficult. If you want to challenge it, you can be prepared."

"You're kidding, who are we afraid of as a team of 'Blockers'?" Kirito hummed as he carried two black and white swords behind his back.

"'Ainz Ooal Gown' is the best in the world!" Albedo announced.

"Blank never loses!"

"The SSS team is the strongest!"

What a hassle...

The original one looked at the noise around him, and his companions who were incompatible with this world infested by demons muttered to themselves.

If he didn't come out, these old friends who were not discovered by Grox because they ran to the underlying logic "UnderWorld" would definitely be captured and become reincarnators.

Speaking of which, this account can still be logged in... It's obvious that the original boast about being a Galactic Alliance investigator has been exposed long ago.

Hey! Stinky bat over there, it’s your daughter who looks a lot like me, not me who looks like your daughter. Don’t just show your face that you are going to risk your life to protect this girl! I saved your life!

"Hello, we are Overwatch and Ilia's friends. Have you known her before?"

"Yes, yes, you don't know, Ilia, she was angry at the chat column back then..."

Kangna, don’t be so familiar!

Hmm... With the current team size, there is no problem in conquering "London Gate", but no one has watched the "Control Room". Gu Yi doesn't know where he went after skipping work. If someone wants to break the dimension of reality and virtuality now limit……

No one should be so bored, right?

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