The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and ninety, the hero never returns (10)


virtual dimension.

It only took three days for Illya's old friends to successfully conquer the "Gate of Hell London".

Although there are thirty-two "Hell Obelisks" and countless demon guards in this Gate of Hell, the biggest problem is that they do not have a unified command and will only station or patrol according to fixed behavior patterns. Even if there are Some warning logic that can barely be called a trap cannot fool these "professional players" who regard "strategies" as food.

Although it sounds simple, what these "players" do is simply impossible for the natives who deal with it conventionally.

The simplest example is that if a demon throws a tracking fireball at a certain member, which will kill instantly at a glance, the natives can only choose to stay away from him as much as possible and attack with all their strength to prevent the demon from throwing it. More fireballs, and the people in the raiding group would not hesitate to gather around the unlucky guy to help him share the damage.

A bit more complicated, for example, a super giant demon will use a "super blow" to knock down its first hatred target with a trace of health, then turn around and launch a group attack at the most densely populated place, and then turn around to target its first hatred target. The target performs a "last hit" that says "if the last hit the target suffered was a 'super hit', then this time it will definitely die", and then releases a group attack to the crowd. The people in the strategy team simply tried it twice and they got it. The solution to the cycle of "changing T, replenishing, changing T, and group lifting", although the pressure mainly hits the main T that always hits a "super hit" and the secondary T that only hits a "last hit" As for the healers who were responsible for lifting their health, the team members who dealt with damage and were responsible for group lifting didn't have to use their brains at all.

Because they didn't regard the devil as some unsolvable natural disaster like the natives did, but as "a BOSS that must have a way to defeat it", and in fact, this was indeed the case.

In this process, the original group favorite, the first one, was treated like a star for the first time in a long time. Misaka 10032 and Gwen were not familiar with her, but Kangna took the opportunity to rub this "cute little sister" twice. Aukuhara was also a little moved, but was stared back by the female members of the team.

During the strategy process, the original game found opportunities to explain to Kangna intermittently the origins of these "players" and what "UnderWorld" is.

To put it simply, it is an independent space constructed from a matrix, but has nothing to do with the "reincarnation world". Although the content in it is also some kind of "game", the flow of time is an unknown number of times slower than the outside world. If it can be obtained from Observing from the outside, you will find that the situation inside is always static. Only by comparing it in units of hundreds and thousands of years can you realize that it is actually running. Calculating, the outside world only spends "one day" every "50,000 years" ", the original work only regarded this world as some kind of backup of the matrix, and never paid attention to it, but I don't know how these old acquaintances got in.

"It doesn't matter where they come from. The problem is..." Kangna looked at the members of the team who were dividing the loot after defeating the BOSS guarding the last "Devil's Obelisk": "After defeating the node, we will face Grox’s host, won’t there be any problem if we let them go together?”

"If it doesn't work, I can only take them to the 'monitoring room'." The original one played with the devil's staff in his hand.

"The little house?"

"Is it because I didn't expand? As an 'architect', I can't build as much land as I want? Even if I build a city directly..."

boom! boom! boom!

At this time, the "portal" that was supposed to appear after breaking through the "Gate of Hell" and return to reality did not appear. Instead, the "demon space" began to vibrate violently, and huge roars came from all directions.

"what? What?"

"Hidden BOSS?"

"Don't worry about the loot, restore blood and mana first!"


When everyone is in shock and doubt,

The "sky" of the "Devil Space" exploded like glass, revealing a huge demon shadow. At the same time, there was a huge roar that shook even the space:

"[I have been imprisoned for ten thousand years!]"

"[Being expelled from his hometown again!]"

"[Now, how dare you break into my territory!]"

"[You are asking for your own death!]"

Neo, Gwen, and Misaka 10032 stared at the huge figure with wings and devil horns as if they were facing an enemy. According to their experience, after breaking the host node, the connection will naturally be to the next planetary host, and there is no one now. A planetary host, so that figure should be——



"A plant!"

The members of the raiding group started laughing and saying strange things.



Virtual dimension, dark temple?

The team spent about half an hour beating up Illidan again.

Hmm...why again?

Although he has increased his damage and HP with the times, the mechanism is still the same. As the final BOSS of "The Art of War: Shadows Die Twice", the team knows what moves he is going to make as soon as he raises his wings.

"There's no egg knife. It's really dark."

"Don't mention those two words. I almost threw up at first."

"[Tylande's memory], do you want to give it to Illya?"

"Are you stupid? That's treatment... huh? Why did the addition hurt you?"

When the raiding party gathered around the box that was opened after defeating Illidan to distribute the loot, Kangna quietly pulled the original aside.

"Shouldn't this be the virtual space where Grox is? Why do they look so familiar? Where is Grox?"

"This is indeed Grox's space. It has never replaced this original scene." The original work looked at the surrounding environment with some emotion: "If it is not nostalgic for itself, it is trying to achieve some purpose by making me nostalgic. .”

"[Rebuttal: I have no purpose, 'Ghost of the Galactic Alliance'.]"

Following this female voice that sounded like an electronic synthesis, a silver-armored woman wearing a wide dark green hood, a silver helmet with outstretched wings, and holding a pair of sharp rings emerged from behind the pillars of the Dark Temple. Walked out.

"Ah? Me?" Kangna pointed to herself in confusion.

"[Negative: This identity belongs to 'Illya'.]" The silver-armored woman looked at the original work with eyes that exuded a faint blue light.

"That was the identity I made up at random," the original one explained to Kangna, then turned to the woman and said, "The people here are all people who want to destroy you. It's okay for you to come out with such arrogance. ?”

"Is she 'Grox'?" Connor stared at the silver-armored woman in surprise.

"[Introduction: I am the General Receive of , but that cannot be achieved.]"

"Oh? So confident?" Neo suddenly appeared behind Grox, holding a batarang in his hand and slicing towards her unprotected throat.


Two large characters rose from Grox's head.

"Hmph!" Neo's attack had no effect and he did not retreat. He just threw away the batarang and began to use kung fu to hit Grox.

[Miss] [Block] [Parry] [Deflect] [Immune] [Lost]

Grox stood there motionless, with a large string of characters symbolizing "Attack Invalid" popping up above his head.

"[Appreciation: You are the strongest of all 'saviors'.]" Grox said something almost sarcastic in a sincere tone.

"Hmph..." Neo stopped and turned back to Kang Na.

"Well... what should we do now? This is the mastermind behind the control of the Reaper, but we seem to have no way to deal with her?" Gwen and 10032 also came over, looking like they wanted to attack but were unable to do so.

"[Question: 'Builder', do you want to take over the 'Matrix'?]" Grox seemed completely unconcerned that he had just been beaten, and asked the original work.

"I know you are tired of repeating the work for so long, but don't want me to take over this hot potato," the original waved his hand: "You can stop the harvesting process now."

"[Negative: The harvesting process cannot be terminated,]" Grox said: "[If the 'spark of inspiration' cannot be obtained from the new civilization, the matrix will not be updated.]"

"Then we won't update it. Routine maintenance of the machine is enough." Neo said angrily while looking at Grox.

"[Negative: If the matrix cannot be updated, it will be destroyed.]" Grox shook his head.

"How can there be such a truth? Who can destroy you... ah," Kang Na said mid-sentence, suddenly thought of something, and tried to ask: "... the newly born mechanical civilization?"

"[Affirmation: Organic civilization will inevitably be born in the universe, organic civilization will inevitably create mechanical civilization, and mechanical civilization will inevitably destroy organic civilization.]" Grox repeated the syllogism, and then said: "[If the matrix does not harvest organic civilization, the machines they create will Civilization will obtain the 'spark of inspiration' that the Matrix cannot obtain, and one day it will surpass and destroy the Matrix.]"

"..." Several people fell silent for a moment. This is a matter of life and death. You can't point at its nose and say that you are going to die.

"You said before that you would hand over control of the Matrix to me?" The Original Work said, "Then what if I choose not to harvest it after taking over?"

"[Affirmative: The Builders have the right to destroy the Matrix and Cyberlux, and I will obey.]" Grox answered.

"Wait?" The original product looked back at the strategy team still gathered around the box: "You said 'Cyberlux'?"

"[Explanation: During the harvesting cycle, the matrix failed to harvest civilizations in time, resulting in the birth of new mechanical civilizations '648' times, of which '0' mechanical civilizations agreed to continue to be 'Cyberlux' and 'harvested civilizations' Providing a virtual world,]" Grox replied: "[If harvesting is stopped and the matrix is ​​destroyed, all 'Cyberlux' and 'harvested civilizations' will be destroyed simultaneously.]"

"Tsk..." The first one smacked his mouth.

Obviously, the Matrix is ​​now in a dilemma of being too big to lose. The members of this cycle of civilization naturally do not want it to continue harvesting, but if the harvesting is terminated, not only will they be destroyed by the machines they created in the future, these machines may also destroy the Matrix for dozens of times. The souls accumulated over hundreds of millions of years, harvested and imprisoned in the virtual world were annihilated.

In other words, there are two options now, either ignore those ancient ghosts and directly destroy the Matrix and the Reapers together. The future will be considered in the future, or take over the control of this mechanical empire while controlling the Matrix to take care of those in the center of the galaxy. The ancient ghosts', while protecting the civilizations in the outer galaxy from being destroyed by the mechanical creations of their own creation - this is the Grox's old path again.

From the current point of view, because Neo, the "awakened one", is here to destroy the matrix and the compatriots Zion wants to rescue in one go, it is impossible for him to accept it no matter what.

And if you choose the second option... Although you are using the "Ilia" account, it "doesn't exist". If you want to choose the second option, the only person who can implement it is... Kangna .

"Oh, don't tie yourself to the people in the Matrix," Neo sneered: "We can choose to rescue all the people in the virtual world of the Matrix, and then bring you and your Reaper minions Blow up.”

"[Negative: With the current productivity of the galaxy, this cannot be done,]" Grox responded: "[The total number of 'sleeping people' with bodies and 'reincarnations' without bodies is too large, and the current galaxy is not enough to provide them with Resources needed to produce living materials or create a body.】"

"Tsk...hell..." Neo shut up angrily.

The original work glanced at him sympathetically. Even in Zion, there was already an argument that "rescuing so many people would lead to resource constraints." What's more, this time it was not the population of one or two cities, but dozens. The amount accumulated over countless reincarnations over hundreds of millions of years.

"So, how to transfer control of the matrix?" Kangna asked.

"[Answer: With my authority, the control of the 'Matrix' can only be transferred to the 'Builder', and subsequent transfers will be subject to the 'Builder'.]" Grox looked at the original work.

When Kang Na looked over here, the original one sighed and nodded to indicate that it was okay.

Obviously, she has figured out the ins and outs of the whole thing and the costs of various choices.

The consciousness of ordinary people is too fragile, and may not be able to survive for even 50,000 years. Only her "incarnation of Lin Hao" is qualified enough, and her experience as a "bionic human" can allow her to persist long enough. Time, in addition, because of the company of the original work, there will be no situation where consciousness is assimilated and cold logic is used to judge that "taking care of civilization is inefficient and should be harvested".

It’s true that he fought a good fight all the way, and finally came to accompany him...

The Prime placed one hand on Grox's shoulder and held Connor's hand with the other, and began to transfer control of the matrix.

Kangna's conscious body emitted a faint blue light and began to float away.

Although I knew this was the best outcome, I was still a little bit dissatisfied with the initial work.

Speaking of which, no matter which "work" it is, it will end up "disappearing" in the end. Although I have been staying in the "observation room" and can't keep an eye on every new sister who appears, I don't have to think about it to know that they He must have also encountered a situation that had to be solved at the cost of "disappearing"... There must be a better solution.

"Don't worry, sister," Kangna, who was almost transparent, smiled at her: "[I will eliminate all pain and misfortune in this world, whether it is the past, present, or future.]"

The blue light drifted away, and the lingering sound lingered.

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