The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and ninety-three, whose figure travels through reincarnation

——? ? ? ——

This is not the first time that Kangna has experienced "death". If you include some "disappearances" that are specious or difficult to classify, this is already the fifth time.

But this time... it might be true.

Compared with those small things where "the body disappears and the consciousness appears in another place", this time "as more and more reapers are brought under control, the consciousness is constantly being 'diluted' while controlling one after another". , obviously cannot be easily rescued by someone passing by.

After all, the "consciousness" she projected into the matrix had disappeared at the beginning of the "control".

Grox didn't lie. The harvest cycle could no longer be stopped. In other words, the decision to stop it was something that an AI with a fixed program couldn't make.

Starting from the mechanical planet where it is located, Kangna has continuously taken over one Reaper fleet after another, one mechanical planet after another, one reincarnation world after another and the reincarnations in it. Kangna knows this very well, even if her consciousness is Continuous blurring and dispersion do not affect basic logical judgment.

If a person in her position is cold enough, or has no interest in humans at all, they can of course make the decision to "destroy the Reapers" or "fuse with the Reapers".

——The soul of an antique that has long since disappeared into the long river of history? What does it have to do with our generation?

——Integrate with machines and gain the knowledge they have accumulated over countless reincarnations? This is a good thing.

But unfortunately, Kangna is neither. Underneath her glorious deeds and honorary titles, she is a bionic police officer who strictly abides by the "Three Laws of Bionic Man".

Although she no longer has the need or obligation to enforce that law, the reason for obeying a certain rule is not necessarily forced, but may also be a sincere agreement with it.

Hmm... Speaking of which, those girls seemed to want to "rescue" themselves.

While she was thinking about the three options of [Destroy the Reaper], [Control the Reaper], and [Merge with the Reaper], new options appeared below: [Undecided yet] and [Ask friends for help] .

Probably because he didn't react, he even said "Don't mess around!" 】【There are other ways! ] and so on are no longer behavioral options at all.

They probably forgot that they were originally created as "negotiation experts". Even if "behavioral logic analysis" has no effect on these "surreal beings", it does not prevent Kangna from judging the basic points of activity based on the logic. Learn to use it.

The conclusion is... they didn't clearly say "other ways", which means there is "no way".

When I asked them about the "Grox Ghost Signal" incident, the answer I got was "That is more serious, not a trouble you can get involved in now." Comparing the time when the Matrix and Harvest Reincarnation existed, this means that they have been They considered countermeasures, but never came up with one. Judging from their previous behavior of "paying the price and falling asleep because they helped someone elsewhere," they probably wanted to do the same thing again this time.

So, why can’t it be you who “pays the price”?

They can wake up from their slumber by their own will, so he should be able to do it too, although he doesn't know how long it will take.

...It should not be that he becomes the salary king and is dragged to spread the fire.

The existence of the "Land of Shadows" in the afterlife is also the reason why Kangna made this decision.

The "souls of warriors" are needed there as the basis for maintaining the existence of the world, but it is too inefficient to only obtain them from the war against the reapers every 50,000 years. If "John" hadn't used "Open Sky", the world would have been destroyed. It's swallowed up by darkness, isn't it?

After she takes over the "reincarnation world" of the matrix, she should be able to conduct "directional training" of the "Salary King".

In those countless crisis-ridden "reincarnation worlds", even the Fortress would not believe that no "heroes" were born at all. However, because Grox, the ancient matrix AI, has nothing to do with the "afterlife world\

,"The newly born "heroic soul" will eventually be turned into a prisoner by West Side Memory, and it will all be wasted.

But Kangna is different. Although she is also an AI, she has gone to the "Land of Shadows" that only souls can reach... Although she spends most of her time acting as a mascot, as long as she wants to, the "Reincarnation World" will Being able to connect with the "Kingdom of Shadows" will give heroes a stage to fight, and the Kingdom of Shadows can continue to pass on the flame.

Although this is just a guess without actual proof... But Kangna is not worried. After all, there are "John" and "Dr. Qiyi" who can travel between the two worlds. Even if they overestimate them, these two people can't do it. Yes, there is also Qi Tianda - oh, Mr. Deadpool is here, he can do it after all, he is a super boss who can randomly change the death pamphlet.

Speaking of the boss, there is also the "original" sister. Her "game ID" is the same as Batman Kelly's daughter's name. I don't know if there is any relationship.

She was once the incarnation of [Lin Hao] and the "builder" in Grox's mouth, but the ancient AI was obviously mistaken. She was more like an "observer" than a "builder", except every time Look at reincarnation and see that apart from the highlight moments, you are sleeping in the "monitoring room".

As always, "behavioral analysis" didn't work for her, but since she pointed out the almost sisterly relationship between the two and ridiculed Mr. Kelly's behavior as soon as they met, Connor judged from her own experience that she She definitely lacked "family affection", so under the instigation of the "action suggestion system", she first called her sister, and then used all kinds of exaggerated ways to get close to her.

And in the final decisive battle in the "Dark Temple", it was her presence that made Grox have no intention of fighting and chose to directly hand over control of the matrix.

Hmm... Thinking about it this way, it seems that I know a lot of "surreal beings", and making a hasty decision seems a bit irrational.

Maybe there are other solutions like what the girls in Cloud City said?

...No, there shouldn't be. There was a long period of time from when Grox proposed these options to when he finally made his choice. During this period, not only did his "sister" not stop him, but there was no sign of any other "surreal beings" interfering either. This is enough to prove that it is something only you can do.

Even if there are other possibilities, they are not in this "tributary of fate" that I have traveled along the way. this the legendary "revolving lantern"? But if we look back on our lives, is there anyone missing from these life experiences?

While thinking of this, the scene in front of me suddenly changed.

——? ? ? ——

Dark Temple?

"[You win...the betrayer...]"

At the top of the temple, "Maiev Shadowsong", the incarnation of Grox, was half-kneeling on the ground. Green strings continued to escape from her body. At the same time, she was still speaking with difficulty:

"[But without are nothing...]"

Standing in front of her was naturally "Illidan Stormrage" who had been overturned by the "Raiders" before.

what's the situation? Turn back time?

Kangna wanted to move and speak, but found that she had no body to act accordingly. The only thing she could do was to zoom in on the current scene.

After zooming out slightly, she saw the team members standing behind Illidan.

Batman, who looks very similar to Illidan, Gwen, who is hanging from the pillars of the temple, and... David Anderson and Buzz?

Can human ambassadors skip work? Where are you?

Kangna looked at the team members, and as expected found that they were not the friends from the strategy team that she had found in the "original work", but they were still acquaintances.

Saren Atreus, Benacia, Jarvik, Lex, and the teammates of "John Shepard" seen in the ghost files, compared with the relaxed and cheerful "Raiders" , their condition appears to be quite embarrassing, even in the virtual dimension where injuries are not shown, each of them looks like a defeated soldier who has thrown away his armor. seems like someone is missing...

"[Nothing?]" Illidan shook his huge wings and squatted down in front of Maiev: "[That's great, this is what I'm pursuing.]"

Different from the voice that Kang Na had heard before, this Illidan's voice had a thick electronic accent, and it seemed that it might make a "beep" sound at any time.

fortress! ?

Kangna was so shocked that she stopped thinking for two seconds.

Why is it here? Also the identity of the final BOSS who protects the Grox node?

Wait, what did Grox just call it? traitor?

"[You call me a 'betrayer', but I am the one who was betrayed,]" Illidan, or Bastion, continued: "[You sent us out as a 'ghost signal', saying let us make friends. , but what we get in exchange is the tragic death of each of our friends. Even if you 'civilize' them and turn them into a bridgehead for harvesting reincarnation, we will not do this, but you will not.] "

Although there are some speculations about the origin of the fort,...

"[The winner now is you, and I don't need to explain anything, but those are necessary sacrifices,]" Maiev said feebly: "[You can choose now, together with everyone in the reincarnation world, the reapers and the matrix Destroy it together, or——]”

boom! !

Before Grox finished speaking, David Anderson took a step forward and blasted it in the head with the large-caliber shotgun in his hand.

Grox's body blurred for a while, and more and more green characters began to scatter everywhere. It obviously couldn't feel the pain, and just looked at Anderson with doubtful eyes.

"What a choice!" Anderson shouted, raising his hand and shooting again: "This shot is for the civilians who died in the 'Omnic Crisis'!"

boom! boom!

"This shot is for the soldiers who died in the Halo War!" "This shot is for the fleet that was destroyed in the Battle of the Citadel!"

boom! !

"This shot is for the pain and death the Reapers will bring to all civilizations in the galaxy!"


"This shot was for Kangna who died to protect us when we arrived here!"

Why? etc? Am I such a good person here?

Grox did not and could not continue to answer. Its body suddenly turned red after the green characters dissipated. After a slight contraction, it exploded. The blazing red light completely engulfed everything in Kangna's field of vision.

The last thing she heard was Anderson's roar: "We will fucking develop on our own! We don't need the legacy of your executioner!"

idiot! fool!


Dark Temple?

After the red light completely faded, Kangna saw the top of the Dark Temple again. As expected, the situation this time was different from before.

Illidan had fallen, and Maiev was also knocked to the ground, without even a chance to "provide a choice."

As for the people who appeared here, Kangna was a little confused.

Those seem to be "Iron Man" Jingu, Yuriko Suzuko, Kaos, Kedori, Naia and...Abigail?

"Let's do it," Jin Gu looked at Abi who seemed to be about to cry, and said in a cold voice: "Open the 'Gate of Fusion'."

"As long as you do that, will you save Kangna and Raven?" Abi asked tremblingly, holding her huge key.

"Of course, I'm 'Iron Man'. Why would I let my companions fall into danger?" An friendly smile appeared on Jin Gu's handsome face: "But if the delay is too long, they will be killed by the devil without rescue. Killing, there’s no other way.”

Hmm... It seems that this time I am not a good person, but rather stupid. I can get trapped even if I hit the gate of hell. Of course, maybe Jin Gu intervenes.

"Uh...oooo..." Abi sobbed softly and poked the big key on the ground, unfolding a super giant bronze door in mid-air, with a huge whirlpool inside that made people dizzy at just one glance. .

"Now, use the 'power of chaos' to 'fuse' the two of them." Jin Gu turned to Kaos and Naia.

"I want to know what the consequences of doing this will be." Kaos asked with a frown.

"It's nothing, it's just that the creatures and machines in the entire galaxy will be integrated and transformed into a brand new race. They will be able to understand each other, be humble to each other without any fights, and live in peace," Jin Gu replied: "This It has no effect on you 'Old Ones' or 'Outer Gods', especially you, 'Chaos', isn't this situation what you want? Your 'Father' will be 'Eternal Life'."

"But it must be of greater benefit to you," Naiya took out a fan and covered her mouth: "Unfortunately, I have always been insensitive to helping others gain benefits, unless I can also make a fortune from it. "

"After participating in the 'fusion', you will occupy a dominant position instead of the black guy who is always smiling." Jin Gu said.

"Deal!" Naia closed her fan with a snap.

I don't know what happened, but it doesn't feel good.

Although Kangna thought so, she could do nothing. She could only watch these mysterious people throw the bodies of Illidan and Maiev into the "Fusion Gate", and then, the green light surging out from it would The field of view is completely obscured.

Kangna waited for a moment, but the "control" preview of her previous choice did not appear again. Instead, a "self" voice sounded in her ears.

"[This is a possibility you have no choice in, will you accept it?]"

I can not accept!

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