The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and ninety-four, the road to the future is at your feet

——? ? ? ——

【What cannot be accepted? 】

In a faint blue light, Kangna heard "her own voice" asking.

[Those are just other 'possible' developments. Your world has definitely entered the ending of 'Controlling the Reapers', isn't it? 】

"No, no, their, or rather, 'other me' choice was wrong."

Kangna didn't know how to answer, so she "thought" out loud.

[But those choices were not made by the ‘other you’. 】The "voice" can obviously be heard.

"It was precisely because of their previous 'choice' mistakes that they did not appear at the 'choice' scene," Kangna retorted: "If it were me, I would never let things develop to this point."

[No,] the "voice" was silent for a moment before saying: "Those are all your own choices." 】

"How...could it be?" Kangna originally planned to ask, but almost immediately understood the meaning of the "voice": "Their choices when they saw the 'action suggestions' were very different from mine?"

[Do you still remember that you were an ‘android’ at first? When you see the options provided by 'action suggestions', there will be a large amount of code to judge which option is 'better' based on the current form. These countless codes are gathered into 'choices', and countless 'choices' are intertwined into 'Destiny', maybe you and 'other possible' Kangna still have similar ideas about various things, but 'destiny' is completely different,] the "voice" replied: [You are more inclined to be a 'model', while the other two Individuals tend to be more 'rebellious' and 'neutral'. 】

"It turns out that the 'rebellious' one is 'rebellious and dead.'" Kang Na complained casually.

The "voice" did not answer the question and continued: [Generally speaking, 'model' is more inclined to the overall policy of the Star Alliance, while 'rebellion' is closer to the concept of the 'Earth Guardian'. Neutral is more like...]

"The 'inaction' style of the Citadel Council." Kangna answered.

[Outsiders have no way of judging your thoughts, they can only determine your stance through your actions, that is, 'discussing your deeds regardless of your heart.'] The "voice" continued: [Your 'performance' will cause different people to have different opinions on you. Your attitude is different, there will be certain differences in event entrustment, intelligence sharing, and whether to take the initiative to contact, and these differences will ultimately determine what you encounter after arriving at the galactic center. 】

With the explanation of the "voice", the trajectories of the other two "selves" also appeared in Kangna's "mind", or "before her eyes".

In the initial kidnapping incident, although the "neutral" self found out the origin of the tragedy, it failed to save the male protagonist. The android kidnapper finally shot himself in despair, while the "rebellious" self There was no detailed investigation at all. He used words to distract the android kidnapper and then shot him directly.

In the case of android abuse, "Neutral Kangna" failed to take action because the other party did not break the law. As a result, the abused android became abnormal and killed the abuser and was shot dead by the police who rushed to the scene. "Rebel Kangna" The tormentor threatened him and made him restrain himself for a period of time. After something abnormal happened, the android chose to escape.

In the incident of the painter's android nanny, "Neutral Kanna" failed to intervene in time. The painter died of a heart attack during the conflict between his son and the nanny's android. The nanny's android was kicked out by the painter's son who inherited the property and became a wandering painter, "rebellious". "Kanna" severely injured the painter's son, and was punished by the police together with Anderson. The painter announced that he would stop painting.

Then, there was the last "Omnic Crisis" incident during her period as the "Bionic Policewoman". "Neutral Kangna" almost failed to prevent any abnormal android incidents, resulting in the android organization "Jericho" becoming extremely large. After seizing the weapons, they fought head-on against the Detroit garrison and drove them all out of the city. Then they negotiated with the Star Alliance to make Detroit an autonomous city for androids, while ensuring not to expand outward and assimilate other androids. .

In this incident, "Neutral Kangna" as a "pilot project" for androids to join the official organization can be said to have completely failed.

Based on this, the Star Alliance decided not to allow any androids to participate in important departments. The SCP chose to abandon the android project and recover "Neutral Kangna", and instead placed it on Europa 7 to become an ordinary security guard.

The same incident was very different for "Rebel Kangna". Since she participated in almost all abnormal android incidents, and in most cases chose to violate the regulations of the Star Alliance and the police department, she was subject to the "Grox "meme" had the most profound impact. When he went to investigate the "Jericho" cruise ship, he awakened himself as an "abnormal bionic person", and then stopped the abnormal bionic people from planning to resist armedly. Instead, he started from the media and organized a "you "You gave us life, now it's time to give us freedom" peaceful demonstrations, which eventually led the Star Alliance to recognize the rights of androids under pressure from all parties and formulate a series of related "secondary human rights" bills.

The Star Alliance was naturally annoyed with what "Rebel Kangna" did, but SCP greatly praised it because "Rebel Kangna" proved that their research direction was correct, so they withstood the pressure and transferred her and David, who had always supported her, to ·Anderson lost the N7 training camp.

From this point of view, whether it is a "model" or a "rebellion", the results that can be achieved are basically similar. In other words, as long as you act proactively, you will always gain something, but the price you pay is different. You will end up with nothing.

Next, there is the more important "Halo War" or "First Contact War". "Rebel Kangna" is in the Halo Galaxy, and "Neutral Kangna" is in Academy City. They each had encounters with aliens, and What Kangna knows is different is that "Rebel Kangna" assisted David Anderson to shine in the Halo Galaxy, and even found ways to destroy those "Halos" that are still in the research stage, and the name "Master Chief" became Extremely loud, and "Neutral Kangna" became familiar with those superpower students and joined the "Superpower Fleet".

Then, in the two "parallel worlds", the "pioneers" of the Reapers came to the outer galaxy almost at the same time, trying to activate the Citadel to open the door to the center of the galaxy, but were killed by "the first human ghost David Anderson". And blocked by the "Society of Students with Special Abilities and the SOS Group".

In the end, it was time for them to gather their men and fight their way to the center of the galaxy and face Grox.

Kangna noticed that in the entire process of the development of these two parallel worlds, there was no trace of the intervention of the "surreal beings" she had encountered. Well... maybe the true identities of "Iron Man" and those "old people" were Who are the students of "The Dominator"?

Bang, buzz.

At the end of the "documentary", a big light lit up behind Kangna, casting a long shadow on the pure white floor in front of her.

Before Kangna had time to be surprised that she had acquired a body and changed places at some point, the shadow in front of her was divided into three, turning into blue, red and green respectively, each connected at the foot of Kangna, " The headlight" then disappeared, allowing the three Kangas to see each other's "selves" clearly.

Kangna's own shadow is blue. On the left, Kangna, who is wearing a Star Alliance N7 military uniform and has an unruly expression, has a red shadow. On the right, Kangna, who is wearing an Earth Guardian uniform and has an indifferent expression, as if she doesn't care about anything. The shadow is green.

[Coincidentally,] Kangna heard the voice of "self" saying: "We are all very dissatisfied with our other selves. Maybe, we can talk about it?" 】

"Hmph!" The red shadow, probably the "rebellious" Kangna, spoke first: "Are you two idiots?"

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