The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and ninety-eight, how can we stand still?

——? ? ? ——


Batman was punched and sent flying, bouncing and rolling on the ground.

"Creak -" He adjusted his posture and center of gravity midway, fixed himself on the ground with his hook, and terminated the flight early.

"Damn it... we are obviously here..." Batman struggled to get up and looked around.

This is a black desert completely devoid of any green, covered with stones and gravel. Under the undulating sand dunes, you can see the remains of weird buildings and machinery occasionally exposed on the surface.

The sky was as red as a flame, and the lead-gray clouds kept making roaring sounds of thunder. From time to time, pale lightning struck down, igniting the black desert surface.

The person who had just knocked him away was an unusually tall purple giant wearing golden armor and at least three meters tall. He had not yet retracted the fist he had thrown out. After seeing Batman quickly adjust his posture, he was slightly embarrassed. He tilted his head in surprise.

This scene... looks a bit familiar...

Batman turned his attention to the giant's left hand and found that there was indeed a huge metal glove, but it was only inlaid with four gems.

Is it an illusion...yes, it is an illusion.

Batman confirmed this by glancing at his costume out of the corner of his eye.

He clearly remembered that he was in the "Dark Temple" asking Gwen for information about "Thanos", and he had always used the look of "Neo the Savior" with sunglasses and a windbreaker. There was no sudden change of scene, and even the clothes and equipment automatically changed. Reason for replacement.

Even if the matrix is ​​pretending to be dead and conducting a raid, its authority is not as high as "that Illya".

The last time I saw a similar scene was when I smelled the "Scarecrow's" "fear gas" for the first time. This time, it was probably some strange, mind-affecting ability?

The "Thanos" in front of me is undoubtedly fake. If he has really appeared, there is no need to resort to such tricks. However, the strength should be real. Last time, I did not make the correct response, which resulted in the illusion. The superhero team was wiped out and no useful information was gained. I won’t miss it again this time!

When these thoughts flashed through Batman's mind, Thanos also put away some of his surprise and strode towards him without making any defensive moves.

Ding! when! Batman threw out a few useless batarangs and circled Thanos' side.

"[Batman?]" Thanos stared at him, his body turning on the spot, his voice carrying a strange reverberation: "['Mortal body, shooting down gods', I would like to experience it."

What kind of strange achievement is this? No wonder at the beginning, some people came to ask me if I had a plan when the situation was almost irreversible.

"You're not qualified yet." Batman tried to talk while dealing with Thanos.

"That's right! Dormammu is a 'dimensional' demon, and you are just a 'single universe'!"

...If you don’t trap the enemy, you trap your own people.

Batman has caused Thanos to turn 180 degrees, and he can see the "friendly forces" originally behind him.

The person who is yelling is an acquaintance, Gwen Stacy, "Spider Girl". She is hanging on a collapsed pillar to taunt Thanos, but she looks quite embarrassed. Not only is her white suit covered with Dust, even the hood and mask were missing.

There were two people on the same side as her. One was a proud young man wearing golden steel armor without a helmet, with short blond hair sticking up. The other was wearing a white loose robe and cape, with long hair. A gentle young man with long green hair.

The two of them seemed uninjured and were hovering in the air together, one behind the other, as if they were holding back some big move.

No, he must be holding back some ultimate move. The large space behind the young man in golden armor is constantly fluctuating like the water on a rainy day, as if something is about to come out.

Combined with the talented superhero team in "Last Vision", it may be possible to guess that the two of them are...recruiting?

And even in this case,

Thanos also ignored them and continued to slowly approach Batman, who kept keeping distance.

"[Single universe, multiverse, omnipotent universe,]" Thanos repeated Gwen's words: "[When you use this vocabulary with such a huge concept, you haven't even grasped one billionth of it. It's really ridiculous.】"

Judging from the performance... Thanos seems to know a lot of information related to the "nature of the world". Combined with the statement of "Tetu" who fell with the Frozen Throne earlier, he should also want to awaken "Lin Hao" of.

However, the current Thanos is probably just a fake created by the person who created the illusion based on his impressions. He can only act "what Thanos should do" based on the situation. If you want to talk to him about the nature of the world, you have to wait until you meet him. Just get the real thing.

"[If,]" At this moment, Thanos suddenly stopped: "[If the so-called 'shooting down the gods' only reaches this level, please withdraw.]"

Then, a blue light flashed on the gloves.


At this moment, the world in Batman's eyes was suddenly replaced by green characters, and slowed down countless times.

In this world with only one green code, the blue gem on Thanos's glove still looks like its original shape. It projects green light outwards, depicts the outline of Thanos' body, and then cuts it like a paper cut. Thanos "cut" it, and in the next moment "pasted" itself and the "cut" Thanos in front of Batman, the green characters and the effect of slowing down time disappeared immediately.


Thanos punched the spot where Batman had just stood, but it did nothing except make a big crater in the ground, and Batman had done two consecutive somersaults to open up the distance again.

"[Oh?]" Thanos retracted his fist in surprise: "[It seems that the statement 'Batman does not have any extraordinary power' is wrong. Otherwise, why could he detect the activation of the 'Space Stone' in advance?"

Space gem? The special figure clearly said that he has not yet handed over the space gems to Thanos, so what is the effect of the gems that "this Thanos" has now obtained?

Batman glanced at the three blue, purple, and red gemstones on Thanos' glove, and regretted a little. He should have asked about the color and function of the gemstones in "reality" before.

But now is not the time to think about that, what we need to do now is...

"[Because I am Batman.]" He answered Thanos' question with a voice that sounded like throat cancer.

"[...]" Thanos fell into a brief daze because of this answer, probably not knowing whether to be angry or laughing.

"Hahahaha! Well done, you bat!" The blond young man in the golden armor laughed: "After defeating this purple sweet potato spirit, I will allow you to come to Uruk Group to be the head of the security department, and the benefits will be great. aspect--"

"Jill! Don't be distracted!" The green-haired young man interrupted angrily.

"My dear friend, haven't you noticed that the 'Gates of Babylon' that I spent so long preparing is no longer the original effect?"

"You are messing around again..."

"[Oh?]" Thanos probably didn't want to pay attention to the difficult response of "because I am Batman", and turned to look at the two young men in the air: "[Are you planning to use some tricks that you think can defeat me? ]"

"Hmph..." The blond young man crossed his arms: "I have to say that your ability to 'modify reality' is quite shameless. The treasures I project will be turned into ridiculous toys by you."

"[So?]" Thanos showed no concern at all about his supposed weakness.

"So, I will no longer project treasures, but -'heroes'!" The blond young man opened his arms, and countless golden ripples appeared in the space behind him: "[King's Treasure (Gate of Babylon)]!"

"Roar——!" A huge red orangutan wearing a battle armor jumped out of the ripples in space and rushed straight towards Thanos. However, when it was about to knock down Thanos, its body suddenly became insubstantial and rolled all the way. A piece of ruins, and then inexplicably integrated with it, embedded in it and unable to move.

A young man wearing a red tights with a lightning mark on his forehead appeared from the ripples with an afterimage, rushing towards Thanos at a very high speed, as if he wanted to take off his gloves, and then Thanos grabbed his head and beat him violently. Hit the ground hard.

The next person who appeared was a bearded young man wearing a golden armor and holding a, a trident in his hand. He flew down from the sky and wanted to poke Thanos with the trident, but Thanos casually hit him. Hui fell into the sand nearby and was buried.

Sa—— Before anyone arrived, the weapon arrived first. A lasso with white light flew out from the ripples and tied up Thanos. However, as soon as the lasso was tightened, Thanos broke it into three pieces with his backhand, and the bullet The lasso that went back tied up the heroine who had just appeared.

Then, a man wearing a green tights and a green mask of the same style appeared and used the ring to manifest various weapons to attack Thanos. However, those weapons were all turned upside down in the next second, and instead the green man was attacked. The man in clothes was beaten until he was disgraced.

At this time, the ripples in the space had almost disappeared, and the last one to rush out was a strong young man wearing a blue tights, a red cloak, and a huge "S" letter on his chest.

He is the only one who has not been knocked down by Thanos with one move, and he still has a vague advantage in the punches and kicks. In a head-on confrontation, he can even knock Thanos back several steps, but when the golden glove flashes red light and turns into a After seeing a green ore, he suddenly lost strength and fell to the ground.

"[It's really surprising, you can even say it's scary.]" After Thanos knocked down all the heroes "summoned" by the blond young man, he said a little mockingly, and fell powerlessly in front of him. , a young man wearing an "S" costume punched.


Batman, who had been watching the battle before, suddenly rushed in front of Thanos and caught the punch head-on.

"[Do you know what you are doing?]" Thanos said with confusion: "[You can't run away now.]"

"[No...]" Batman glared at Thanos and said with difficulty: "[The one who can't run away is you.]"

At this moment, the world once again turned into countless green characters before his eyes - including the golden gloves he was holding in his hand.

The three gems on the glove didn't turn into green characters, but the glove itself did.

Batman stared closely at the characters that made up the glove, found the opportunity, and accurately raised his hand to draw out one of the characters.

The next moment, the golden glove fell apart and turned into pieces scattered on the ground.

"[Oh?]" Thanos grabbed the gems that were scattered due to the collapse of the glove with his backhand, and blasted Batman with his other hand who wanted to take advantage of the machine gun gems.


As the green ore disappeared, the young man S, who had regained his strength, easily blocked the attack for Batman.

"Well done, Batman," he said without looking back: "It took Thanos a lot of time to forge the 'Infinity Gauntlet', and now his goal cannot be achieved."

"[...But he has not been defeated, and none of us except you are his match.]" Not knowing who these helpers are, Batman turns to discussing the current form. seems like this is not an illusion? It's not over even after Thanos's gloves exploded. It doesn't look like a situation created based on what the illusion maker has seen - unless Thanos's gloves really exploded.

"Don't worry, I have the ability to protect everyone present," the young man smiled confidently: "He neither has [time] to recast the gloves, nor can he [change them back]."


"[Troublesome Kryptonian,]" After Thanos' attack was blocked, he did not try to continue. After taking two steps back, he turned to say in a mocking tone: "[I hope your IQ can be as strong as your strength. .】"

After saying that, without waiting for the "Kryptonian" to respond, the blue light of the gem in his hand flashed, and the figure appeared next to the blond young man who had just released the "King's Treasure House" and looked very weak, and pinched him. neck.

"[You know where to find me, 'Supreme Mage'.]" He said to the green-haired young man, and then disappeared together with the blond hair he grabbed.

"Jill!" The green-haired young man exclaimed, raised his hand to draw a circle door made of sparks in front of him, and rushed in.

"...We are in trouble, Batman," the Kryptonian youth was silent for two seconds: "The 'Time Stone' owned by the 'Supreme Master' can repair the Infinity Gauntlet."

Who reminded him just now!

"[...Don't worry,]" Batman said with a paralyzed expression: "[I also have a plan for this.]"

As these words came out, everything in front of him suddenly froze, and began to gradually lose color and details, as if it was changing from reality to comics. At the same time, there was a strange and exciting music:

【Grinding scissors~戗~菜~knife~】

What is this?


Virtual dimension, top floor of the Dark Temple.

"Ah, are you awake? It seems that you are the best among these people." Batman, no, when Neo opened his eyes, he found that the people who were on the top floor of the Dark Temple fell to the ground in a mess, only " "Big Illya", Tetu and "Maev" are still standing.

Next to "Big Ilia", there was a tall woman in blue, wearing a wide pure white robe, with ribbon-like light wings flapping behind her back. She was locked there with a golden chain, her expression empty.

Noticing Neo's gaze, "Big Ilia" shook her chain: "Oh, this is the 'Superstar' under 'Thanos'. He is good at mental interference. It seems that he intends to make everyone present fall into an illusion and wait for Thanos. He came, but I treated him in the same way I treated him."

"Oh..." Neo nodded: "Leave the task of removing the gloves to me."


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