The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and ninety-nine, travel through time and space, try your best


Imaginary number space.

The huge, dark fleet of the Dark Order is moving forward in chaos.

But because there is no reference object, their pilots are not sure whether they have reached their destination and can only act based on the instructions issued by the flagship.

As the flagship of this fleet, "Sanctuary One" was in a rare state of chaos.

The crew members who always looked like they were strolling around were now in a hurry, running and hurriedly operating on their portable devices. Judging from the situation that all the things that could be called "displays" were "black". , obviously there is a big problem with the equipment.

"Heh, you've touched the 'starship host' again, Proxima Centauri."

Wearing heavy black armor, with his eyes and the indicator lights on the armor emitting dazzling red light at the same time, the Deathblade General stepped into the inner sanctum of Sanctuary No. 1.

"This, this,'s not my fault this time!" A girl with double ponytails in a sporty black short-sleeved shorts was facing a huge red warning screen in front of her at a loss. After hearing this, she immediately clarified the relationship loudly: "Black Dwarf You can testify!”

"[Roar!]" The giant black man sitting on the floor next to Proxima Centauri responded.

"Well, 'Silent Witness', yes," the Dead Blade General nodded: "But it's not my turn to hold you accountable. Now our fleet is about to 'surface', but due to the confusion of all control systems, when executing this operation, Sa Does Lord North have any instructions?”

"Obviously not," Dark Night Proxima motioned to the throne of the temple: "Your Excellency, you are particularly interested in that 'Grey Wind' now, and you will tell her if you have anything."

"I seem to smell something sour, even though I have no nose, ha." General Deathblade sneered, and passed her towards the center of the temple.

"Damn tall nuts," Proxima Centauri muttered, and continued to stare at the screen with error messages: "...Which key did I just press?"

The staff at the temple center are much calmer than the ordinary crew members outside, perhaps because they can directly see their leader - even if he doesn't make any moves.

On the throne, Thanos, who was huge and wearing bright gold sleeveless armor, was leaning slightly sideways and lowering his head, with the back of his hand on his chin, his eyes slightly closed, motionless, as if he was thinking or falling into a deep sleep.

"Grey Wind", who covered his face with a black mask and had short white hair, was standing by with a long and narrow sword in both hands.

"Hey, Xiao Hui, why don't you resist your 'Black Knight Sword' today?" General Deathblade raised his hand and waved at her.

"Because the damage is overflowing," Gray Wind glanced at him: "When no one can withstand a sword blow, it is better to use a one-handed fast weapon."

"Then you want to learn from me how to use the psychic lightsaber?" General Deathblade thrust out a blood-red light blade from his gauntlet.

"No need." Gray Feng freed up a hand and directly pulled out a bright blue two-handed sword from the void, waved it twice casually and then scattered it.

"..." General Dead Blade was silent for two seconds: "You have so many tricks up your sleeve."

"Grey, Sir Thanos did not have any instructions," Gray Wind said before General Deathblade continued to speak: "When the battleship failed, Sir fell into a deep sleep - did you say that this is normal? The phenomenon?"

"That's right," General Deathblade nodded: "Lord Thanos is the [only] existence in the multiverse. When your will travels to other dimensions, your body will fall into a deep sleep."

"Hmm..." Gray Wind looked at Thanos thoughtfully: "This is the first time I have seen this happen. Won't your enemies take advantage of this?"

"All the enemies of the Dark Order no longer exist," General Dead Blade straightened his back and said, looking at Gray Wind who seemed to be questioning, and added: "The guys who are hostile to us now are just obstacles to achieving our goals. 'rather than an 'enemy' - after all, such a huge fleet, with all its tops and bottoms capable of being 'resurrected',

But not everyone is qualified to be called an ‘enemy’. "

"...Indeed." Gray Feng seemed to have thought of something and nodded slowly.

"As you said, our former 'enemies' did take advantage of this, but that was pointless," General Deathblade continued: "Lord Thanos can travel at extremely high speeds if necessary. Let the mind switch between different dimensions, allowing all battles to proceed at the same time, and the clever enemy force was destroyed due to insufficient strength in dividing its troops."

"That is to say, if the current situation becomes urgent, Lord Thanos may wake up at any time, right?" Gray Wind relaxed slightly and put the narrow sword in his hand back into its sheath.

"...Have you been on guard here since the accident?" The Dead Blade General's eyes widened slightly.

"Otherwise? You 'Five Obsidian Generals' are just trying to sneak away and take advantage of others. Master Thanos doesn't even have a guard." Gray Wind glared at General Deathblade: "If it's true If an enemy comes to assassinate Your Excellency, wouldn’t it mean that he is allowed to succeed?”

"No...I just said..." The Dead Blade General was a little speechless - even though he had no mouth or tongue.

"My lord will wake up and deal with it by himself, right?" Gray Wind interrupted him: "Don't you think that letting Lord Thanos wake up and deal with the assassin by himself is a dereliction of duty on your part?"


"But this is the 'Imaginary Number Space', and there is no one else but us?" Gray Wind interrupted again: "According to your previous 'enemy' theory, people who are qualified to become enemies of the 'Dark Order' can break into the 'Imaginary Number Space' Isn’t it normal to launch an attack?”

"..." The Dead Blade General was completely silent.

"Lord Thanos did not leave any orders before he fell asleep, but there was always an original plan for this voyage, right?" Gray Wind "looked" at Thanos, then turned back to face General Deathblade: "Repair it as much as possible The current problem, and execute it according to the original plan, stop until you encounter a step that requires Master Thanos to take action. Do you need me to teach you about this kind of thing?"

"No, in fact, Lord Thanos himself is basically not included in Lord Thanos's plan," General Deathblade was stunned for a moment, then said: "Since Lord often travels between different dimensions and falls asleep from time to time, all plans can be made in the absence of Lord. Completed next time.”

"Really?" Gray Feng leaned forward slightly: "Then what is our plan now?"

"Hmm... 'Control or destroy the Reaper's planetary host'?" General Deathblade thought for a moment, and then replied: "We were originally supposed to 'surface' directly near the mechanical planet where the 'Planetary Host' is located, but now the starship There is a problem with the host, and the floating operation cannot be completed automatically."

"So, can this be done 'manually'?"

"If you do that, the accuracy will be..."

"Can, or can't?"

"...Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

"Huh," Hui Feng sighed and returned to stand next to the throne: "Subordinates are all this careless. Master Hui Jin must have a headache usually... Hmm? Did your expression look like this before?"

——? ? ? ——

"——What are you laughing at, Zayu?"

Thanos was awakened by a voice full of anger and murderous intent, and then glanced at his surroundings.

This is a rocky Gobi desert with sparse shrubs. The sky is a wonderful purple, and the green clouds are being blown by the powerful hurricane and rapidly changing shapes. The slightly smaller stones on the ground are also unable to avoid the fate of "flying sand and rocks". .

Thanos was not affected by the hurricane and stood firmly on the ground. In the air in front of him, suspended in the air, was a young man wearing a golden armor, with blond hair standing on end, glaring at him with blood-red eyes.

At this time, large ripples were appearing in the space around Thanos, and dozens of golden or silver chains stretched out from them, tightly binding him in place.

"Thinking of something funny." Thanos did not try to break free from the chains, but instead answered the blond young man's question.

"What - what -" The young man tugged on the chain and tried to pull Thanos down, but failed.

"I'm going to collect all six Infinity Stones," Thanos replied.

"Hmph, are you talking about the thing you are holding in your hand? That should belong to me!" The blond young man let go of the chain and reached into the ripple in front of him, as if he wanted to take something out of it.

"No, they are not." Thanos didn't care that he was bound, and even started to discuss with the blond young man: "After leaving the universe where they were born, the 'Infinity Stones' will lose their original power. Most of them are just beautiful glass blocks, and your 'King's Treasure' will not include them."

"If I say that something belongs to me, then they are," the blond young man pulled his hand out of the ripples. In his palm was a hand with a protective handle. There were strange lines on it. The whole thing was divided into three parts, and it is still going on. Spinning red cylinder: "Do you have any last words?"

"'EA'? If hit head-on, it is indeed possible to kill me," Thanos responded in a relaxed tone: "But if you don't want to destroy the 'Lock of the Sky', you have to unlock it before activating EA." Okay, and as long as you unlock it, I will use the 'Space Stone' to dodge the attack in the next moment."

"You bastard!" The blond young man seemed to be struck by what he was saying. He gritted his teeth and glared at Thanos, but did not take action.

"The 'Hero Gate' I created with great care was easily cracked by me, so how does it feel to have to use the old one again?" Thanos mocked: "Those 'heroes' basically don't have space capabilities, so they can come to help you in time. There is only 'Supreme Mage Enzidu'. If he is given time to prepare, he may bring those 'heroes' with him, and things will become very troublesome, but I will directly capture you and guide you to use the 'Heaven' Lock', he doesn't have that kind of margin."

"You bastard -" The blond young man raised the weapon in his hand again and again, but could not swing it down.

"Speaking of it, 'time' is really a wonderful thing," Thanos said with a relaxed expression, and even started chatting: "This battle in the [parallel world] is obviously not over yet, but the result has been determined, and it is precisely because of a certain A person who saw its results wanted to prevent it from developing like this in the future and interfered to a certain extent, which led to the birth of this [parallel world]. If I hadn't happened to have the ability to cross dimensions, I really wouldn't have discovered this interesting thing. situation, even if it is for the sake of maintaining history, I will try my best to realize the 'original future'."

"Are you referring to the future where you are stabbed to death by me with EA?" The blond young man held the red cylinder and slowly lowered it, seemingly deciding to use another method to kill Thanos.

"Oh... the same way the Emperor died? You are still as uncreative as ever." Thanos said while staring at the blond young man's expression.

"..." The blond young man looked a little confused, but he did not stop: "I don't know what you are talking about, and I don't want to know."

"Sure enough, in the world where [she] is not here, even if the 'same people' exist, they are not the 'same' people." Thanos sighed with unclear meaning.

"Are these your last words?" The blond young man landed on the ground and got close enough. Then he held the red cylinder and charged forward: "Then go to hell!"


At this moment, a "circle" made of sparks appeared near the place where the two were fighting, and a green-haired young man with waist-length green hair, wearing a large white robe, and a pair of golden eyes rushed out from it. .

"Don't bind Thanos with the Chains of Heaven for too long! He will—"

Chi hum——

At this moment, the chains that originally bound Thanos turned into red with black stripes, and directly tied up the blond young man who rushed in front of him. The blond young man opened his eyes wide and wanted to stab out this "Sword", but he only continued to rush forward for half a step before being completely unable to move.

"'A knight will not die with his bare hands'? Unfortunately, it is the 'Mind Stone'." Thanos casually slapped away the red cylinder that was almost poking in front of him, and punched the blond young man in the chest.

Snapped! Chachacha——

Countless network cracks appeared on the blond young man's armor, extending to the entire body, and then started to break apart from the feet, revealing the casual combination of a white shirt and black trousers.

"Although it is very powerful, the technology of this armor is surprisingly advanced." Thanos commented casually, and then punched again, and more armor began to shatter and fly away.

The blond young man stared fiercely at Thanos without saying a word.

"Jill!" A green light flashed on the green-haired young man's hand in the distance. He disappeared for a moment, and then appeared less than half a meter in front of him: "...Huh?"

"'Enzidu' is the 'Lock of Heaven', and the 'Lock of Heaven' is 'Enzidu'. You can't do anything now, that is, 'this me' has not obtained the 'Soul Gem', otherwise it is completely possible. Let you hit yourselves." Thanos glanced at him and punched the blond young man in the chest with his backhand.

At this time, the limbs of the golden armor were almost completely shattered, and the blond young man's face turned red. He held it in for a few seconds, and finally vomited a mouthful of blood.

" seems to be just a mortal body?" Thanos said with interest, and then punched again, leaving only the core part of the golden armor on his chest.

"Stop!" the green-haired young man shouted: "I will give you the 'Time Stone', let go of Jill!"

"Oh," Thanos flashed and appeared in front of the green-haired young man: "Take it out yourself. If you want to wait for the chains to recover, your Gil won't last that long."

"..." The green-haired young man was silent for two seconds, then pulled off the necklace hanging from his neck that exuded a faint green light and handed it to Thanos.

"You may have seen something with it, but 'I' don't care." Thanos crushed the necklace shell and grasped the green gem inside.

The next moment, fragments continued to gather on his originally empty left hand, eventually forming a huge golden glove.

Thanos nodded with satisfaction and set the gems in his palm one by one with his backhand.

"[I will kill you.]" The green-haired young man raised his head and stared at Thanos, but his original golden eyes had turned purple at some point.

"I'm waiting for that day." Thanos responded nonchalantly, and disappeared in a flash of blue light.

At the same time, the dark chains that bound the blond youth disappeared, and instead appeared behind the green-haired youth, as if - a lot of tentacles with teeth and claws.

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