The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred, I will come to you


Virtual dimension, Dark Temple and Frozen Throne.

"To put it simply, you promised to hand over the 'Space Stone' to Thanos, but now you have regretted it and brought your hometown here to avoid debts, right?" The original said to Tetu while pinching his forehead.

"Ahaha... Actually, I'm not reluctant to part with the gems, but after he collects them, isn't he going to snap his fingers and wipe out half of all life in the universe? If he includes the people in the Matrix, wouldn't it be difficult for you, sister? Do it?" Tetu said, scratching his head.

"It's not 'half of life', it's 'all intelligent creatures that can reborn reapers', but their number is exactly half of the total number of life in the universe." The original work sighed and looked at the sluggish man next to him. "Superstar".

Although it is impossible to read the memory of intelligent creatures, it is not a problem to let her have a dream about the past and then observe the dream. However, in this case, only things that impress the dreamer will appear. If you want to find Thanos Intelligence is nearly impossible.

"Supergiant" is just a code name. Her real name is "Apocalypse" and she is the oldest "King of Mutants" in her own world. The so-called mutants are similar to "people with powers". But they are a different kind of existence. Their abilities do not come from resonance with "Element Zero", but from the mutation of their own genes. This makes it almost impossible for non-mutants to become mutants. This sense of separation causes Understanding the general hostility and hatred of ordinary people towards mutants in her world, she was awakened by the radical mutant organization. After understanding the situation, she decided to use her abilities to turn the entire world into a world ruled by mutants.

Then, he was defeated by the mutant organization that advocated peaceful coexistence.

Well... the process was quite simple, and it seemed that she was very unwilling to recall that embarrassing past event.

Later, when Apocalypse was about to be sealed, Thanos and his Dark Order fleet arrived, using overwhelming force to reshuffle her world, creating a world where mutants ruled ordinary people, and created a world where mutants ruled ordinary people. Give it to that radical mutant organization and take her away.

Apocalypse was not very happy at first, but after leaving her world, she discovered that the "entire universe" she thought was actually only the size of a planet plus its satellites, and there were countless similar and larger universes. Thanos He and his "Dark Order" just shuttled through what he called the "Dark Multiverse", either intervening or secretly influencing each "universe" where conflict broke out into what he wanted, and taking away from it. Those who are willing to follow him join the Dark Order, and the "Five Obsidian Generals" such as Proxima Centauri, Black Dwarf, General Deathblade, and Ebony Maw basically join in a similar manner.

In my first work, I always felt that this behavior seemed familiar, but I couldn't remember where I had seen it.

"In other words, this blue guy is the vanguard of our enemy?" The clown's face remained very ugly after breaking away from the super star's mental interference - even with the oil paint blocking it: "Can I kill her?"

Has he been brought up with some bad memories?

"No," the original replied: "First of all, she will be resurrected even if she is killed. Secondly, if she dies, she will provide a coordinate for Thanos' fleet, and they will be able to accurately jump here."

"Oh? So Thanos' fleet got lost halfway?" Batman answered.

"It can't be considered lost." Tetu held up his hat: "When Kangna chose to 'control all the Reapers', she also took over the 'Mass Effect Repeaters' all over the galaxy. As she adapted to where she was, No one can use the repeater until everything is under control, and those who have already used it will be trapped in it.”

"In other words, she's running a self-check." Gwen poked Maiev next to her.

"['I' cannot comment on the status of the 'other me'.]" The "Watcher" said blankly.


Maiev is more inclined to "GROX", and Kangna is now in a "disappeared" state, so it may be difficult to talk directly - how can a single-celled creature talk to a blue whale? Their understanding of "language" is completely different.

"No, wait," Batman looked around: "This is the 'virtual dimension' created by the Matrix. It is a place that does not exist in reality. And is it the 'subspace' that you were in before using the repeater until you arrived? Similar?"


[Crack——! 】

Before the person who noticed something was wrong could say anything to stop him, a thunderbolt resounded across the sky.

Zheng - buzz -

The originally dotted night sky high above the Dark Temple was covered with a layer of gloomy green, and the space began to fluctuate continuously. Then, one after another, dark and ferocious warships appeared through the ripples of space like fish jumping out of the water. In mid-air.

Boom boom boom——!

Appearing at the same time as those battleships, there were also huge meteors burning with strange green fire, slowly falling towards the Dark Temple and its surroundings.

"..." Everyone nearby looked at Batman.

"It seems that my guess was correct. They can really ignore the repeater and arrive here directly." Batman seemed not to notice anything was wrong at all.

"Dad, you just have to fight from now on and try not to talk." Ilya, who was on the bear's back, put her hand on her forehead.


Bang! boom!

Obviously, there was something wrong with these battleships themselves. Perhaps they caused a malfunction when they forcibly broke through the barrier between "subspace" and "virtual dimension". They hovered motionless after emerging from the void, but those that appeared simultaneously and The falling green meteorites hit the ground first.

Then, a huge stone giant burning with green flames climbed out of the crater, waving its heavy arms to fight with the surrounding demons.

"We were cleaning up the demons all the way up." Gwen stood on the pillars of the temple, holding a pergola and looking down.

"That's the defense module of this host node. It just looks like a demon." The original one glanced at Maiev and said, "Now they are 'one of our own'."

"[Thanos and his fleet want to destroy the Reapers, and 'I' am the Reaper, so they are enemies.]" Maiev responded.

"Hmm...if we hadn't been so aggressive in reaching the 'end', maybe we could have seen a dog-eat-dog thing?" Gwen said thoughtfully, touching her chin.

"[If the 'other self' does not choose to control, the 'catalyst' will not come, then the 'reaper' will not conflict with the 'dark order'.]" Maiev answered.

"Even if he wants to collect the 'Infinity Stones' and destroy you all with a snap of his fingers?" Gwen asked in surprise.

"['I' still don't have enough data to prove that 'collecting six infinite gems' will lead to self-destruction. Assisting you is the judgment made by 'another me'.]" Maiev looked up at the black in the sky Battleship.

"Hmm... Indeed, if I hadn't experienced it personally, I wouldn't have believed it if someone told me that if I was bitten by a spider, I could turn into Spider-Man, let alone a machine head that doesn't know how to adapt." Gwen nodded thoughtfully.

"No time to chat. They seem to have repaired the ship and are preparing to launch an attack." Batman interrupted the conversation between the two and stared at the battleship in the sky.

Following the words, several warships from the top of the temple slowly turned and flew directly above the temple, and then cast several rays of light downward, "leap" a large number of soldiers down.

From the appearance, their facial features, skin color, body size and number of limbs are all different. The only thing they have in common is their clothing. It is not like the standard spacesuits in the outer galaxy that roughly wrap people now, but more like In the age of cold weapons, barbarians were equipped with defensive armor only on vital parts, with their arms, legs and feet exposed, and wielding cold weapons.

From the moment they landed, they stared eagerly at the raiding group on the other side, but they did not act rashly, as if they were waiting for orders.

"Be careful, they are not like this because their equipment is backward. On the contrary, they will use this equipment. Their technology and psychic abilities have reached their peak, so they will return to their original nature and use this most primitive weapon. We should-" Special Tu reminded loudly.

Boom - boom!

A dazzling fireball about the same size as those green meteorites fell from the sky and hit the crowd of Dark Order soldiers. Although there were protective lights and shadows that flashed a few times to try to offset the attack, the center of the fireball hit was about a five-meter radius. All soldiers within range turned into black ashes and disappeared.

"Uh..." Momonga from the strategy team held up his staff, with various BUFFs shining brightly on his body: "Did I activate monsters too early?"


This fireball attack immediately started the battle, and the soldiers of the Dark Order rushed over without waiting for orders.

"Warrior! Knight! Come forward and hold me back!"

"Priesthood, where is the priesthood? Open a field!"

"Click out those spellcasters!"

The raiding group also stepped forward without hesitation.

After the two collided, a big fight started directly at the top of the temple.

The original work took a glance and found that Angela, Tsukiyoshina and Emil, who were disguised as ordinary players, were also fishing in it, so they stopped paying attention.

In this kind of melee, Gwen, who is good at containment, naturally showed off her skills. She kept swinging back and forth to project spider silk to contain the enemy and the auxiliary team.

Illya commanded the white bear to rush into the battle group, while she huffed and puffed continuously to create ice and cold air to launch attacks. Batman and Catwoman stood beside her, knocking away the enemies who were unable to kill them.

The Joker and Harley Quinn disappeared into the shadows as soon as the war started, appearing from behind a lone Dark Order soldier from time to time and wiping their necks.

The only ones left behind are the original characters, Maiev and Tetu.

"Don't join in the fun," she grabbed Tetu who was eager to try: "Soldiers vs. soldiers, vs. generals. We have to pay attention to the surprise attack of the "Five Obsidian Generals" and the "Space Gem" that protects you."

"Ah, that's right." Tetu scratched his head and turned to look at Maiev: "Isn't this your territory? Just blast them and bulldoze them?"

"[Computing power, resistance to invasion, limit.]" Maiev said word by word as if her computer was stuck.

"This is its 'planetary host'. Just to prevent those fleets that are still in 'subspace' from entering, we have already tried our best." The original work glanced at Tetu: "If it hadn't been for your 'Ice Throne' to destroy If it comes in with a big hole, maybe it can be a little easier."

"It can't explode soldiers, but sister, you seem to be able to," Tetu seemed to be reminded by the words "Frozen Throne": "Your current image is just an ordinary mage. In the words of 'Lich King', you can There are many, many undead that can be used."

"That kind of thing... is a bit troublesome. We can't do that for the time being." The original one shook his head.

In Tetu's words, Thanos once "pursued" the "Lich King". If you use that vest casually, you will be rejected by the "third game". If Thanos comes later, it will definitely be A troublesome thing.

Bang! boom! Boom!

Just as he said this, there were several strange noises in the air.

First, a black warship that was larger than other warships appeared in the air, and then suddenly it fell apart with an explosion inside, revealing a towering building that looked like a temple. Finally, the temple fell steadily and stabbed upside down. On the base of the Frozen Throne on the top floor of the Dark Temple, a strange three-story structure was formed.

"Hmm..." Because this situation was so outrageous, I didn't know how to evaluate it for the first time.

"Damn it! I'm going to demolish this illegal building!" Tetu shouted indignantly.

Are you qualified to speak to others? !

Before Tetu could make any move, three figures rushed out of the temple that had just landed, turning into three streams of light and falling in front of Tetu and the original work.

"Oh, it seems that is the body of the planet host," the light blade warrior wearing a black heavy armor with flashing red lights and a bare forehead looked at Maiev and said: "Destroy or control... choose whichever is easier. .”

"Hahaha! What do you look like?" Another girl who looks almost exactly like a human, wearing a black leather jacket, with black twin tails, and a blue fire burning in her left eye points at the spear in her hand. The tied superstar laughed: "You can never wash away this black history!"

"[Roar——]" The third man was a dark-skinned giant man wearing heavy armor. His hands touched each other and he stared at Tetu fiercely.

General Deathblade, Proxima Centauri, Black Dwarf... the original work matched the people in front of him with the information in the illusion of the super star one by one.

Cold weapon specialization, a pair of death blades are extremely sharp, and as long as the light blade is not destroyed, even if it dies, it will continue to be reborn.

The speed is extremely fast, and the spear in his hand has an instant death effect. As long as it has the concept of "death", it will definitely die if it is poked.

Proficient in fighting, extremely strong, and very durable.

The superstars here are good at mental interference, plus Ebony Maw, who is said to be good at various spells, has not appeared. Thanos's men are really full of talents.

However... Judging from their characteristics, it seems that they are defeated by the people present.

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