The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and one, face danger with a smile


Virtual dimension, the three-story tower of the Dark Temple.

"Damn it! Let me go!"

"Uh, what, you guys can help me testify. It was the girl who ran into my spider web and moved around that made it... look like this. It has nothing to do with my own intention."

Night Proxima's whole body was covered with spider webs, and she was being hung upside down in the air. She was still stabbing her with a spear, but that weapon was obviously not suitable for dealing with spider webs. It had no effect other than making her become entangled tighter and tighter. No.

Gwen was squatting on the pillar next to her, trying to defend her character while pulling on the spider silk to control the web.

This is a form of restraint like a natural enemy, the original novel looked at them and thought, Proxima Centauri, which is extremely fast and possesses the ability to kill with one hit, can be regarded as a poisonous wild bee. It will naturally be woven into a web and wait for its prey to come. Controlled by spiders.

Logically speaking, it would take time for Gwen to weave a spider web. During this period, Proxima Centauri could stab several people to death at extremely high speeds. But the problem was that she had been eyeing the "matrix host" Maiev from the beginning, and Although this "Watcher" was slow to speak, his response speed was still at the level of a matrix host. Naturally, he would not be easily poked by her. After a few rounds, he easily led her into Gwen's special super-sticky one. cobweb.

"How's it going, Illya? Can you hold on?"

"Don't worry, Mom, I can keep him frozen like this all day."

On the other side, General Deathblade was also unable to move, but unlike Proxima Centauri, he was fixed in place by a huge block of ice.

Illya, who had put on an ice crystal cloak and a small crown at some point, was standing in front of him, blowing a breath of cold air with thick white mist on the ice every ten seconds.

"Strange... why can she use your power, sister?" Tetu looked at Illya and then at the original work: "Is it because of its appearance?"

"If it is said that my appearance is based on hers, what do you think?" The original one responded casually.

"Haha, how is that possible? Sister, you are worse than her—"


"——Come early." Tetu blinked and forcibly changed his words.

Although there is no memory of [Lin Hao], looking at what [she] has been doing, we can still see some clues. As far as the people present, Matthew, Sophie, and Emil obviously have complete The memories of "other worlds" that Batman, Catwoman and the Joker have are not so complete. As for Illya and Gwen, they seem to have none at all, but their abilities are still from "other worlds", so , as the "first work" that was born in this world, even if the image is the same, it does appear later than them.



Bang! Boom!

On the other side, the huge Black Dwarf is trying to rescue Proxima Centauri, but it is still unable to break through the obstruction of Neo, who has changed into a Batman costume.

Although the size difference between the two men is quite different, the result of the battle is basically the same. Black Dwarf punched Batman, and Batman flew backwards five meters. He used the force to bounce back and kicked Black Dwarf, and Black Dwarf also flew five meters. , however, from a purely visual point of view, it is obvious that Batman, who is small and broad, is more powerful.

Perhaps because the enemies encountered before were of similar strength, even if they were stronger, they were limited, so this trait was not shown. The original work took a look at Batman's trait of "forcing a 50-50 fight against an enemy whose strength is more than five times greater than his own." I wonder if he saved the world in his "last life".

"Don't you see me, Big (Block)?"

When the black dwarf was knocked away again and climbed up, the clown's weird voice sounded, and then, a purple playing card with a cold light on the edge crossed his neck, and then, a blood arrow like a fountain came from there. Shooting out, the black dwarf staggered forward two steps and fell suddenly.

"Too weak, Bat." The Joker turned to Batman while playing with the four or five playing cards on his fingertips: "Such a stupid guy took so long.


"[Idiot!]" Batman shouted: "[This kind of attack is not even a scratch to him.]"



Black Dwarf, who fell to the ground with blood gushing out like a fountain, suddenly roared, raised his upper body suddenly, and grabbed the clown with his back to him in his hands.

Batman dwarfed and rushed forward, but Black Dwarf backhanded him with his free hand.

"[Hoho——!]" Black Dwarf grabbed the clown with both hands, let out a rough laugh, and began to squeeze hard.

Ding! when! Batman threw batarangs at Black Dwarf's eyes and throat, but Black Dwarf just closed his eyes and ignored it, and his hands became harder and harder.

"Gu - did you see that the bat is trying to save the clown?" The clown was laughing and trying to say strange things even if he was out of breath.

"[Shut up, idiot.]" Batman circled the Black Dwarf twice and tried to attack other vital points, but they were all ignored. The original noticed that he seemed to glance in his direction.

Although he can save the clown, now is obviously the time for others to take action.

"Bring the little pudding——" At this moment, Harley Quinn, who was dressed in a similar attire as the clown, but with much more beautiful clothes, raised a huge war hammer and dropped from the sky: "[——Give it back to me!]"

Good guy, my voice is broken.

With a bang, Black Dwarf was hit hard on the forehead. After being stunned for a few seconds, he loosened his hands weakly and fell down again.

"Little Pudding! Little Pudding, how are you! Are you okay!" Harley Quinn dropped her hammer and rushed over, pulling the clown out of Black Dwarf's hand and shaking it vigorously.

"[He is pretending to be crazy, you are really crazy.]" Batman exhaled and said.

"Ah? What did you say? Stinky bat?" Harley Quinn turned to glare at Batman.

"[I said, if you keep shaking, something will really happen to him.]" Batman responded casually, and then began to take out one restraint device after another to fix the Black Dwarf to the ground.

"Ah! Little pudding!"

Although the battleships in the sky were still sending soldiers down, because four of the "Obsidian Five Generals" were captured, their morale dropped significantly, and they began to retreat steadily under the attacks of the raiding group.

"Sister, I think that 'Ebony Throat' might have run away when the situation was bad." Tetu set up a pergola to observe the battlefield situation, then turned to the original work and said.

"If the situation is really over, he might really run away, but now we are actually anxious." The original work gestured to the highest level of the "three-story tower": "That should be the flagship of the 'Dark Order', as long as With it here, the soldiers of the Dark Order will not retreat, and we dare not kill these prisoners to 'resurrect' them. The most troublesome part is that until now, Thanos has shown no sign of taking action."

"Then... blow it up?" Tetu thought for a moment and then said.

"Good idea, go ahead." The original responded angrily.

"Uh... forget it." Tetu shrank his neck.

oh? The first one looked at him slightly surprised.

Obviously, since the "third work" and his own character also come from [Lin Hao], this kind of deliberate irony can be understood by this younger brother. This saves the process of increasing understanding, as long as you don't talk about the "third work" The details of getting along with him can be regarded as if he really has a younger brother.

Sorry, "Part 3", your brother used me to bully you for a while.

After being slightly distracted, the original one looked at the "temple" again.

In my own mind, it was a complete black hole, and no information could be obtained.

No, it's not that no information is available, but that all the information obtained is incomprehensible.

For example, the normal sequence of numbers is 12345, and the sequence of numbers in that black hole is "R☆δ9i". Should it be said that it comes from the "Dark Multiverse"?

However, if a battle occurs, it can still be fought. Just like she clearly saw that the soldiers of the "Dark Order" will turn into ashes after death. She only needs to confirm that there must be a reasonable explanation for this kind of thing, but there is no need to understand this situation. Same as how it happened.

Therefore, she strongly doubted that random attacks there would have any results before confirming what methods would be effective on it.

Unless the people inside take the initiative to come out - huh?


As soon as I thought of this, I saw a huge dragon-shaped shadow flying out from the "third floor". After flapping its wings twice, it circled and landed at the top of the Dark Temple.

No, that's not a dragon-shaped shadow, it's just a dragon.

It has gray-black scales, sharp front claws, powerful hind legs, and a bloody mouth that is spitting out blazing fire wherever it passes.

"Spread out!"

The raiding group suddenly fell on their backs, and the members within the spitting range tried to escape, but several of them were hacked to death by the Dark Order soldiers who were originally facing each other.


The raging pillar of fire swept past, and after a pause of five seconds, another white beam of light that looked like a laser swept over the spot where the flames swept, killing the team of attackers who thought the spewing had ended and ran back to their original positions. More than a dozen members were burned to death on the spot.

"This is a bit troublesome..."

"Heroes are immortal!"

Before Tetu could say anything or do anything, a golden light lit up in the crowd, and the members of the Raiders who had fallen to the ground got up again - but the members of the Dark Order who were burned to ashes by the dragon's breath were not so good. Good luck.

"Dr. Nice!"

"Doctor, can it be saved if it's burnt?"

"There's still lingering fire here! Ouch! I need treatment!"

The raiding group noisily began to attack the Dark Order soldiers again.

Hmm... The original one looked over and nodded slightly. Before, he thought the three of them were paddling, but now it seems that they were obviously going to protect the members of the strategy team who thought it was a game and didn't take their lives seriously. .

"The corpse is talking..." Tetu couldn't look away.

"Basic operation, don't be surprised," said the original author. "Compared to that, the dragon is coming towards us."

"Huh? Huh?" Tetu hurriedly withdrew his gaze, and the black dragon circled around after spitting fire and had already rushed in front of the three of them.


And launched another fire and laser attack.

The original one raised her magic wand and set up a shield in front of her to block the attack firmly, while the attack that hit Tetu disappeared as if it had been cut off. As for Maiev, she didn't even move. She moved, and the attack passed through her body, but had no effect.

"Are you the enemies of Lord Thanos? It does seem like you have two intentions."

Following a soft and slightly hoarse female voice, a slim figure rolled down from the dragon's back and landed steadily in front of the three people. As she fell, the black dragon began to shrink and deform, and finally turned into a human being. A long, dark, curved sword fell into the woman's hand.

It was a girl with short white hair, a black mask covering her eyes, wearing a tight black leather skirt for easy movement, and high-heeled boots. Although her eyes could not be seen, the original work felt that her gaze was from He scanned the three people on his side one by one.

However, her identity is more surprising than such trivial matters.

"'Second work'?" "Sister?"

Shouzhuo and Tetu said almost at the same time.

"She's a beautiful girl, she's your sister, right?" The original one raised his hand and hit Tetu on the head.

"No...but she gives me the same feeling as you, sister..." Tetu covered his head, and then suddenly said: "Eh? Sister, aren't you my sister?"

...Why did this kid become so smart all of a sudden?

"I don't know who the 'second game' or 'sister' you are talking about is," before the original game thought about how to respond, the girl pointed the long sword turned into a black dragon at Tetu: "I am Thanos. One of the "Five Obsidian Generals" under the Lord, "Cinder Storm", is here to seize the "Space Stone" for the Lord. You'd better behave—"

"No, you are definitely the 'Second Work', 'Yurha No. 2 Type B', you were the one who solved the original 'Solemnity Agreement Crisis'," the First Work interrupted directly, and then asked the self-proclaimed "Ashes" "Storm" girl looked behind her and said: "Where is your 'crow'? That silly bird that always shouts 'bright and round'."

"I have no impression at all. To be precise, I have nothing to do with your world at all. If you want to get me to show mercy, I suggest you give up this attempt." Ash Storm waved his sword: "I suggest you be prepared. Instead of continuing to talk to me.”

This kind of look has not been repeated in the Milky Way for billions of years. There is no doubt that she is definitely another [Lin Hao], but there is a slight deviation in her personality because she has never had an "adult" to be loyal to. Perhaps this is A reasonable shift?


"It seems that Thanos has modified and twisted your will in some way. Based on this alone, he must die." The original raised his magic wand and stood it in front of him: "I will subdue you first and then kill you." That despicable guy who dared to twist the minds of my sisters.”

"Master Thanos would not do that. You actually slandered me like this. Just die here and apologize to me." Ash Storm also raised his sword.

"'Sisters'? Do I have more than one sister? Doesn't that mean I can get into trouble at will?" Tetu showed a silly smile at the side.

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