The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and three, muster up courage and move forward firmly


virtual dimension.

"Who else?"

As soon as these words came out, the heroes who had been fighting for a long time were more or less speechless.

This "Ember Storm" was invincible on the ground before, and almost no one was her enemy. It even surpassed the original one. That is, the long-range attack of the thunder and lightning type was just restrained by Mikoto, and she was regarded as some kind of weak one. The Thunder Mage.

And the people Mikoto is staring at now...the huge and burly Black Dwarf and the thick-armored and sharp-edged Deathblade General are indeed a little stronger than the other three women who look relatively weak. Of course, that's just by appearance.

However... as the strongest mad-level superpower currently in the Star Alliance, she probably won't take the initiative to fight with anyone, and Lena Oxton hanging on Mikoto's waist is still providing her with the "buoyancy" to float in the air. , he probably doesn’t plan to come down.

"Hmph..." Ember Storm's "Spear of Sunshine" twice returned in vain, and it seemed that he did not intend to continue to do useless work. After putting away the holy bell, he drew out the black sword again, and then turned into a phantom and attacked the circle. "Maev Shadowsong" outside.

It must be said that this target was chosen very well. As the planetary host and the controller of the current node, he was in a daze because the barrier was broken by Mikoto.

No one else could stop her attack, but those who could were in the sky. One of them still couldn't figure out the situation.


Accompanied by a sound that clearly missed the cut, Ember Storm split Maiev's illusion with a sword, and immediately chased after the real body that appeared not far away through the flash, and by the way, he said: "Do it!"

They were clearly beaten to death before... bad.

Because they were not familiar with each other, they were informed of the fighting style in advance. The original game arranged a Tian Ji horse racing, but after fighting for so long, the five Obsidian generals are already very clear about the methods of these "heroes", as long as they are not too stupid. , you will definitely be able to find an opponent that suits you.

Boom boom boom——!

Since the super star's mental interference ability was consciously guarded against, she simply played a guest role as a liaison. When Ash Storm shouted "do it", she commanded the peripheral Dark Order soldiers and the battleships in the air to launch an attack on the center of the battle group. After a saturation coverage attack, the "heroes" each used defensive means to resist it, and there was no chance to pick another opponent.


The target chosen by the huge black dwarf was Gwen. He completely ignored the spider webs and chased the "Spider Girl" swinging between the pillars of the temple, destroying all the buildings she stopped along the way. It seemed that he planned to destroy all the buildings she could. Everything that gave Gwen strength was flattened, so Gwen could only run on the ground.

"Hey, this little wind can't blow me~"

Proxima Centauri chose Illya and Catwoman as her targets. Not only was her swift movement unable to catch up with the Great White Bear, but Illya's cold air could not freeze her in time. Although Catwoman was also an agile character, she was not able to catch up with her. She couldn't kill someone with one blow like Proxima Centauri. Instead, she had to make sure that her one-hit kill spear wouldn't hit Illya, which was a bit constrained for a while.

"Oh? Kung Fu, right? Do you want to compete with me to show your strength?"

General Deathblade didn't know where he saw some half-baked explanations about "Kung Fu". He was wielding his psychic light blade to chase Batman while talking trash, and Batman... really didn't have any good ideas. All the weapons that come with it will be cut in half by the pair of "death blades", and judging from the way it buzzes and emits red light, it doesn't look like it can be used with bare hands.

As a result, although Mikoto's arrival greatly increased the combat effectiveness, it directly broke up the "Five Obsidian Generals" who were originally united, and she and the original had to busy using magic and powers to stop Ember Storm from pursuing them. Kill Maiev who is in a semi-dead state.

"In terms of 'good intentions lead to bad things', it really lives up to its name." The original one muttered.

"Ah? What?" Mikoto was busy firing a thunder gun to attack Ash Storm,

Asked loudly to the original.

"I mean - where's your ship and crew?" the original responded.

"The reapers have stopped attacking, but Edith said that the few people who entered the matrix were in unstable condition and may have encountered strong enemies, and the barrier between the real and virtual dimensions was damaged, so I asked Lina to take me in first - "Mikoto actually didn't recognize the original work, just because she had a very similar appearance to Illya, and she was being attacked by the enemy when she first arrived. The enemy's enemy is an ally.

"Hmm..." The original one looked at the space rift that Mikoto had opened when she came in, thought for a moment, stopped releasing magic, and turned to Maiev, who was flashing to avoid the pursuit of the ash storm, and shouted: "Hey, watcher Whoever! Put in a Starfleet frigate where the two girls next to me came in!"

Maiev's flickering movements paused for a moment, and when Ember Storm's sword was about to hit her in half a second, she narrowly dodged it.

boom! Click - boom!

Following this "mistake", a huge cracking sound was heard again from the place where Mikoto broke through the space. The crack that was originally only two people high suddenly expanded by hundreds of meters and exploded in the next second.

Then, a long, silver-white light frigate, like stacked blades, with "Normandy II" spray-painted on its body, crashed through the space crack and rushed in.

"[Who is calling the fleet?]" Cicero shouted proudly on the external broadcast.

"[Captain, report to the Normandy II.]" Edith's voice came out immediately.

What sounded at the same time as the "Report" was the sound of the Normandy II's close-in defense guns, missiles and point defense lasers, which very accurately plowed all the Dark Order soldiers, as well as the "Five Obsidian Generals", although the The lethality was limited, but the momentum was quite strong, which directly stalled their offensive.

However, the Dark Order itself also has warships. Their black warships that were originally suspended in mid-air to deploy troops turned around and aimed their main guns at the Normandy II.

Boom boom boom——

Normandy spun to avoid the bombardment of those main guns and rushed directly towards the Dark Order's battleships: "[Haha! Let you taste the power of an ace pilot!]"

"Wait? The sky is their home field -" Mikoto was stunned for a moment, then immediately raised her hand to launch the "railgun" for assistance.

"That's not necessarily the case." The first one raised his hand to stop her.


boom! boom! boom!

Before Mikoto could ask her doubts, the already dilapidated space rift collapsed again on a large scale, and a large number of mechanical octopuses and drones poured in. On the other side of the rift, there were people who were eager to try but couldn't get through because the gap was too small. The "Reaper Battleship" exists.


As if stimulated by the large-scale increase in troops here, the Dark Order also "jumped" a dozen black warships in, but the speed and quantity were completely different.

Both sides knew that the other was the enemy without any confirmation and started a battle in the air.

"The fleet of the 'Dark Order' is in subspace. Although it is the same space as here, the actual distance is quite far. And Normandy is next to the 'planetary host' in 'real space', and the actual distance is basically zero," the original work Xiang Miqin explained: "Let's use our superior force to gain control of the air first, and then we can catch those who come after us."

"Oh..." Mikoto nodded thoughtfully and looked down at the battlefield.

Since air combat does not have much impact on ground combat, the "heroes" are still fighting the same way. However, it seems that because they no longer have to maintain this dimension from being invaded, Maiev's movements have become much more flexible, and she can even use them while escaping. The Fan of Knives counterattacked - albeit with little effect.

Of course, there are still variables. Before the Normandy II ran to engage in air combat with the Dark Order's warships, it had already released a shuttle in advance. At this time, it was slowly landing towards the battlefield at the top of the temple.

"[Roar!]" Black Dwarf may have realized that the shuttle was not a friendly force, so while chasing Gwen, he grabbed a huge piece of building debris and threw it at it.


Golden ripples appeared on the surface of the shuttle, and the debris of the building it hit bounced back at an accelerated rate, hitting Black Dwarf in the head, knocking him back two steps and almost falling.

"What do you think this king is? It turns out to be an orangutan." Before the shuttle landed, the door was opened directly. Then, a tall woman with pale skin, silver hair and red eyes, wearing a white shirt and jeans jumped out. He came down and landed firmly on a lamppost.

Inside the shuttle, there was a girl in black with the same silver hair who looked around and seemed to want to follow suit, but was pulled back by two hands.

"[Roar——!]" Black Dwarf probably didn't understand what happened, but he confirmed that the thrown object would be bounced back, so he raised his hand and grabbed a pillar beside him and threw it at the woman.

With a bang, the huge stone pillar bounced back and hit his head again. The black dwarf swayed twice and fell down.

"Thank you, Suzuko-san. I have known for a long time that you are very powerful, and when I saw you today, it turned out to be true." Gwen swung over from the side and began to tie up the black dwarf with spider silk.

"Huh, it's normal for the common people to admire me." Yuriko Suzuko crossed her arms and raised her chin.

After the black dwarf was tied tightly, the shuttle finally landed firmly, and two fully armed Star Alliance soldiers, a man and a woman, and three Academy City graduates with blond hair, red hair and silver hair walked out of it.

Anna and Sam were ready for the chaotic battlefield. As soon as they stepped out of the cabin, they stood low and raised their guns on guard, while Kaos, Kdori and Naia looked like they were just on an outing.

"Trouble, I didn't know these enemies were so strong before I came, so I didn't change the arrangement." Mikoto looked at the situation below, a little nervous: "I should have let them stay on the Normandy."

"What? Are you kidding?" The original one looked at the three "students" and then turned to look at Mikoto.


"Hey, where did this lost kid come from?"

Before Mikoto could speak, the superstar in blue came out from behind the shuttle. She raised her hand and made Anna and Sam follow her blankly. Then she looked at Kaos with shining blue eyes: "You guys ——Ga'er."

Before she finished speaking, she rolled her eyes and fell to the ground.

"I mean, Aunt Anna and Uncle Sam should stay on the ship." Mikoto shrugged at the original.

"On September 10th, it rained. Kaos used his charm to charm a middle-aged and elderly woman." Naiya took out a small notebook and recorded it decently.

"You don't look like a middle-aged or elderly woman!"

"It's raining somewhere!"

Kaos and Kedoli's focus is obviously completely wrong.

"Okay, okay, this is indeed my job again," Gwen swung over with the spider silk and began to tie up the superstar again: "If you think about it, there is only one Deathblade General who hasn't been tied up by me."

Snap! Boom!

The Deathblade General fell next to her.

"[Huh...huh...]" Batman fell down panting: "[I'll tie you up.]"

"Uh..." Gwen blinked, her face full of disbelief.

Although Gwen didn't see it, Mikoto and the original one could clearly see from the VIP position that the Deathblade General was knocked unconscious by himself.

Since the battle began, General Deathblade has been chasing Batman, but has never been able to actually hit him, and he has not yet discovered that Batman was secretly dismantling his armor using the data perspective. In the end, when he once again tried to eject the pair of When the light blade was fired, the light blade generator popped out in the opposite direction and hit his chin, knocking him unconscious on the spot.

After tying up General Deathblade, Gwen probably drifted away, and moved to high places to look for the defeated general in Proxima Centauri, who seemed to be planning to do it again.

But unfortunately, Proxima Centauri has been tied up and hung up again, this time by Catwoman.

Catwoman's weapon is a long whip with considerable flexibility, but apart from the skin, this whip is actually made of countless silver-white metal wires. When Proxima Centauri escaped several whippings, she thought Catwoman only had this ability. After some carelessness, the metal wires suddenly formed a net like a goddess scattering flowers, tying Proxima Centauri tightly. She originally wanted to struggle, but was frozen into the ice by Illya's last attack. inside.

At this point, the reversal of the high-end battle situation brought about by the emergence of the Ash Storm was reversed again, and the Dark Order warships, which were busy in air combat, were unable to drop soldiers for a while, resulting in a brief troop gap at the top of the Dark Temple, without the enemy's passage. The regiments began to look eagerly at Ember Storm, who was still chasing Maiev in vain.

"Surrender, 'Second Work'," the original work began to try to persuade him to surrender: "We will find a way to remove the mental interference in you. Look at you like this, your Lord Thanos didn't come to save you, right? ?"

"...I'm sorry, Lord Thanos," Ember Storm stopped and looked around: "It seems I have to waste a spiral sword."

Before anyone could understand the meaning of this sentence, she took out a flaming spiral sword from behind and inserted it directly into the floor of the temple, forming a blazing bonfire in an instant.

[Reigniting the Fire]

The next moment, a black mist full of ominous meaning surged out from the bonfire.

【Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death】Purple Giant 【Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death Death]

what is that! ?

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