The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and four, miracle 1 will definitely happen


Virtual dimension, dark temple.

"...What is that?" The original one looked at the black mist composed of dense [deaths] and was a little stunned for a moment.

"That's Thanos, sister, beat him away quickly." Tetu said quietly while hiding behind her.

can not see? Well, if you are not qualified enough, you may not be able to see it.

After being distracted by Tetu, I roughly understood what it was.

That is, either directly or indirectly, the "concept" generated by the intelligent creatures who died because of Thanos when they lost their lives. In the vocabulary of the Eastern cultural circle, it is "karma", "cause and effect" or other similar things. .

These "deaths" were originally supposed to be attached to Thanos, but they were unable to succeed because he was too high-ranking, so they could do nothing but surround him and follow him wherever he went.

Judging from the scale, it would take at least twenty reincarnations to form these "deaths" in this universe.

In other words, this is a "saint" who slaughtered countless mortals.

It’s too outrageous. Can you be called a saint if you can commit such an act?


After a brief analysis, the original work was surprised to determine that among the "deaths" surrounding Thanos, not even one of them came from this world.

According to Gwen Tetu, his plan is to wipe out half of the world's population, which means that these "deaths" are accumulated by him by wiping out "half the population" of at least "forty worlds".

Since the goal was never achieved, this time he came to this universe to try his old trick again.

That will definitely not allow him to succeed.

However, there is another question here...where have all the "deaths" in this world gone?

Whether it was the reapers who harvested a civilization in 50,000 years, or the deaths caused by the conquests between civilizations, no such "concept" had ever appeared. Otherwise, as the "builder" of the matrix, she should have discovered such a thing long ago, and It's not like we waited until Thanos showed up with all his body parts covered up before he realized it.

Could it be that... it won't happen...

The original stared at Thanos with wide eyes, and after Thanos emerged from the bonfire, he looked around for a moment, and then looked up at Tetu who was hiding behind her.

"['Catalyst']" he said: "[I didn't expect you to plan to default on your debt and start such a big fight.]"

"You plan to wake up your sister by wiping out half of the population. It's okay if your sister doesn't wake up, but since your sister has already woken up, you can't be allowed to do that. She will be angry." Tetu responded loudly, holding the original arm. road.

"[You're right, if your sister is awake, she will indeed be angry, but she is not awake now.]" Thanos glanced at the original work: "[I didn't expect that I would also laugh at others for admitting the wrong person, haha. ]"

"Ah?" Tetu blinked and looked at the original work in confusion.

"I'm indeed not your sister," the original one touched his head: "It's similar to the 'Ash Storm' below, probably only... one-sixth of your sister's."

"Well..." Tetu was confused for two seconds, and his eyes became firm again: "No, a sister is a sister. As long as you find all six, then you will be a complete sister!"

Do you think we are puzzle pieces?

Moreover, the final work can no longer be found...

"[Collect six and you can get a complete one. The idea is right, but the answer is wrong,]" Thanos looked around again: "[Hand over the 'space gem', I don't want to do it.]"

"No, just a little bit~" Tetu stuck out his tongue behind the original work.

"Have you ever thought that if you wiped out half of the population, 'she' still hasn't woken up?" The original asked Thanos, trying to ignore the funny Tetu.

Judging from what [Lin Hao] has done in all her incarnations, if my guess is correct, all the "deaths" in this world should have been collected by her.

The harvest that occurs every 50,000 years, as well as all the "deaths" caused by other disasters or wars between harvests, is such a huge number that it is completely unimaginable.

However, this kind of "aggregation" is basically a slow process. Even "harvesting" will last anywhere from tens to hundreds of years, and [Lin Hao], who has adapted to this frequency, suddenly absorbs half of the population of the entire universe. "Death" can indeed be "awakened".

However, there is another possibility. [Lin Hao] is not "sleeping", but is "swamped" by these "deaths". The speed of processing them is only slightly higher than the speed of their accumulation, and [her] consciousness is slowing down. But he resolutely "floated", and then Thanos suddenly poured half the universe's population into the "water", and all previous efforts were in vain.

"[I don't know which level you have thought of,]" Thanos glanced at the original work with admiration: "[Believe me, I must have thought of more ways than you who just started thinking about this problem, and, 'Reaper' was originally one of the escape routes I prepared, but now it has been cut off by you in advance. So, no matter what, I have to try to see if this route is feasible.】"

"Then it's a pity that for personal reasons, I can't let you do that." The original character raised his magic wand and recalled the bonds Kangna left along the way. If all those people from all walks of life could escape, If it passes 50% screening, she will definitely not believe it.

"[About my plan, those who understand will naturally understand, and those who don't understand do not need to explain,]" Thanos raised his gloved left arm: "[In order to avoid accidents, I will try not to hurt you... of.】"

This person's name...well, actually it's not that surprising.

"You can't fly~" Tetu continued to make faces.

"[When approaching air units, in addition to letting yourself 'rise', you can also make them 'fall'.]" A flash of light flashed from Thanos' hand, and Mikoto, Lina, Prime and Tetu, who were originally in mid-air, all came to the ground. fell to the ground.

"Impossible! I have a 'space gem', you can't move me!" Tetu shouted in surprise.

"No," the original work regained its footing: "He just directly raised the 'Outland' under his feet by a certain amount, and we will not be affected..."

"[It is not a good idea to fuse the Space Stone with yourself, which means it will be quite painful when it is separated.]" Thanos moved his gloved hands and stepped towards Tetu's direction.

"You are the one who needs to feel the pain first!" After Mikoto landed, she directly condensed a tomahawk made of thunder in her hand. She stepped forward, leaped high and struck down hard.

"Don't even think about getting close to Lord Thanos!" Ash Storm took out a spiked hammer with his backhand and responded head-on.


Hammers and axes struck each other, causing harsh friction and bursting thunder and lightning, but it was obvious that neither of them took advantage. They each took two steps back, glaring at each other and preparing to launch a new round of attacks, while Thanos just He walked over calmly.

Anna and Sam tried to shoot with long-range firearms, but the bullets flew about one meter away from Thanos and then slowed down and stopped in mid-air.

Batman unfolded his cape and descended from the sky, trying to fight Thanos hand-to-hand, but the bullet that had just been fixed in the air suddenly reflected back, hitting him in the head and sending him flying far away.

Yuriko Suzukina laughed and said, "They have the same ability" and charged towards Thanos, but she was embedded in a pile of steel bars that appeared out of nowhere.

Gwen tried to shoot spider silk to slow down Thanos, but she somehow got herself tangled up and fell down, jumping up and down like a goldfish jumping out of a fish tank.

Illya pulled on the back of the bear's neck as if to try to get the bear to hit him, but the white bear just held its head in its palms and lay motionless on the ground.

The fishing trio... were still fishing, but they just quietly led the people from the team to a distant place.

The ones who really made a difference were Kaos, Kedori and Naia. They ran to mutter to Maiev for a while, and Maiev suddenly had a black-red shield covering her whole body, completely ignoring them. Thanos used the ability he had used before and rushed forward to fight with her in close combat. Thanos temporarily stopped because he couldn't take her down.

"Trouble..." The original watch watched Thanos use the power of the Infinity Stones like a flowing stream, and the spells thrown at him were basically like mud cows falling into the sea. He was completely convinced that he, who could only use the magician template at present, was no match for him, so Turning to look at Tetu: "My sister plans to destroy the 'space gem', what impact will it have on you?"

"No, it doesn't matter. I'm not afraid of pain at all!" Tetu seemed to realize that something was wrong, so he raised his hands and put them on his forehead, revealing a crystal clear blue gem.

"I'll be gentle." The original reached out and pressed on the space stone and began to try to "delete" it, but found that the "progress bar" was much slower than expected.

"[Huh... what should I say? The will of the universe? It's a pity that she hasn't woken up yet, otherwise she would have a lot to complain about.]" Thanos slapped Maiev away after the "invincible time" had ended, and turned towards Tetu He smiled at the original one and strode closer again.

Mikoto, who still had fighting power, tried to get rid of Ember Storm and came to support, but she was entangled with her. Even Lina's ability could not take her out of the battle.

For a moment, it seemed that no one could stop Thanos, and the Prime could only temporarily distract himself and distance himself from him.


At this moment, several red circles suddenly appeared in front of Thanos, and a figure holding a shield jumped out of the red circle closest to him.


Thanos punched him, but neither the figure nor himself moved at all.

The person who blocked his attack was Sharon Rogers, who was wearing a red and blue uniform. She looked at Thanos blankly, then looked down at the shield in her hand, and then started shouting: "Hmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh on from us." —!"

Thanos tilted his head with a strange expression, grabbed the edge of the shield with his backhand, and threw her directly into the crowd of the Raiders, just in time to knock Angela to the ground, who had started to be in a daze for some reason.

"Thanos!" The second person to rush out of the ring of fire was "Iron Man" Jin Gu. He charged directly at Thanos with full firepower, but the effect was not good. Thanos directly grabbed one of his arms. , swung twice and smashed into the pile of steel bars where Yuriko Suzuko was buried, and was embedded together.

"Eamonn!" The third person who rushed out was a majestic red-haired woman with golden light all over her body. She kicked Thanos back a few steps with a flying kick.'s "The Fourth Game: Queen of Blades", but it seems to be just a simple inheritance of power, and how did this woman become light?

This is a real force. Kerrigan chased Thanos and attacked, beating him until he could only parry but not fight back. Emberstorm was distracted and wanted to help, but Mikoto took the opportunity to shock him several times.

In this gap, another group of Star Alliance agents and mobile suits from the People's Alliance appeared in the red circle, as well as their commander "Illusive Man", completely stabilizing the ground battlefield, and then the red circle closed.

And just when most people thought that the battle was about to be won and relaxed a little, Thanos, who was raising his arms in defense, suddenly laughed:

"[Hehehe, the 'Supreme Mage' didn't come. It seems that this is not the ending she saw?"

"We are enough!" Kerrigan accelerated her attack.

"[You said, 'You won't hold back next time we meet,' but now it seems you have let it go. Otherwise, why didn't you tell this 'Captain Marvel' that the 'Queen of Blades' is the strongest form?"



Before Kerrigan could understand what she meant, Thanos' movements suddenly sped up and hit her in the abdomen with a palm.

The next moment, a glittering illusory figure was blasted out of the body by Thanos. Almost at the same time, the shape of the body changed into an image of a full body of armor, a pair of blade-like wings, and long hair like tentacles. But because he lost control of his body, he knelt down and sat motionless.

The reinforcements who rushed out of the ring of fire immediately opened fire, but to no avail as before.

"[You--]" Bah!

Thanos came to the Prime and Tetu, and before he could finish speaking half a sentence, the blue gem in Tetu's forehead exploded, and the impact caused a large area of ​​space nearby to vibrate like water waves.

Boom boom boom!

In the distance, the "Frozen Throne" that was stuck upside down collapsed, and even the Dark Order Temple above it fell crookedly.

"Ha, hiss, ha!" Tetu covered his head, exhaling in pain and laughing loudly: "You failed! Thanos!"

"[Theoretically, gems cannot affect each other. There may be some bug here, but it doesn't matter, as long as it works.]" Thanos shook his head indifferently and raised his gloves.

The green light of the "Time Stone" flashed, and the shattered "Space Stone" regained its integrity as if turned upside down, and fell lightly into Thanos' hands.

"You! Give it back to me!" Tetu forgot about the difference in strength and rushed forward to grab it, but he was fixed in place the next second. No, it was not fixed. He was indeed running wildly, but he always stayed in place. .

"[This kind of thing is better placed in the hands of people who are good at using it.]" Thanos clicked the space gem and set it on his glove, and looked at the original work that had no action: "[I'm sorry, in this kind of situation I’ll get to know you.]”

"..." The original didn't pay attention to what Thanos said, and just looked behind him with slight confusion.

When did "The Fifth Part: Starry Sky Diva" come out? What is she singing there... that a miracle must happen?


Thanos snapped his fingers.

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