The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and five,?

Qingcheng Mountain is the territory of our Lin family.

As the largest cultivation family within a thousand miles, the Lin family occupies three main peaks and twelve auxiliary peaks in Qingcheng Mountain. The carved beams and painted buildings, pavilions and pavilions appear and disappear in the clouds and mist on the mountain, making them look full of fairy spirit.

According to the records passed down from ancestors, the Lin family was founded in the late Yuan Dynasty by an ancestor named "Lin Pingzhi".

At that time, the aura of heaven and earth was beginning to take shape, and all kinds of sword cultivators and talisman cultivators emerged one after another. They were constantly competing for the blessed land of cave heaven and all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and the world was in chaos for a while.

The ancestor used a heaven-level swordsmanship called "Evil Sword Manual" to create the swordsmanship method that the Lin family still uses today, and killed all the evil heretics who coveted this swordsmanship. Finally, he and his junior sister settled in Qingcheng Mountain, shocking the surrounding area. Xiao Xiao gradually expanded the family.

However, as the spiritual energy of heaven and earth became more and more intense, sword cultivators who relied more on sharp weapons and moves gradually declined, and various types of magic cultivators gradually emerged. Although those monks did not dare to look down on sword cultivators in person because their bodies were too fragile, they often had contemptuous words and deeds in private. If a swordsman with a hot temper hears it and causes trouble with his words, and entangles and fights with him, the reputation of the swordsman will gradually decline.

If not, no one would dare to face his father's strange anger.

"No need to beat around the bush, tell me why you're here!" In the living room, the middle-aged man in blue robe sitting at the head of the table slammed his teacup on the tables and glared at the guests in front of him.

That is my father, Lin Yuanshan, the current head of the Lin family. He is usually kind and polite to others, and can be called a "good old man." But he is so angry now mostly because of me.

"...Clan Leader Lin, please believe that we will not come to raise such embarrassing matters unless we have to." Opposite him sat an old man in purple with white beard and hair, but his face vaguely resembled that of a liger. , the old man put down his teacup and spoke slowly.

This old man comes from the Faxiu Long family. He is an elder. His name seems to be... Long Te'ao? Forget it, the name Long is very strange anyway.

The young man sitting behind Long Te'ao, wearing black clothes with lowered eyebrows and closed eyes, is quite familiar to me.

Ryunosuke is the only son of Long Yusheng, a contemporary family of the Long family.

It is said that his father was born on a rainy day, so he was named "Yusheng". When the patriarch named his son, he used the lottery method and finally picked a storage ring, so he thought of naming it "Dragon Ring". After being strongly opposed by his wife, he changed his name to "Ryuunosuke", which was still very strange.

What? Why am I so clear?

It’s strange that my mother, maids, maids, cooks, and even pet parrots have been talking about my “fiancé” repeatedly since I was young.

However, although we had some distant and polite exchanges of letters, and we had seen each other's portraits, this was the first time I saw him in person, and well... it was probably the last time.

"If it's embarrassing, you don't have to say anything!" Father replied coldly before Elder Long finished speaking.

"This is the 'Excellent Nayuan Pill'," Elder Long said without hearing anything. He took out a gorgeous wooden box from his arms and placed it on several cases: "It may be helpful to your wife's 'injury'."

"..." Even with my father's anger at this time, he couldn't say anything harsh, so he just turned his head and glanced at me.

"'Nayuan Dan' is a good thing. Even if it is the lowest level, it can make a person's cultivation reach a higher level or even improve it to a higher level." I raised my right hand and made a half salute to Elder Long: "It's a pity that little woman If you don’t need it, please take it back.”

It's not that I'm being arrogant or rude. As a "severely injured person" who can only move his neck and right arm, this is already a gift that is equivalent to falling to the ground.

"Miss Lin was joking. Since it is a gift, there is no reason to take it back," Elder Long put his hands together: "However, Miss Lin may not be suitable to listen to my next proposal, right?"

Father looked at me again.

"No need, I can guess it to some extent, and I quite agree with it. Just say it." I shook my head at my father to express that it was okay.

"Then..." Elder Long paused and turned to his father: "Clan Chief Lin, you should know that the Long family is different from the Lin family that has been passed down from one generation to the next. Many branch families have been spying on the position of the head of the family for a long time, and it was only because of the patriarch's toughness that he suppressed it. But for those vicious There is no way to refute the people’s attack on the ‘absolute queen’.”

"...Hmph!" Father snorted.

"Miss Lin was thinking about the love between her flesh and blood, and used the technique of 'Li Dai Tao Jian' to treat Young Master Lin. My father was also full of praise. However, as a result, the matter of our two families getting married has to be... considered in the long run." Elder Long finished his words while peeking at his father's face.

Breaking off the engagement, when I saved my stupid brother, I had expected that this day would come. Even if the Long family was not coerced by the separation, they would not want a woman who is equivalent to a useless person to be the mistress.

"Of course the little girl will not embarrass Uncle Long. The marriage certificate has been brought and the elder can take it away at any time, Sophie?" I turned my head and glanced at the personal maid.

"Hmph..." The little maid, who was not as tall as I was sitting, looked like she wanted to eat someone. She took out the box containing the marriage certificate from the storage box of the wheelchair and walked over angrily.

"Don't throw it away." I reminded him in time.

"..." Sophie looked at me with an aggrieved look, and then "gently" placed the box in Elder Long's hand.

"Well..." Elder Long's eyes twitched: "Then, I will resign now. If Miss Lin changes her mind, you are welcome to come to Longjiabao to talk again at any time."

"There's nothing to talk about! See you off!" my father said angrily.

"Huh..." At this time, there was a sound of inhaling and exhaling with obvious emotions in the living room, and when I turned around to look, everyone pretended to look at them with their eyes, nose, nose and heart.

Really, I am the one who is paralyzed, and I am also the one whose engagement is annulled. Why are they angry there?

"Hello Lin!"

At this moment, the young man in black who had been pretending to be mute suddenly stood up and walked toward me. Sophie was so frightened that she opened her hands to stop him.

"Young Master Long, what do you think?" I patted Sophie on the shoulder to tell her not to make a fuss.

"As far as I know, the swordsmanship of the Lin family is best used by women. Most of the heads of the Lin family have been women, such as Lin Qingxia, Lin Yueru and other seniors. The names of my predecessors are also known to me, and you are said to be the most promising to surpass them. 'Genius', why do you want to destroy your future to treat a——" Ryunosuke paused, as if he couldn't find the right words.

"Trash?" I saw that he was feeling uncomfortable, so I spoke up for him.

"No, I didn't mean that..." As his father glared directly at him, Ryunosuke waved his hands repeatedly.

"It's okay. Everyone knows the difference in Lin Shu's qualifications. He took the risk to read ancient books that were no longer suitable for the concentration of spiritual energy at this time and then practiced blindly and went crazy. It's his own fault. I can leave him alone for the time being and work hard to improve my realm. He went to the vast world to find the treasures of heaven and earth that could cure him, but..." I looked at Ryuzosuke and said what came to my mind when I saw that stupid brother with a bloody thorn in Siguoya Mountain Cave. First thought.

"Who told me to be his sister?"

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