The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and six,? ?

"Miss, I'm over the edge." Sophie pushed the wheelchair and said softly from behind.

"Well...just wait here and see when he can find me." I looked up at the cave halfway up the cliff.

Si Guo Cliff, as the name suggests, is a place where people of the Lin family reflect when they make mistakes and are punished. It is said that the founder of the mountain was punished many times by his disciples into the Si Guo Cliff with the same name to think about his mistakes. So after the establishment of the sect, he also went to his own place to reflect on his mistakes. Such a place was built in the back mountain.

Hmm...hard to comment.

However, due to the small number of people in the clan, there are not as many dirty deeds as other famous sects, so the one who has been punished the most is the young master of the Lin family, my stupid brother Lin Shu.

Of course, the name "Stupid" is basically something only I can call. If someone else calls him that, he will definitely rush up to fight with red eyes.

A dignified young master of a sword cultivating family who fights with people with his fists and kicks... There is no way to refute being said to have "extremely poor cultivation aptitude".

But in fact, Lin Shu's talent can be regarded as top-notch.

Since the resurgence of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, all kinds of talented people have emerged in endlessly, and their abilities are also diverse. They can't imagine it, but they can't do it. However, no matter which sect or family they are, or what kind of practice they are good at, the source of their power is the same - Spiritual roots.

Spiritual roots, as the name suggests, are the roots of spiritual energy. Just like flowers, plants and trees absorb water and nutrients, they can absorb spiritual energy from the outside world, and then convert it into various spells by monks. The number of these "roots" can basically determine a monk's The starting point, and "cultivation qualifications" determine how far the monk can go.

According to the current common view, those with more than six spiritual roots can basically be regarded as monks. Ordinary people are basically no match for them. If there are about ten spiritual roots, you can try to find some sects to learn from them. If you are more diligent, you can probably be in the world. To become famous, as for the masters... half of their information will not be leaked. I only know that the number of my father's spiritual roots is twenty-two.

And the number of my younger brother's spiritual roots is... twenty-seven.

With such a super genius-like amount of spiritual roots, he can absorb dozens or hundreds of times the spiritual energy of ordinary monks every time he breathes. However, there are still no results. Is it wrong to call him stupid?

It was all because of his poor spiritual root attributes. When his father scolded him for being lazy, Lin Shu defended himself.

Just like various magic abilities, spiritual roots also have a hundred flowers blooming attributes, from the more common "earth, water, fire, wind, thunder" to the rarer "heaven, people, stars", as well as just hearing , "full, empty" and so on that have never been seen before.

The spiritual root attribute does have an impact on a monk's strength, but it is not that big.

They can basically only affect whether a monk with a certain attribute is more advantageous or disadvantageous when faced with other attributes that are mutually reinforcing and incompatible, and whether he can use some special abilities based on spiritual root attributes. They are the icing on the cake, but cannot provide help in times of need - Unless there is some extremely special situation, it happens and can only be achieved with the help of spiritual root attributes.

For example, my spiritual root attribute is water, which is characterized by "flow" and "transfer", so I adapt well to the Lin family's swordsmanship, which is relatively feminine and can release sword energy. Therefore, I am praised as a genius who only emerges in hundreds of years - even if The person who said this has never met me.

However, it is precisely because of this attribute that we can use "Li Dai Tao Jian" to save the stupid brother from the "spiritual root fracture" caused by the obsession.

Oh, by the way, Lin Shu's spiritual root attribute is "sword". This is no longer a question of whether it is rare or not. It is completely unreasonable. How can a physical entity be the spiritual root attribute?

It's like someone is a rabbit and someone is a tiger, and then someone comes up and says he is a stone, which is outrageous.

When the test results came out, my father was quite optimistic, saying that this strange spiritual root was just right for the Lin family, a sword cultivating family.

He also had high hopes for him and did his best to provide him with resources and teach him techniques.

The result...the stupid brother didn't learn anything except simple luck to strengthen his own skills. On the contrary, I was bored and went to play with my brother and was forced to listen in. I turned into a "genius that only appears once in a century." It's simply inexplicable.

Maybe everyone didn't notice it at that time, but thinking about it now, breaking off the engagement with the Long family has become inevitable from now on.

If I marry into the Long family, then my younger brother will not be able to support the Lin family when he becomes the head of the family, and the family will decline rapidly. If I become the head of the family, the Long family will never agree to let their young master marry into the family.

Therefore, it was completely unnecessary for them to be filled with righteous indignation because of the Long family's decision to break off the engagement.

But Ryuunosuke was a bit interesting. Before he left, he shouted, "Wait for me for three years. Within three years, I will definitely find a treasure that can cure your brother's injury."

Instead of worrying about me, a paralytic, being abducted by someone who doesn't mind, he should be more worried about himself being forcibly married by Uncle Long to another girl from the public.

Could it be that after I couldn't move on my own, I became more beautiful?

Hmm, I guess I didn’t bring a mirror, forget it.

"Sister, you are in a daze again. How can someone be so dazed?"

Accompanied by a slightly hoarse boy's voice, a figure wearing a bright blue shirt flew down in front of me.

He has a square face, fair skin, flat eyebrows and straight nose, bright eyes, thin lips and a short scar that has healed on his forehead.

Even putting aside his sister's natural affection for his brother, this is still a very handsome boy.

"I've been waiting for you for so long that I almost fell asleep." I looked my brother up and down to make sure that he didn't have any hidden injuries. "Father said that you can go back to the main peak. If you want to go out for training, you can."

"I don't..." He retorted half a sentence habitually, and then paused: "...Sister, are you okay?"

"As long as you don't cut off your spiritual roots when you see something like 'no sword in hand, no sword in heart', I think I should be fine." I pointed to his heart: "Don't misinterpret ancient books casually. At that time, Star', 'hand', and 'heart' are not what they mean now."

"But the first part of it is all right. A sharp sword has no intention, a soft sword is impermanent, a heavy sword has no edge, a wooden sword has no edge, no sword has no moves, except for the last one, I can do them all..."

"Young lady is very kind. Not only can't you take care of yourself, but your engagement has just been broken off by the Long family." The younger brother was about to talk, but Sophie suddenly interrupted behind him.

"Damn it, that guy Ryunosuke——"

"Okay," I raised my hand to interrupt my brother's meaningless scolding or complaining: "Given the situation of our two families, it was just wishful thinking of our ancestors at the beginning, and there is no responsibility. If you really want to say it, you have to take the responsibility now. It’s the responsibility that comes with it.”

"..." The younger brother was silent for a while, and his expression straightened up: "Don't worry, sister, after this 'break and then stand', I have already mastered a set of superb swordsmanship that does not belong to the Lin family. I will go down the mountain right now. In five years, no matter , I will surely find the treasure that will allow you to recover within three years.”

Do you have any obsession with three years?

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