The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and seven,? ? ?

Ding! when!

After his father easily cracked his brother's crooked sword skills and knocked away his sword, he did not reprimand him as usual. Instead, he stroked his beard and fell into deep thought.

Bang, bang, bang, I slapped the armrest of the wheelchair with one hand to express my applause.

"Hmph! Thirty years to the west of Hexi and thirty to the east of Hedong. Don't bully young people into poverty!" Lin Shu's arms were shaking, but he still looked dissatisfied and dissatisfied.

"Although I don't know where you learned this from, but no matter how you think about it, you shouldn't say it to your father." I stopped patting the armrest: "Judging from my father's age, the further back you go, the greater your advantage will be." Big, it doesn’t even have to do with your own ability.”

Although the resurgence of spiritual energy gives people powerful power, it does not increase the lifespan accordingly. At present, no matter how much care is taken, one hundred and fifty years is the limit. Although my father who is over fifty is still in good health, he should not go any further. There is room for promotion. When the stupid younger brother can take charge of the family, he should transfer the position of the head of the family and become the family elder like his grandfather - but he should not care about everything like his grandfather and only think about growing flowers and grass.

Of course, the life span limit here only refers to the natural life span. Some ghost cultivators and spiritual cultivators can "resurrection" and "seize the body" through special methods. The former is their own ability, which is understandable, but the latter is discovered by the monks. Must kill.

There is no other reason. Ordinary people are absolutely unacceptable to those old monsters, and adult monks are at risk of being counterattacked and discovered. The theory is that the most suitable target is one who has many spiritual roots but does not know it. Ordinary people, but they are basically hard to come by, so the descendants of monks who are not yet mature, have no shortage of spiritual roots, and have undecided personalities are excellent targets.

Ask any monk who is a father or mother, and the only answer to this kind of evil cultivator is to beat him to pieces.

"Shu'er, please confirm once again, father, that what you read is really the 'Evil Sword Manual' left by our ancestors?" At this time, his father woke up from his meditation and stared at his brother seriously.

"Can it still be fake?" The younger brother responded inexplicably: "Outsiders would come to our Lin family's 'Si Guo Cliff' and carve a brilliant sword manual on the wall of the hidden cave, and then leave a ban on self-destruction after reading it. Are you going to seal that cave again? No one can discover it except those who are locked in there facing the wall and thinking about their mistakes."

No, except for "people who don't want to face the wall and think about their faults but want to break through the wall and escape."

Trying to dig through the cliff, if you ignore your brother to get the sword manual and become possessed, it should be worth a month of confinement.

My father may be wondering whether his brother was taken away from him, but I am very sure that he was not. That stupid look cannot be faked by outsiders.

If I were in my father's position, I would probably be suspicious. After all, my brother's swordsmanship is a bit too... strange.

The Lin family's swordsmanship emphasizes one's ability to strike quickly, with ethereal and strange movement skills, and the ability to breathe out sword energy with the edge of the sword, making it difficult for the opponent to guard against it. This is why everyone immediately believed that I was disabled after I was paralyzed. Even if I am in a wheelchair, I can still It can shoot sword energy, but its threat level is basically zero.

As for my brother's sword technique, it emphasizes adapting to the situation, anticipating the enemy's attack first, and making a move before the opponent takes action. There is no move in itself, but this kind of sword technique requires the user to fully understand the enemy. That is to say, he is very familiar with the Lin family's swordsmanship, so that his father can suffer a small loss. If he encounters an attack method that he has never seen before, he is afraid that he will be hung up and beaten.

In addition, in my opinion, my brother's sword skills are beyond the scope of sword cultivation and can be regarded as some kind of magic cultivation, because although he cannot fire the sword energy, he can still continue to move after the sword is released. This is also my father's surprise. main reason.

If it were developed to the extreme, it might be possible to fly to the sky like those Mo family members who play tricks.

If I were to learn this skill... flying in a wheelchair while firing sword energy... it would seem a bit weird.

"Perhaps... sword cultivation is going to have a branch... whether it's 'sword-holding' or 'sword-controlling'." My father thought for a long time and nodded slowly.

As expected of the leader of a large clan, he really considers issues far deeper than us.

"Then..." The younger brother picked up the sword that had been thrown away and looked at his father expectantly.

"Do you know why I allowed you to go down the mountain?" The father changed the subject.

"...Experience?" The younger brother didn't know why.

"That's one," his father nodded and shook his head: "You have to actively participate in activities and competitions organized by various famous sects. You don't have to pursue rankings and awards, but you must maintain a sunny and positive image, and win as many awards as possible. Show up in front of people.”

"That kind of thing is so stupid. I still have to find something for my sister-" The younger brother was obviously reluctant.

"This is for your sister," the father waved his hand to interrupt his younger brother: "In addition to swordsmanship, our Lin family has another skill, which I think you should know very well."

"Star Absorber..." "It's the 'Beiming Divine Art'." I interrupted my stupid brother to say the scornful epithet.

"Yes, it's the one my sister used to save me." The younger brother looked at his father who was glaring at him and wiped his sweat quietly.

"Absorbing the enemy's spiritual power and then converting it into sword energy to kill the enemy is originally one of the combinations passed down by the ancestors of the Lin family. However, in most cases, the winner is determined before our spiritual power is used up. If we can Isn't it faster to touch the enemy's body and directly strike with a sword than to absorb his spiritual power? His name is not obvious, but due to the misfortune of his sect, he was learned by someone who rebelled against the sect. He changed his name to "Absorbing Star" and used it to cause trouble in all directions. The reputation of the Lin family's swordsmanship has been implicated. Please tell me, can that kind of sinister method that simply steals people's spiritual power repair your spiritual roots?" Father started talking about ancient times directly.

"Of course not." My brother lowered his head and winked at me desperately.

"What my father wants is for you to appear in front of as many people as possible with your beard and tail intact, to prove that our 'Beiming Divine Art' can not only absorb people's spiritual power, but can also be used to treat disabilities." I clicked directly. The central idea of ​​​​the father's words.

"What are you talking about?" The younger brother muttered and raised his head in confusion: "Then what if they come to my sister for medical treatment?"

"I just want them to come, but they have to bring their own 'medicinal materials'." I raised my hand and poked my stupid brother's head from far away: "I won't use 'Li Dai Tao Zhan' when I see people. To treat outsiders, I can only use 'Transfer Flowers and Trees' and 'Empty wood buries flowers', if enough people come, I can practice the Bei Ming Shen Kung to the realm of 'Star Movement', and you can find an unlucky guy to throw you out with your 'broken spiritual roots' problem."

"Oh..." The younger brother blinked, looking like he didn't understand.

"You pack up and get ready to go down the mountain." After hearing "The Stars Change", my father's expression dimmed a little, and he waved his hands in disinterest and left the martial arts field: "Remember to visit your mother before you leave."

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