The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and nine,? ? ? ? ?

My younger brother has already gone down the mountain. Before leaving, he was knocked on the head by his father because he said boldly that he wanted to conquer the world of martial arts.

I originally wanted to do some of my usual daily hobbies before he called in the medical seekers, but I found it a bit troublesome to move only one hand.

Mortals pay attention to the six arts, namely "etiquette, music, archery, charioteering, calligraphy, and arithmetic." If I can't do etiquette, archery, or horse riding, calligraphy is very troublesome, and only arithmetic and music are left, my father will definitely not agree with me. Go help him calculate the family's income and expenses as usual, and if you sing in such a miserable situation, you may be regarded as a madman.

So I could only let Sophie take me back to my residence, and sit in the backyard and stare at the ropeway in the misty clouds in a daze.

The three main peaks occupied by the Lin family are the main peak which contains the mountain gate, the meeting hall, the martial arts hall and the sword-teaching pavilion, the flat peak where the head family and disciples live, and the hidden sword pavilion where secret books are stored, the sword washing platform and the sword tomb where new swords are made. The side peaks are connected to each other by the "Lingyun Ladder" built by Mojia mechanics. If it is slippery in rain or snow, those who are not strong enough will not dare to step on it.

As for the Twelve Auxiliary Peaks, there is nothing special about it. The properties are diverse and can be changed at will. They are inhabited and maintained by many disciples and registered disciples. The lowest one among them is not so much a peak as a villa on the hills. Of course, the main thing is It is also these people who work with the surrounding ordinary villages and towns.

"Miss, the guy who spread the news about you...that thing so quickly must be someone from the Auxiliary Peak." Sophie didn't know what she understood from my behavior, and muttered a complaint from behind: "It's better to investigate thoroughly. After a while, we will find out all the details sent by the outer sect."

"Then what? Going to war with the sect or family behind them?" I shook my head: "It's not a bad thing to leak information that we basically haven't kept secret and we can just ask about it casually. We can locate some people and carry out targeted attacks." Be careful, my father must have arranged it."

"Miss, you are so kind." Sophie still seemed a little dissatisfied, but did not continue and said instead: "I hope the young master can really find the treasure to treat the lady."


Spiritual root rupture is an incurable disease for most sects and families, and they can be given up as useless people. The reason why the Long family does not give up is that "Li Dai Tao Jian" is a technique that can be "withdrawn". I just want to Give this "symptom" back to your brother, and you will become the beautiful girl of heaven again.

If I were willing to sacrifice my brother, I wouldn't have used this trick in the first place.

Judging from the message my mother asked Wang Yue to leave me, she must have guessed that I would use it sooner or later, either as my father or my younger brother, so she told me the secrets of the "Xiaoyao Sect" to prevent me from giving up on myself or something.

Although I don't give up on myself, I did feel relieved after learning those things, and the focus of my thinking shifted to my stupid brother.

After Lin Shu obtained the "Evil Sword Manual", his strength was no longer what it used to be. His father's ability to suppress him was basically due to the fact that they were both familiar with each other. If it were someone who didn't understand that set of swordsmanship, no one would be able to defeat him. Pai's elder-level strength really can't defeat him.

But...he really has such an "elder-level" enemy, the "old star-sucking monster" Ding Xiadong.

That was the disciple accepted by my great-grandfather. After all, my father would have to call him senior brother. If he hadn't been so evil-minded and secretly learned Beiming Magic and rebelled against the family, I would have called him uncle when I saw him.

From grandfather to father, at least half of the reasons for going out were to hunt down this devil and restore the reputation of the Lin family.

About ten years ago, my grandfather and my father teamed up to severely damage him, and he disappeared from the world. My grandfather got his wish and transferred the position of head of the family to his father, and he became an idle elder.

Then, three years ago...the old monster appeared again. My father confidently attacked, but was ambushed.

However, judging from the fact that his father was able to escape all the way back to Qingcheng Mountain, the other party must have suffered a big loss, and he didn't have a wife who could change things quickly, so he probably hadn't recovered... probably.

Just in case, when my brother went down the mountain this time, some outer disciples and disciples were secretly following him. Although they couldn't help him, they could still send messages or ask for help.

If his brother knew about it, he would definitely make a fuss again, so this group of people were all carefully selected and good at hiding.

Hopefully, he won't really meet Ding Xiadong.

I subconsciously rubbed the gem ring on my hand.


A golden light suddenly appeared in front of me, and at the same time, there was a series of very fast and magnetic shouts:

[I am the Tathagata Buddha, the Jade Emperor, the Great Sage Sun Wukong, the Monkey King and the Monkey King of the Water Curtain Cave in Huaguo Mountain designated by Guanyin Bodhisattva to take the Western Sutra! So handsome~scumbag~]

I looked at the "person" in front of me with golden hair, wearing a gray cloth monk's robe, a tiger skin skirt, and a gold hoop. He was looking around with a pergola, and I was a little confused for a moment.

Why did such a... monkey appear in the "Xiaoyao Sect Leader's Twist" that my mother gave me?

And he looks like a monk monkey.

Looking closely, the monkey's whole body is shrouded in a faint golden light that is consistent with its appearance, but starting from the calves, there is some deformation as if looking at the scenery through the steaming heat, and finally converges into a golden light far away from it, and this The golden light is connected to the ring finger inlaid with golden gems on my hand.

Is he a "ghost cultivator" who was imprisoned by his mother? But why use the "leader's finger" to close it?

"[Oh~]" Monkey looked around, then patted his own clothes: "[So this is the impression I have in your mind? That's OK, that's OK."

I had no idea what he was talking about.

I turned to look at Sophie and found that she had fallen asleep on the back of the wheelchair.

"[Why don't you ask me why I'm in your thumb?]" The monkey came closer.

"Because you can tell it yourself."

"[...]" The monkey froze, blinked, wiped his face again, and looked up at the sky: "[It seems right.]"

"So, this 'Monkey King'," I smiled at him: "Why are you in my ring?"

"[I am——]" The monkey pinched his hairy fingers and counted: "[I am Zhang Junbao, the founder of the Wudang Sect. He lost his body due to an accident and hid in the finger of the leader of the Xiaoyao Sect at that time. He promised to The method of 'Dou Zhuan Xing Shi' was used to reshape my body in exchange for the support of the Wudang Sect. However, he was unable to learn the 'Dou Zhuan Xing Shift' during his lifetime, so he had to pass it on to future generations to continue the mission. As a result, each of his descendants became more and more mature. Unfortunately, when the news finally reached your mother, she finally successfully mastered the 'Star Shift' and then died trying to save your father. Now, the only hope falls on you.】"

Was the Wu-Tang Clan founded by a monkey? If you go out and speak out, you will be hacked to death with a Tai Chi sword...

"But didn't you just say your name was 'Sun Wukong'?"


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