The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and ten,? ? ? ? ? ?

After a brief chat with "Zhang Junbao", or "Sun Wukong", I found that he was probably a powerful monk from an early period. His knowledge about cultivation methods and the history of various sects has exceeded what I have in the Lin family library. The limit of what can be understood.

In other words, even if he is not "Zhang Junbao", he should still be a big shot in the same period.

However, this big man now only has a remnant of his soul, and he has to rely on me, a paralyzed woman, to reshape his body, which is quite miserable.

"So, 'Great Sage'," I thought for a moment and chose a compromise title: "Can you see outside at any time?"

"[No, you can only rub the gem on the ring finger with your finger and let me come out,]" Sun Wukong replied: "[But the sound can be heard. If you just want to listen to my advice, put the ring finger to your ear. That’s it.]”

"So... Regarding the cultivation methods mentioned by Mr. Wang Yue, what is the Great Sage's comment?" I remembered what Wang Yue said about the string of breaks.

"[That old man is obviously pretending to understand,]" Sun Wukong laughed: "[In your current state, if you get another injury, even a broken leg, you will die suddenly on the spot, so why not Talk about breaking up and then building up?】"

"Then how did my mother practice cultivation?" Speaking of the "forty-two times" that Wang Yue vowed at that time, it was obviously not made up.

"[That is naturally my grandson's credit~]" Sun Wukong looked proud, completely forgetting that he had just said that he was Zhang Junbao: "[I used my 'Fire Eyes and Golden Eyes' to help her see which injuries were serious." If it is broken, and it can be cured by ordinary medicinal stones after it is moved, then it will be moved. Other injuries that cannot be called broken or can be regarded as disabled will be ignored.】"

"...So this is how 'cold-blooded doctor Li Hongye' came to be." I remembered one of my mother's nicknames.

"[Hmph, she didn't completely listen to Lao Sun. Some injuries that couldn't be called 'broken' still had to be 'moved' for her to be cured. It was a waste.]" Sun Wukong snorted.

"It seems that my personality is very similar to that of my mother. Please give me more support in the future." I raised my hand and arched towards him, then turned to look at Sophie who was sleeping soundly on the back of the wheelchair: "Didn't you say Are you just a remnant soul? How did you do this?"

"[Personal suppression...hmm!]" Sun Wukong seemed to say something, and immediately coughed loudly and covered it up: "[Don't underestimate me, old Sun, even if it's just a ray of residual soul, he can make ordinary people sleep. It’s not a difficult thing, after all, I’m not suitable for appearing in front of others.]”

Yes, it looks like a monkey... If you take it out, someone might ask if the monkey is for sale.

"Then when will she wake up?" I asked instead.

"[She will wake up when I get back,]" Sun Wukong waved his hand, and his figure gradually dimmed: "[In case others find out, if you want to talk to me, just pretend to be talking to yourself.]"

I always feel that that will cause my image to collapse...Forget it, I'm already paralyzed, so why worry about my image?

"[Whenever your brother or your suitor causes you harm, then call me Sun——]" Sun Wukong was about to disappear, but suddenly paused, turned his head and looked down the mountain: "[Oh, choose a day It’s better to hit the sun.]”



A huge fireball suddenly appeared in the mountains, and then a billowing mushroom-shaped smoke slowly rose.


When I was pushed all the way to the site of the incident by the yawning Sophie, the disciples and retainers of the Lin family had already cleared the area near the violent explosion and drove away other ordinary dealers who wanted to watch the excitement.

Not surprisingly, my father was also there.

"Father, are you an enemy?" I asked knowingly.

"No, it looks like a chase or an ambush." ​​The father raised his hand and gestured towards the scene of the incident: "The initial judgment is that it was a three-on-one fight. The chased person blew himself up because he was outnumbered. Currently, all the pursuers have already Death, and she herself had only one breath left.”

What is in front of me is a perfect circle,

On the ground blackened by the intense heat, there were more than a dozen trees that were almost charred and crooked.

What is surprising is that in the middle of the dark ground, there is a completely unaffected space. An old lady wearing black clothes embroidered with red flames is leaning on a big stone. Her hair is snow-white, her face is red. His face was covered with wrinkles, and his exposed hands and feet were covered with dry, wrinkled skin.

"Can we save her?" I asked, holding my wrench to my ear.

"Not sure, but we do need a living person to confirm what happened, but if this lady wants to survive, it depends on luck." The father looked at the doctor who had no idea what to do and shook his head slowly.

"[Good guy, 'Eternal Blazing Sun'? I didn't expect to see such a weird spell.]" Sun Wukong's reaction seemed surprised.

"Can you tell who she is? Why did she come to Qingcheng Mountain? How did she achieve such an explosion?" I asked again.

"This holy fire pattern...maybe it's the Ming Cult? We can only wait until she wakes up to tell the rest." Father shook his head.

"[Other than the Zoroastrian Cult, who else can create it?]" Sun Wukong sneered: "[The 'Eternal Blazing Sun' was created by them. Fire monks cut off all their spiritual roots in one go, thereby causing high temperatures and explosions to attack the enemy. It’s a move that kills everyone, but if the enemy resists the attack, the guy who used this move will have no choice but to wait for death. Moreover, with such a violent explosion, the girl must have at least fifty spiritual roots.]”

girl? Well, at Sun Wukong's age, he can call him any girl.

"Master," the doctor who inspected the old lady came back: "The injured person's spiritual roots are broken all over his body. There is nothing I can do. If he moves at will, he may die on the spot."

As he said that, he glanced at me.

"Is it just a broken spiritual root? What about the other injuries?" I asked before my father spoke.

"Back to Miss, there are no other injuries except some scratches caused by the fall." The doctor replied.

"Well..." I pretended to think for a while, and then turned to my father: "Father, can you give her to me?"

"This... is indeed very suitable, but I'm not sure whether the broken spiritual root will break again..." My father looked at me seriously: "Are you really going to do this?"

"Don't worry," I nodded vigorously: "Sophie, push me over, don't worry, I'll be fine."

Sophie bit her lip, pushed my wheelchair to the center of the explosion, and then put the old lady's weak hand together with mine.

[Li Daitao is stiff]!

Compared with the rush to save my brother, my attitude this time is much calmer, because I don't have the fear of losing control of my body at all - I can't control it at all, so there is no point in losing it, although the two spiritual roots may have become... Four pieces...

But after two breaths, I couldn't take it easy anymore.

Why didn't anyone tell me that "Li Dai Tao Jian" also has the function of rejuvenating people?

I watched helplessly as the skin of the "old lady" I was holding became smooth again, her limbs became soft again, and her appearance became younger. The only thing that didn't change back was her white hair.


Finally, the "old lady" opened her eyes, looked around for a moment and then bowed her head slightly to me:

"Zoroastrian Cult, Xiyuan, thank you Miss Lin for saving me."

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