The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and eleven,? ? ? ? ? ? ?

The next day, I went to Fu Feng's guest room to ask Nishigaki about the details of the attack.

Zoroastrianism originated near the Flame Mountain in Hezhou, Xiniu. It was a small sect that worshiped flames. Because it was overwhelmed by Buddhism, it tried to send people to Nanzhan Buzhou to develop a branch. The branch was renamed to adapt to the environment. "Mingjiao" no longer simply worships flames, but instead advocates a "holy fire" that only exists in concept. By chance, it has developed into a larger and larger altar than the main altar.

But now, when members of the Ming sect, as a branch of the altar, welcomed the envoy of the Zoroastrian sect of the main altar, they suddenly assassinated him in the middle of the way. The envoy fled all the way to the vicinity of Qingcheng Mountain. He was exhausted and exploded angrily.

The possible secrets in this are enough for a storyteller to tell stories in a restaurant for a year.

If the assassin had survived, perhaps something else could be asked, but for "Xi Yuan" who had just arrived at Nanfangbu Continent, this was the only clue that could be provided.

However, if I were to make a guess, it should be that the main altar saw the branch altars flourishing and wanted a share of the pie, but the request was extremely excessive. The Mingjiao leader originally planned to hold his nose and admit it, but the different internal factions refused to agree. He immediately sent someone to kill him.

Although the Lin family is not afraid of the Ming Cult due to their background, there is absolutely no need to get involved in this kind of old chaff and rotten millet matter. Even if they break their heads, they will still be fighting among themselves.

It's better to send her away quietly after she recovers from her injuries...

"Miss Lin, are you thinking about how to send me away?" Xiyuan, who was leaning on the bedside, suddenly said.

"No, no, how could it be?" I waved my hand awkwardly.

"My young lady always chases people away when she wants to. She never makes excuses." Sophie poked her head from behind.

No, no, I'm only that rough when I'm dealing with my stupid brother.

"I was just thinking," after Sophie's interruption, I finally clarified my thoughts: "As soon as Miss Xiyuan opened her eyes, she recognized me as 'Miss Lin'. I guess her escape direction after the attack was not aimless. ?”

"The Lin family in Qingcheng is like a star holding the moon, and she is sitting in a wheelchair. Anyone who sees it will guess that she is the young lady who saved her brother with the 'Li Dai Tao Zhan' method." Nishiyuan raised the corner of his lips: "The only thing I didn't expect Yes, after being rescued by 'Li Daitao Zhan', he will be so weak."

"That's natural. Even if 'Li Dai Tao Jian' can transfer the disability, it can't make up for the lost energy and spirit. My brother stayed on the bed for more than a month before he could go to the ground." Seeing that she didn't want to say anything, I also changed my mind. Topic: "But, I didn't know that it also has the effect of rejuvenating people."

"Miss Lin's skills don't exist, but mine do." Xiyuan raised his arm and looked at it, then touched his face: "The Zoroastrian Cult has two secret techniques, one of which is the 'Mingzun Glazed Body', which can Slowly repair one's own broken spiritual roots. The second one is the 'Shadow Burning Holy Technique', which can actively break the spiritual roots to use powerful fire spells, but it will cause the appearance to age rapidly. If all the spiritual roots of the whole body are broken due to this, it will Die in half an hour."

Huh? Repair your own broken spiritual roots? Could it be that she is here...

"When those assassins attacked, if half of their spiritual roots were not broken because of me, how could they have escaped in embarrassment?" Xiyuan said halfway, and suddenly smiled: "If you had seen my appearance at that time, you would have Call me 'Grandma'."

"So, even if people from the Ming Cult saw you now, they wouldn't think you were the Zoroastrian envoy they wanted to assassinate?" After thinking about this section, I felt a lot more relieved: "Then what are you going to do next? Intend?"

With the stupid brother's mind, it is already very difficult to travel around the world, but don't provoke a Ming Cult to deal with him.

"There may be some big problem within Mingjiao. Until we find out what happened, please let me temporarily be a teacher in the small town at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain." Nishiyuan replied.

Does this mean... temporarily acting as a guest?

It's not impossible, after all, the Lin family can't take in just one or two similar people, as long as they don't cause trouble.

In particular, this "Grandma Xiyuan" seems to be very compatible with "Li Dai Tao Jian\

,"She broke her spiritual root with her front foot and released the "Eternal Blazing Sun". I transferred her "Spiritual Root Break" with her back foot, and then boom boom boom boom——

Of course, if you don't want the Mingjiao to find out, no outsiders should be around when using this combo.

However, I don’t need to worry about such small things. The Lin family has a complete process.

After a few more pleasantries with Xiyuan, I asked Sophie to push me away.

"Do you think what she said is true?" I asked as I came to the Lingyun Ladder, resting my chin on my hand and putting the wrench to my ear.

"She must be hiding something!" Sophie replied without hesitation: "Her current appearance is completely different from what the Mingjiao knew. There is no reason to stay at all. If someone from the Mingjiao hadn't seen her original appearance, that would be He has plans for us!"

"[Hehe, that's pretty much the same,]" Sun Wukong said in his finger: "[Before officially becoming the 'Messenger of the Zoroastrian Cult' this time, she had already used this appearance to lurk in the Ming Cult, and was ordered to investigate the Ming Cult in Nanzhan Buzhou. After having a rough idea of ​​what the 'Holy Fire' was that he admired, he contacted the main altar in Hezhou, Xiniu, and prepared to ask for the 'Holy Fire'. Hehe, this was originally just an exorbitant asking price, and he planned to wait for the Ming Cult to settle down and pay back the money before revealing his true intentions. But I didn’t expect that the table was turned over without even paying the price.】”

"'Intention'?" I said thoughtfully.

"I don't know, but there must be bad intentions!" Sophie said angrily: "There must be something wrong with being chased and just coming to our place!"

"[Hey, like the two exercises of the Zoroastrian Cult, the Ming Cult also has a set of secret exercises called the 'Great Shift of the Universe', which is similar to the 'Shift of Flowers and Trees' and 'Shift of Stars and Stars', but it is 'only shifting but not catching'. , 'Only move but not turn', which is specially used to deflect any attack. It is said to be able to withstand all magic and martial arts. Most of the time 'Xi Yuan' failed to ask for the Holy Fire, so he turned to the idea of ​​asking for the 'Great Shift of the Universe'. Unexpectedly, the 'Great Shift of the Universe' was originally understood from the 'Holy Fire', and this time it directly hit the opponent's fatal point.]" Sun Wukong said again.

"Perhaps she thinks that 'Mingzun Liuli Body' is similar to my 'Li Daitao Zhan' to some extent, so she came here to try her luck." I looked up at the main peak I was about to reach: "Reminder Father just needs to pay a little attention."

"Yes, you must be on guard against others!" Sophie nodded repeatedly.

"[Hey, it's funny to say that these two groups learned all their skills from the 'Fragments of Taishang Laojun's Alchemy Furnace' scattered on the Flame Mountain. It's just that in the west, because Buddhism is suppressed, it is difficult to understand the profound methods. As a result, The Ming Cult took two pieces to Nanzhan Buzhou and burned them again, so they were called 'holy fires'. They are all inferior things. If there is a chance, I will find you some 'Samadhi True Fire' to play with.】 "

...What is this monkey talking about?

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