The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and fourteen,? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Twenty days later, I received the second letter from Lin Shu.

[Sister, seeing words is like meeting each other. 】

[My exploration of Langhuan Paradise went very smoothly, so there is no need to worry. 】

I was already worried when your first letter came.

[I found a lot of medicinal materials inside, but maybe because they were not old enough, the grade was not very high, so I sold them to the Wuliang Sword Sect in exchange for a magical elixir that was said to be very good for my sister’s injuries. I sent it back with the letter. . 】

Hmm... Obviously, the Wuliang Sword Sect took the initiative to disclose the Cave Heaven Paradise with the original intention of finding outsiders to be herb gatherers. After all, "medicines are three parts poison", and some medicinal materials are still highly toxic before being properly processed.

Unless someone is particularly lucky and finds a rare and famous medicinal material, or comes from a medical family, they will basically sell the harvest directly to the Wuliang Sword Sect in exchange for some substantial benefits.

This is also the regular method used by the owner's "Cave Heaven Paradise" when it is opened. Some monks are not interested in things in the secret realm but are in need of the rewards provided by the owner's family, so they will also participate.

Messengers are not allowed to bring goods. The person who brought back my brother's "elixir" was the "Fuwei Escort Agency". The chief escort of this agency is also named Lin. If you look carefully at the family tree, maybe there is some connection. , but no one is that boring.

As for what my brother got in exchange for... I turned my attention to the tray on the desk.

It was a golden "cup" about the size of a fist.

This thing is both a medicinal material and a fruit. It can warm and nourish spiritual roots and improve aptitude. Because it often grows together with the "cherry tomato", it was called the "Holy Grail" by the namer who lacked vocabulary. Later, many scholars tried to give it The name was changed, but whether it was "Golden Goblet" or "Dish of the Sky" or other names, they were not as straightforward as these two words, and they were finally given up.

Judging from the slightly higher value and unclear efficacy, it is an embarrassing thing that the big sects disdain to eat and the small sects cannot afford. Only a young man with little experience in the world like the stupid brother would get one. .

Forget it, it was his rare wish after all.

I grabbed the Holy Grail, took a sip, and continued reading my brother's letter.

[While exploring Langhuan Paradise, I met a brother from the Five Immortals Sect, his name was ‘Yunling’, and we felt like old friends at first sight. 】

[Although Brother Yun is from the Five Immortals Sect, he does not like to use poisons and prefers to treat illnesses and save people. This time he also came here because of the fame of the "Langhuan Paradise" where medicinal materials are everywhere. He said that the purpose of his travels is to change the attitude of the people in the world. The stereotype of the Five Immortals Cult. 】

Well, the people arranged by my father are in place, and even the background is designed to be perfect.

The Five Immortals Sect, also known as the Five Poison Sect, is a mysterious sect located in the Shiwanda Mountains in the south. Just like the Ming Sect worships the "holy fire", they worship five poisons, namely snakes, toads, scorpions, centipedes and spiders. Of course, they call them spirit snakes, jade toads, holy scorpions, wind centipedes, and sky spiders. While using these poisons, they can also perform poison spells that are difficult to prevent, and monks who don't have anti-poison magic weapons dare not provoke them.

If my father pretends to be a disciple of the Five Poison Sect who claims to be unwilling to use poisonous techniques but wants to use medical techniques, first of all, no one will provoke him, and secondly, no one will go to Shiwanda Mountain to seek confirmation. This is a great trick.

[Brother Yun has extensive knowledge and keen eyesight. He discovered 80% of the 10% gains from this trip first. After hearing that I wanted to treat my sister's injuries, he gave them to me, leaving only some of his original gains. needed medicinal materials. 】

Yes, yes, why should he keep the left hand instead of the right hand?

[Before looking down, sister, you have to promise me not to be angry. 】

【You won’t be angry, right? 】

【Don’t be angry? 】

[When you agreed? 】

Even though he originally planned to be angry, he laughed because of this stupid brother.

I took another bite of the Holy Grail and continued to scroll down.

[Brother Yun and I discovered the mastermind behind the early opening of Langhuan Paradise! 】


"Ah? How are you, Miss?" Sophie, who was dozing next to me, jumped up and wanted to pat me on the back.

"No, it's okay," I raised my hand to stop her: "It's just Xiao Shu who is messing around."

"With the master's people following you, the master should be fine, right?" Sophie tilted her head and looked at the letter on the desk, with an expression that she couldn't understand.

"Since he can write letters and find a escort agency to send things by the way, we know that he is very safe." I shook my head and continued reading the letter: "What he wrote is all about the past, but it is still very worrying. You must be well when you come back." Talk to him."

[In 'Langhuan Paradise', there is a shrub with green leaves, white flowers and spikes growing everywhere. Brother Yun told me that it is a strange flower called 'Love Flower', although the flowers, fruits and leaves can be used as medicine. , but its sting is extremely poisonous. 】

[If it were in the outside world, where this flower grows, there must be an antidote called 'Broken Heart Grass' growing. However, there is not a single Broken Heart Grass in the entire Langhuan Blessed Land, so they must have entered this place ten years ago. The purpose of planting it by people in the secret realm is to avoid the 'natural enemy' of the 'heartbroken grass' and obtain 'love flowers' on a large scale. 】

Hmm... It's basically consistent with what I heard from Sun Wukong... Wait, how did the people sent by my father know this?

[Brother Yun and I lurked and followed, and finally discovered the person who secretly picked the thorns of love flowers. 】


Although I knew that this matter had long since passed, I still closed the letter and took two deep breaths before reading again.

[Since there were five people on the other side, even if Brother Yun was included, they might not be our opponents, so we didn’t take action and just listened quietly. 】

You still have some brains...

[Since they may not have expected that someone would follow them, and their words were not concealed, I finally heard that they came from the ‘Xingxiu Sea’ and planned to collect love flowers to refine the ‘Life and Death Talisman’ for the ‘Xingxiu Great Immortal’. 】

[Sister, is this ‘Great Immortal of the Stars’ Ding Xiadong? 】

[After discussing with Brother Yun, I decided to track these people to prevent them from causing trouble to everyone. 】

[I will be careful not to be discovered, don’t think about it. 】

[Di Shu left a message. 】

Tsk... What are you afraid of? Although he is just a minion, it would be a bit bad for Lin Shu to get involved with the enemies of the Lin family as soon as he got off the mountain.

If nothing else goes wrong, his father will write back and severely reprimand him, and forbid him from continuing to investigate further, but with the character of his stupid brother, I am afraid it will be counterproductive.

Moreover, judging from the younger brother's description, this "Brother Yun" may be...

I put the Holy Grail with only its handle into my mouth, removed my brother's letter, and opened the report from the retainer who secretly protected him.

[The subordinate is incompetent and failed to establish a relationship with the young master. After exploring Langhuan Paradise, he became very close to a young man named Yun and was very wary of the approach and gaze of strangers. The subordinate cannot continue to create encounters and will continue to protect him secretly. . 】


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