The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and fifteen,? ? ? ? ? ? ?

The next day, after I went to persuade my father, I returned to my residence and asked the "Monkey King" for the relevant details.

He seemed to have the ability of "a scholar knows everything about the world without going out". No matter what was mentioned, he would be able to answer it as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

If I were thick-skinned, I could ask my brother "What did my brother do at this hour" every half an hour while he was exploring the blessed land of Langhuan, but that would be a bit too much. He is a "senior" after all.

Moreover, even if he learns that his brother is in danger, there is no way to rescue him, which will only increase worries. It is better to believe that he can turn disaster into good fortune.

"[Hey hey hey, let me ask you a question. Your brother has just entered the world of martial arts. That Yunling is also a newcomer to the Qiao family. He has almost no experience in the world of martial arts. How can he follow those people without being noticed?]" Sun Wukong hehe. Laugh.

"Could it be because of 'dog meat'?" I thought about the name of my brother's dog.

"[Yes, your brother thought that those minions in Xingxiu Sea lacked precautions, but in fact they just happened to avoid those people's detection methods,]" Sun Wukong said: "[Those people want to collect poisons such as love flowers, You won’t just put it in your pocket casually. If one accidentally falls out, it will pop, hehehe~]”

"There should be special containers or even magic weapons." I nodded in agreement.

"[This treasure is called the 'Sacred Wood King Cauldron'. It can only contain poisonous objects. If it contains living creatures, it can also be driven away," Sun Wukong said: "[After those minions in the Xingxiu Sea collect the love flower thorns, They will be included in this treasure, and during this period, all kinds of poisonous insects contained in it will come out and wander around within a certain range around them, which is enough to prevent ordinary people from approaching and eavesdropping, but...]"

"They don't dare to approach the 'Treasure Dog'?"

"[Yes, if it will be frightened away and stung by poisonous insects, how can you talk about searching for treasures? The dog only needs to squat aside, and all the poisonous insects will actively avoid it,]" Sun Wukong paused for a moment: "[However, Even if your brother doesn't find this dog, it won't be a big deal if Yunling is there.】"

"The Five Poison Sect also has methods of expelling insects." I guessed.

"[Hehe, no,]" Sun Wukong continued to laugh: "[Yunling can only protect himself, but your brother will definitely be bitten.]"


I didn't respond, waiting for him to continue.

This hypothetical crisis is not enough to scare me.

"[Angrily...]" Sun Wukong sighed as if he was bored, and continued: "[He carries a 'Manggu Zhu Clam' on his body, which can cure hundreds of poisons by eating it."

"Wait a minute... that sounds like a... 'toad'? Then, eating it?" My hands shook. If I could move my body, I might be shuddering.

"[Are you actually afraid of this? Interesting.]" Sun Wukong chuckled with unclear meaning.

"Actually, I'm not very afraid of those things, but I can't accept the act of eating them..." I raised my hand and gestured: "Forget about this, where are those Xingxiu Sea minions going?"

"[I want to go to the 'Guangmingding'.]" Sun Wukong replied.

"Oh ah?"

"[Ding Xiadong has been hiding for many years and appears and disappears. Haven't you ever thought that he might be hiding in some large sect that cannot be detected?]" Sun Wukong said again.

"I have thought about it, but a famous evil cultivator like him will become the target of public criticism if someone takes him in, so he has been searching among various evil sects, but..." I thought for a while: "Ming Cult? The Great Shift of the Universe? I see."

"[That's right, after he tasted the sweetness of the Beiming Divine Art, he naturally wanted to go further. The Lin family regarded him as an enemy. He went to Tianshan to search for the Xiaoyao Sect but failed, and finally focused his attention on the 'Great Shift of the Universe' with similar effects. 'Above, as for the Mingjiao, hehe, most sects from the West accept everyone, so it's not surprising that he got mixed in.]"

I always feel that he is criticizing the mulberry trees and the mulberry trees... Do you hate Buddhism even though you are wearing a monk's robe?

"Hmm, wait, could it be that the person who plotted against Xiyuan is——" I thought of the private school teacher who settled down at the foot of the mountain not long ago.

"[Correct answer,]" Sun Wukong responded: "[People with the same evil intentions will attract each other, but Ding Xia Dong is more skilled and was not discovered by Xi Yuan. If he was ambushed successfully, he could even assassinate him." The crime of being the envoy of the General Altar was placed on a certain 'banner leader who absconded in fear of crime.'"

"'I'll kill myself'? What about this 'life and death talisman'?" I continued to ask.

"[It was originally a strange flower from the 'One Hundred Thousand Mountains', so Yunling knew about it. After Ding Xiadong obtained it, he was deeply interested in its toxicity, and used... Beiming Divine Art to transform it and create The 'Life and Death Talisman', which can make life worse than death, was intended to be used to secretly control Mingjiao disciples, but due to insufficient numbers, the plan could not be implemented. It only controlled some small gangs in Xingxiu Sea and formed the 'Xingxiu Sect' to act as a front, and then used this identity Entering various 'cave heaven blessed lands' where love flowers can grow to sow seeds, as long as these 'life and death talismans' are created, he wants to be the leader of the Ming Cult, and it's just a matter of words.】"

"Then, attacking our Lin family is another matter." I sighed.

"[That's right, that's right,]" Sun Wukong continued to laugh: "[As soon as Fang came down the mountain, he encountered such a big event that could shake the entire world of cultivation, and saw that your brother looked like a hero.]"

"The question now is, how long will it take for these 'life and death talismans' to take shape?" I began to think about how to tell my father these things. After all, you can't expect a paralyzed person to solve this kind of thing.

"[About three years.]" Sun Wukong responded quickly.

"...Huh?" This bizarre answer completely messed up my initial plan.

"[Huh? What's the problem? How can Ding Xiadong trust others to refine such a weapon that can kill and rob others at will? And how many people are his target, the entire Ming Cult? Even if he is refining and controlling at the same time, It will take quite a long time, and you have to maintain your image and manage your power, right?]” Even if Sun Wukong didn’t have a hey this time, I could still hear the unbearable “hehehe” from his words.

"So... Xiao Shu and that Yun Ling?" After thinking about it, I found that what he said made sense, so I asked instead.

"[If I were to guess, it would probably end with the discovery that these minions have gone to the Ming Cult and cannot be tracked any further,]" Sun Wukong said with a smile: "[Although I have come to the conclusion that the Ming Cult is engaged in a conspiracy, Xingxiu Hai is a subordinate of the Ming Cult. ' and other conclusions, but basically you can't meet Ding Xiadong. What, are you relieved? Hehehe~]"

So I was worried for half an hour in vain, right?

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