The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and sixteen,? ? ? ? ? ?

Three months after my brother came down from the mountain, I finally got the first patient who came here.

In other words, a doctor who brings incurable patients to play games.

It was a "young man" with a tall and tall figure, wearing a green gown and a white cloak, with a friendly expression and a bit silly smile.

But in fact, this man is not young at all. It has been fifty years since he started practicing medicine in the Jianghu, but his appearance has always been like this. According to some monks who have lived longer, It is said that this is the effect of a secret method. You will stay young until your life span is exhausted, but you will age rapidly in the last year before death.

There may be many people who have thought about this secret method, but this doctor has been walking around the world and has proven something.

"Doctor Roman," I said straight to the point when I met him in the living room: "If you want to treat me, please don't talk."

My family knows their own affairs, and it is Lin Shu who needs treatment now, not me. Except for "the passage of time" and "natural healing", any attempt to cure me will only return the "broken spiritual root" to my brother and Xi Yuan.

Therefore, it was not correct for my brother to say before he left that he would find a treasure to cure me. On the contrary, Ryunosuke said that it was right to find a way to cure his brother.

"Well, no, I'm not that ignorant," Roman touched his nose: "'Li Dai Tao Zong' can only be cured by 'The Time of Change'. This is common sense."

I don't believe this is common sense.

"Then what's the reason for your visit?" I asked.

"I have admired the Lin family in Qingcheng for a long time, but I couldn't find a suitable opportunity to visit that would not be misunderstood, until-" Roman said, waving behind him: "Come on, Matthew, come with me Miss Lin, say hello."

A girl came forward from behind him and bowed her head slightly to me.

She is not tall, wearing a long skirt with purple lines on a black background, a white gauze draped over her shoulders, and a loose red scarf around her neck. Her black shoulder-length hair is simply tied back with a purple hairband, and her facial features are exquisite. Cute, but almost expressionless.

I noticed this girl from the moment they walked in. After all, Dr. Roman didn't look sick. If he wasn't here to treat me, he would have asked me to treat this girl.

"This girl is-" I nodded to the girl named Matthew and looked at Roman.

"My daughter." Roman said proudly.


I didn't know how to answer the question for a moment, and not only did the two of them have different last names, they also looked completely different - unless this girl had a mother who was as beautiful as a fairy.

"She is seventeen years and ten months old. She is well-educated and well-educated. She is good at music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and I have learned 90% of her medical skills." Roman talked eloquently.

This...could he be here to propose marriage? But there is no reason to directly bring your daughter to your home when proposing marriage?

"My brother is not on the mountain at the moment. Should we discuss this matter another day?" I tried to interrupt him.

"What does it have to do with your brother? We are here to find you!" Roman looked surprised.


I turned to look at Matthew again and found that she was also looking at me with clear and transparent eyes.


It's not impossible...

No, no, no, my father will go crazy.

"As you can see, she only has two months left to live. It's difficult for doctors to heal themselves, so we can only come to you." Roman continued.


Fortunately I didn't say anything.

Just thinking about it, no one should know.

"【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!】"

It's over... This monkey is so clever that he definitely guessed it.

"Hmm," I raised my hand and put the wrench to my ear: "I have only experienced a broken spiritual root so far. I'm not sure if this kind of 'near life expectancy' is considered a disease."

"If extending my daughter's life will damage Miss Lin's life span, we will not dare to harm Miss Lin." Roman responded.

"[It can be replaced, it can be replaced,]" Sun Wukong suppressed his laughter: "[As long as it is not a real physical injury,

All can be replaced. ]"

"Then, give me your hand." I nodded and stretched out my hand to Matthew.

"..." Matthew came closer, found a chair to sit on, and then put his hand in my palm.

His hands were not soft enough and had thin calluses, so he obviously helped Roman a lot...

No, no, no...

[Li Daitao is stiff]!


I saw a creek.

It may come from a sudden rain, a piece of snow that meets the sun, or a spring that is about to dry up.

The amount of water it has has already determined that it will disappear, maybe to fill a shallow pond, maybe to nourish a dry shrub, maybe there is no time to do anything, and it will disappear silently on the way of flowing.

But at least for now, it is still flowing happily and moving forward without stopping at all.

In front of it is a sea.

Deadly, silent, but never dry sea.

But the amount of water it had left, and the roughness of the road ahead, had cut off any hope of reaching it.

At this time,

The tide is rising.


"...Miss? Miss?"

Following Sophie's anxious cry, I opened my eyes.

After looking at Matthew, who was still holding my hand with an expressionless face, and Sophie, who was pressing Roman on the table with an angry and worried look on her face, I realized belatedly that I seemed to have passed out just now.

"Come back, this is none of Dr. Roman's business." I said to Sophie.

"Hmph... Obviously I didn't have such a big reaction the first two times..." Sophie muttered, let go of Roman, and ran back behind my wheelchair with her short legs.

No, it cannot be said to be a minor reaction when a good person suddenly becomes paralyzed...

"Maybe the first two times were just broken spiritual roots, but this time it's because the life span is approaching," I responded to her and looked at Matthew: "What do you think?"

"..." Matthew blinked, his expression became a little lively, and he slightly raised the corners of his lips towards me: "Little girl, I would like to follow Miss Lin for the rest of my life."

The voice is quite nice, why didn’t you speak at first?

"Ah? Matthew, can you speak?!" Roman, who had just straightened up, looked surprised.

How did this man become a father?

Taking advantage of the momentary confusion, I raised my hand and put the wrench to my ear.

"[Overall, this time 'Li Dai Tao Zhan' is very successful," Sun Wukong said in a subtle tone: "[Now, Matthew shares your longevity. As long as you live, this girl will not die, but if you Even if she dies, she will follow her. In addition, congratulations on your mastery of 'transferring flowers and trees'.】"

Hmm... It's not surprising, the original Li Dai Tao Zhan should not have this effect.

"Then how long can I live?" I asked quietly after looking at Roman who rushed over to hug Matthew.

"[Who would have known that your name was not on the 'book of life and death' that I crossed out back then."

The monkey started bragging again.

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