The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and seventeen,? ? ? ? ?

"Miss, the name of this herb is 'Panellia'. The rhizome can be used as medicine. It is suitable for collection in summer and autumn. It can dry dampness and resolve phlegm, reduce qi and stop vomiting, eliminate pimples and dissipate stagnation. According to the "Heritage Classic", it is mainly used for typhoid, cold and heat, and heart disease. Hardness in the lower part of the body, lowering of breath, swelling and pain in the throat, dizziness, chest distension, cough and bowel sounds, and antiperspiration.”


In fact, I just want to pull out some random weeds to try the effect of "replacing flowers and trees"... Sure enough, there are no ordinary weeds at all on the top of the medicine garden?

This time I came to Fufeng to plant medicinal herbs, mainly to familiarize Matthew with the environment. With her as a little medical fairy here, I don't have to use the one-shot "Li Dai Tao Jian" every time. After all, I am now specializing in "Ling". "The root is broken" and I really dare not treat other injuries.

However, it doesn't matter, this Pinellia ternata is not a valuable medicinal material due to its medicinal effects.

I directly reached out and pulled up the "Panaris pinellia" plant, and began to mobilize my spiritual power to sense it.

The martial arts of the "Xiaoyao Sect" is worthy of the word "Xiaoyao". There are no strict rules at all, it is all based on perception and understanding.

Take 'Li Dai Tao Jian' as an example. At that time, I had just met my brother who was covered in blood. I knew it was "available" and how to "activate it", but I had no idea how it would work after being activated and what the effects would be after using it. , then he would act with the feeling that "even if he dies for his brother, it doesn't matter."

But now that he has the "fiery eyes and golden eyes" of the "Monkey King", he can get some additional information.

After "curing" Matthew, I completed the practice of "Li Dai Tao Zhan", which made me realize the "transfer of flowers and trees". According to the rough records of Beiming Magic, at this time, there is no need to transfer the injuries to myself, and the patient's injuries can be transferred to others. transfer to different parts of the body.


After starting it, I clearly saw that the parts of the branches and leaves that had just been damaged by me were restored to intact, while the parts that were not damaged originally collapsed and broke out of thin air.

Its next level, "Empty Wood Burying Flowers", can be transferred to a third party if he is willing. This is more practical at this time. It is also the reason why I am going to ask the seeker to bring his own "medicinal materials". Finally , is a "shifting star" that can transcend even life and death. It can transfer its own injuries to others without consent. This has completely surpassed medical skills and can even be called a spell.

However, this simple record is still difficult to explain the disappearance of my mother. Maybe I will not know what happened to my mother until I reach that level.

While I was observing the condition of the Pinellia plant, Sophie had already moved over to play with Matthew.

"Sister Matthew~What kind of flower is this?"

"This is Atractylodes, suitable for -"

"Can I eat it?"


Don't eat it!


Now it seems that Matthew is not a girl who can't speak, but she doesn't want to speak, or in other words, she doesn't want to talk nonsense with Roman.

After I "cured" Matthew, Roman left the medical money and hid his face and left.

His daughter's terminal illness was cured, and his daughter, who had never spoken to him, started talking. This should have been a double blessing for Roman, but because my daughter insisted on staying with me, judging from the results, he was completely in trouble with both human and financial resources. So empty, so miserable.

According to Matthew, she and Roman came from a medical cultivator family called "Medical Immortal Valley". They have been in a single line since ancient times and specialize in studying various difficult and complicated diseases. They are known as "no treatment for living people", which means, if If the patient could be cured by ordinary physicians, then they would not treat him—unless the patient would become sick and die before being sent to another doctor.

As for the reason why she refused to talk to Roman, it starts with the unique practice method of "Huajianyou" in the Medical Immortal Valley. Yes, it is the secret method that can keep Roman young.

Because after practicing it, you can keep your appearance forever, and Xuan Hu’s deeds of helping the world are easy to make people like you. The descendants of the Medical Immortal Valley will usually encounter many admirers, so after they confirm their wives or husbands, they will often return to In the valley, ancient inheritance and lifelong learning are taught to the next generation.

And Roman, he... doesn't refuse anyone who comes,

Sometimes I can have more than a dozen confidantes accompanying me on a trip.

The ancestors of the Medical Immortal Valley named their mental method "Huajianyou", which really predicts things like a god.

In the end, after a battle comparable to a battle in the world of cultivation, a woman named "Bi Qisi" from Hezhou, Xiniu prevailed over others and became Roman's wife.

The other beauties who had failed in the competition originally planned to quit, but they didn't expect that Roman would still linger in the flower room after the marriage, which was no different from before the marriage, so they laughed at Beiqis while approaching her again.

After trying to drive away the bees and butterflies to no avail, and finally discovering that the source was her husband, an angry Biqisi asked Roman what he wanted, and he said, "I would like to have three hundred wives and seven hundred concubines."

When I heard Matthew repeat this sentence in a cold tone, I completely understood why she refused to talk to Roman.

At that time, I was still worried that it was her father, but Sophie had already blurted out "scum", and Matthew nodded in agreement.

Next, there is the story of Beiqisi running away from Beiju Luzhou with the infant Matthew in a rage, Roman wandering around the flowers and suffering a big loss, and then she suddenly woke up and went to Xiniu Hezhou to look for his wife but could not find her.

As for the "big loss" method, Matthew, who had not been in Nanzhan Buzhou for more than ten years, naturally had no way of knowing.

Beqisi originally planned to never see Roman again and focus on raising her daughter to be a successful person. However, unexpectedly, as Matthew got older, he became increasingly weak. Many famous doctors were sent to him, and they all believed that she had died at an early age. , no matter how well he is treated, it is absolutely impossible to live beyond the age of 28.

After that, the almost desperate mother remembered the "Medical Immortal Valley" where Roman was located, which was "passed down by a single line" and all the descendants had "eternal appearance", so she took Matthew back to the Nanzhan Department with the hope of just in case. She came to the mainland to look for Roman and made up her mind that even if Roman had a new love or even a happy family, she would have the audacity to ask him to heal her daughter.

Unexpectedly, Roman was not with his confidante, and seemed to have been looking for their mother and daughter for several years. Biqis was relieved and naturally handed Matthew over to Roman without any worries, and then said that from now on He had nothing to do with him anymore and left.

When Matthew mentioned this section, he was a little confused as to why his mother was unwilling to reunite with his father, but I could roughly guess that during the years when she left Roman, Beiqis probably always hated and resented him. It is impossible for all the accumulated resentment to support myself to disappear overnight. Even if they barely live together, they will only think of those resentments from time to time. It is better to separate first, and then return to him after the mood is relieved and there is no resentment. around.

It was easy for Beiqisi, but Matthew had no idea. He hadn't taken care of his daughter for more than ten years, and he still wanted his daughter to be intimate with him? Just not talking to him was enough.

If I have the chance, I really want to meet Mrs. Beiqisi, who is more capable than anyone else.

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