The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and nineteen,? ? ?

"You said... you sold that gourd of 'Nine Transformations Resurrection Pill' and only got this... hand?"

I held a hand in my hand and glanced sideways at Lin Shu.

After running around for nine months, stupid brother has tanned a little and become stronger. The most important thing is that his temperament has become much calmer. It turns out that reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. I hope he can speak and act more like A man, not a brat.

"Mrs. Meng personally assured me that this thing will be of great benefit to my sister," the younger brother responded: "The Nine Turns of Resurrection Pill can only heal injuries, but it is of no use to you, sister."

"Hmm..." I didn't refute him, but turned around and continued to look at the hand.

In fact, wound medicine is quite useful for me, especially after mastering "transferring flowers and trees", but since Mrs. Meng, who controls the entire Utopia City, said so...

This is a weird "hand" that is twice as big as an ordinary person's hand, with a complete palm and a forearm. It is made of a translucent, amber-like orange unknown material, with a wrist and five fingers. The shining thin lines extend to the palm of the hand, converging into a six-pointed star pattern.

Matthew didn't recognize this thing, but Sun Wukong said it was "Five Finger Mountain" and refused to explain the details for fear that I wouldn't be able to eat it if told in detail. In this case, I could only follow what Mrs. Meng said and call it "Five Finger Mountain". "Growing fire", and its function is "food can greatly nourish spiritual roots".

It’s a cup and it’s a hand. This stupid brother won’t get me any live animals for me to eat next time, right?

I cursed and bit the "hand".

Hmm... crispy, chicken flavor.

"Is that actually edible..." Sophie, who was always greedy, was shocked.

"Well, I guess my father has already scolded you, so I won't repeat it." I took two more mouthfuls of fire and raised my chin to my brother: "What happened since the Wuyou City auction? To be honest, I won't tell my father of."

"Really?" The younger brother looked unconvinced.

"Miss never lies." Matthew glared at him.

She recognizes me but not my brother, and I don’t know how she counts her “following”.

"There's nothing to say," Lin Shu rolled his eyes: "After identifying that it was the top-grade wound medicine 'Nine Turns of Resurrection Pill', I left a few pills for Brother Yun and sold the rest to Mrs. Meng. I got A large amount of spiritual stones were used to buy fire."

This stupid brother never expected that not only would he be followed by his father's people, but I would also have the "Monkey King" here who could confirm what he was doing in real time.

He used "dog meat" to detect the characteristics of high-level treasures, and he picked up a bunch of leaks at the auction, including sword manual fragments, sword refining materials, upgrade materials, etc., and secretly ran to the Sword House before meeting his father. He asked the master swordsmith Ye Qiu to help him make two good swords.

how to say? When he becomes the head of the family and knows how tight the control of Qingcheng Mountain is, he will definitely want to strangle himself to death.

"Then what?" I continued to gnaw on the fire: "How did you attract all the Shaolin sect?"

"This..." Lin Shu scratched his head: "Didn't we fight off a bald man who wanted to steal our things before? He had targeted us at the auction, and he called a lot of accomplices not long after we left Wuyou City. They chased us, how did I know that among those bald men there were real monks sent by the Shaolin sect to break up the fight? So I beat them all and hung them on the flagpole for public display."

"Well, it's all true monks who are being hanged." I looked at him sideways and said, "If the masters hadn't been so good-tempered and didn't care about you, just apologize and it would have been fine. Now you would have been hanged by your father on the mountain gate."

"But sister, you will plead for me, right?" The younger brother came over with a playful smile.

This kid became so slick after going down the mountain for a while.

"Okay, didn't you say you found an article that you couldn't understand? Let me have a look." I finished the "Zhonghuo", wiped my hands with the hand towel Sophie handed over, and then reached out to my brother. .

"It's not that I can't understand." My brother reached out and took out a roll of yellow satin and handed it to me: "I know every word.

But I can't understand it when connected. "

"Then I still don't understand?" I took the silk satin and unfolded it on the tables next to it. I saw a five-character poem written on it like a silver hook and iron painting:

[Zhao Keman Hu Ying, Wu Gou Shuang Xue Ming. 】

[The silver saddle shines on the white horse, rustling like a shooting star. 】

[Kill one person in ten steps and leave no trace in a thousand miles. 】

【Hello. 】

"..." I looked at the poem, and then at my stupid brother who said, "You really can't understand it." I said, "Were you lazy when you were in private school? How can you not recognize it if it's so simple?"

"I really can't understand it," Lin Shu stared. "I know every word, but as long as any two words are combined, the originally clear impression will directly turn into chaos."

"This is obviously a poem praising Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong. You..." I paused mid-sentence and raised my hand to touch my ears: "Could it be that this is some kind of magic weapon that can hide the content on it?"

"[Hahaha! Zhao Zilong! Hahaha!]" Sun Wukong was laughing wildly.

Tsk... This monkey has a lot of knowledge, but he always likes to brag, and always laughs inexplicably over trivial things. I don’t know how many times I have laughed since I woke him up.

"The magic weapon hides its contents. It must be because this article is very important. Since you can see it, sister, it must be your destiny. Read it quickly?" Lin Shu suddenly became excited.

Well...because I have adventures, and I also want my sister to have adventures, I accept this idea, but adventures are really not that easy to come by.

"So," I listened again and found that Sun Wukong was still laughing, so I started to read. "Zhao, Ke, Man, Hu, Ying——"

After I started reciting, I finally discovered something was wrong. It was obviously just one sentence, but I had to stare at each word closely while reciting. It was as if I was rewriting the poem with my eyes while reading. .

"Deep, hidden, body, and name," I read the poem word by word: "What, are you talking about Zhao Yun?"

"It seems true." Matthew nodded, and then covered Sophie's mouth with his backhand to prevent her from asking, "Zhao Yun? Can you eat it?"

"Well...I can think about this poem completely now," the younger brother said, focusing on other aspects: "So, if this is a magic weapon, then sister, you must have gotten the benefits, please give it a try?"

"Even if it's good, I can't use it," I showed my brother the only movable hand: "What do you think I can do with this hand alone-"

Chi hum——

Before I finished speaking, a sword energy suddenly flew out from my little finger and flew directly through the window.

"..." The younger brother was stunned.

"Well..." I quickly retracted the other fingers that were about to move and clenched them into fists again: "It turns out that this is how Zhao Yun went in and out of Changban Slope seven times."

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