The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and twenty,? ?

Based on my experiences over the past year, I found that my experience seemed to be similar to that of my younger brother who was traveling.

My younger brother was traveling and picked up a dog.

I got my mother's thumb and picked up a monkey.

The younger brother got acquainted with a good brother who passed away, named Yun Ling.

I also met a good sister named Matthew who "passed through life".

The younger brother traced the people of Xingxiu Sea and found that the waters of Mingjiao were very deep.

I rescued a Zoroastrian messenger and discovered that the waters of the Ming Cult are indeed very deep.

The younger brother learned a swordsmanship from the stone wall of Siguoya, and it is said that he is invincible in the world.

I also learned a sword technique from an ancient poem. According to the monkey, I am invincible in the world.

The younger brother provoked an assassin gang called the Life and Death Wuchang Sect.

I also provoked an assassin gang called Tangmen.

In front of my wheelchair was a little girl in a tight black suit, who looked no more than ten years old, with long black hair combed into a ponytail, and a delicate and pleasant face.

While being easy to move around, this outfit also ensures beauty. It has a pure black background, dark silver outlines, and is decorated with large overlapping dark blue lotus leaf patterns. The collar and cuffs are also decorated with tiny white plum blossoms, and the shoulders There is also a dark gray fluffy shawl on the top, and the most eye-catching thing is the white mask that is worn crookedly on the forehead and looks like a kitten.

At this time, she was sitting on her knees on the ground, staring at me with her big eyes full of tears, with an expression on her face that she was trying not to cry.

"This... is not my fault," I tried to explain: "I was just firing sword energy into the air and practicing the 'Six Meridians Divine Sword'. No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn't have known that you were flying in the sky."

"..." The little girl didn't know whether she understood or not. She twitched her nose twice and turned her head slightly to look at the machine vulture on the side - maybe it was the machine vulture.

It was a strange-looking mechanical creation. It had a pair of foldable and extendable wooden wings. In the middle of the wings was a hook structure used to fix the back and shoulders and several joysticks with unknown purposes. The overall appearance It's like a headless falcon, but looking at the huge crack on the wing that penetrates it, you can tell that it is completely useless.

No, even without such a wound, it is impossible to fly after falling from such a high place.

Of course, so do its users.

Even without looking carefully, you can see that the little girl's legs were twisted at a strange angle and were obviously broken. Even so, she didn't cry. She was really brave.

But... I can't do anything now. I can only wait for Sophie and Matthew to hear the news and then find a way to treat her.

When my younger brother returned home from a year away, he seemed to think that he lacked a magical weapon. He gave the materials he had bought to the master of Jianlu, preparing to make two swords, "Qianye Changsheng" and "Tai'a", one light and one heavy. Before the swords were completed, He stopped going out and stayed in the mountain to practice the "Dugu Nine Swords" learned from the Siguoya cave.

And after understanding the "Six Meridians Divine Sword" from the poems and articles he obtained, I also had one more thing to do to kill time.

Of course, the names of "Dugu Nine Swords" and "Six Meridians Divine Sword" were all said by Sun Wukong. He took the initiative because he was deeply dissatisfied with "this sword technique" and "that sword technique" when my brother and I discussed it. Exit, and complained why I didn't ask him.

Because... it's useless to ask. I can't find the origin of these two names in the classics. They are just a little nicer than the original names.

For the younger brother's "Dugu Nine Swords", the most lacking thing is actual combat experience, followed by the opponent's martial arts and spell routines. The former can be provided by his father, while the latter can be obtained by reading the classics in the Lin Family Library.

Therefore, if he is diligent enough, there is no need for him to go out to practice, and he can be invincible at home. But if he had not gone out, he would not have become diligent.

My situation is different from that of my brother. If he prefers "sword", then I prefer "qi".

The "Six Meridians Divine Sword" is a set that absorbs spiritual energy through spiritual roots, and then converts it into sword energy and launches it from the ends of the limbs... It is not so much a sword technique,

Rather, it is a set of martial arts skills. Theoretically speaking, I can use my toes to shoot sword energy. Of course, it is just a theory. I will never do that.

Since I am in a state of "broken spiritual root", the sword energy I can fire only comes from my remaining right arm that can still move. The power is really limited. However, after trying it several times, I unexpectedly discovered that using the "Six Meridians Divine Sword" "It will gradually restore the broken spiritual roots.

In terms of conventional usage, spiritual roots absorb spiritual energy and accumulate it, and then monks can extract their accumulated spiritual energy and convert it into the power of different spells and moves according to the situation. Therefore, at the same level of strength, spiritual roots are naturally more powerful than spiritual energy. The more you get, the more advantage you get.

Broken spiritual roots cannot accumulate spiritual energy and are in a state of dissipating at any time. A monk who is unable to perform spells and moves will naturally become a "waste". However, the "Six Meridians Divine Sword" does not require the step of "transformation", it is Projecting the absorbed spiritual energy directly as sword energy and using the "Six Meridian Divine Sword" means adding a "launching sword energy" to the wasteful process of "absorbing and dissipating" the broken spiritual roots. Go in, just suck it and throw it away, it is no different from a normal monk, unless you encounter another person who can also use the "Six Meridians Divine Sword", and is suppressed by someone using advanced application methods.

In this process, the broken spiritual roots will repair themselves very slowly because they are used and because of the "use it or lose it" principle. This speed is somewhat difficult to describe. It is not known whether they repair themselves first or not. I first understand that "the stars change".

As a result, I added "Practice the Six Meridians Divine Sword" to my daily schedule. What's a little troublesome is that although its sword energy is transparent, it reflects light. It is very obvious when used during the day, so it can only be used at night. Then he shot randomly into the sky in the yard.

Then... a sword energy flew over and a little girl fell down.

In fact, if it really hits this little girl, nothing will happen, because its power is very limited, but if it accidentally hits the eagle with a sophisticated structure, there is nothing we can do.

"Miss, what happened-" "There is an assassin!"

When Matthew walked out of the room, he just looked at the little girl over there with some confusion, but Sophie had already rushed over, ready to punch her.

"Wait a minute..." I quickly stopped her: "I just knocked this girl down from the sky. She seems to have broken her leg. Bring her over and show me. Don't worry, she can't hurt me yet. "

"From the sky?" Sophie stopped, looked at the little girl in black and then at the eagle, then looked up at the sky with a confused look on her face.

"Miss, she is a member of the Tang Sect. It is not wrong to say that she is an assassin," Matthew said while taking out a brush from his sleeve: "But without a commission, the Tang Sect will not take action at will. Could it be that there is Who placed the order for Miss, or anyone else in the Lin family?"

"Who else could it be besides my stupid brother? The Immanent Life and Death Sect found that they couldn't beat him and started looking for foreign aid?" I raised my hand to cover my face and put the wrench to my ear.

Although I am not very familiar with the Tang Sect, I have heard some rumors. They are from Tangjiabao in the middle of Sichuan. They are proficient in hidden weapons, poison techniques and mechanism techniques. They have many contacts with the Five Poison Sect and the Mohist Sect. They are also the first to be able to last for a long time. A sect that flies in the air.

There are anecdotes saying that in order to train the disciples of the Tang Sect, the gaps and distances inside the Tangjia Fort are extremely large, and there is no thing like the "Lingyun Ladder" to connect each other. If you are not proficient in using flying mechanisms, you can simply go around in the fort. It would take a whole day, which also resulted in newcomers from the Tang sect who were not good at studying often slipping and falling. Therefore, Tangjia Fort was also called the "Broken Leg Fort".

"[Hey, you guessed wrong this time,]" Sun Wukong said: "[This is not an 'assassination commission', but a 'tracing commission'. The target is Xiyuan who disappeared near Qingcheng Mountain, and the client is Mingjiao's...Sinai? What kind of strange name is this?]"

Hmm... This is not the first time for this reaction. I always feel that the endless information about Sun Wukong is not something he "sees" but "reads". But where should he read it in the thumb ring?

"You may not think she is young, but judging from her attire and equipment, she should be an official assassin. However, she has not been able to receive a real assassination mission. If she really wants to assassinate you, the Lin Family Master, or Young Master Lin, she should be here. She is an adult, maybe she wants to find out information about the Lin family." Matthew said as he walked towards the little girl who was kneeling on the ground.

The girl in black didn't show any strange expression even when Sophie rushed to her, but when Matthew was talking, her expression became nervous and she even wanted to retreat. As a result, the corner of her eye collapsed due to the pain of her injured leg. Tears came out.

"We don't intend to hurt you. We moved you to treat your injuries." Matthew walked to the little girl, squatted down and stretched out his hand: "If you are willing to accept it, give me your right hand, or you can use your hand. The 'Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle' clutched in my hand attacked me, otherwise we wouldn't have the same attitude we have now."

"..." The little girl hesitated for a moment, took out the hand hidden in her sleeve, and threw a small box on the ground.

Well, I roughly understand why her attitude is so strange. Anyone else would be scared if her origins and methods were exposed in person.

"Good girl." Matthew touched the little girl's head, put away the brush he had been holding in his hand, put his arms around her shoulders and legs and picked her up.

"...Oh." Although Matthew was very careful, it still made her burst into tears.

"[It can be transferred, it can be transferred, do you remember what I said?]" When Matthew came towards me with the little girl in his arms, Sun Wukong said: "[You will die on the spot even if you try to transfer a broken leg." Drop it.】"

"Of course I remember, but there is no need to transfer it to me this time." I whispered back to Sun Wukong, and then stretched out my hand to the girl.


The girl's calves returned to their normal posture at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at the same time, her fluffy ponytail was cut off at the root.

"...Ah." The little girl's legs and feet had just recovered, and she jumped down and ran towards the machine vulture. Then she stopped halfway, touched her head in confusion, and then looked at the fallen ponytail. , made a confused sound.

"This is a necessary price..." I tried to say.

Although some women who like long hair regard black hair as life, it is troublesome for me to take care of it because of my paralysis. I have had shawl hair without much decoration for half a year. She looks still young, so she probably won’t think so... Bar?

The little girl seemed to be just confused. She touched her head, changed the direction of the kitten mask on her forehead, and rushed to the machine vulture to try to repair it.

Even as a person like me, who has little research on mechanism techniques, I can tell that her technique is quite skillful, as if she has done it countless times.

"Oh, incredible." Sophie sighed.

"Although these machine eagles are very similar, they are built by each Tang Sect disciple after they have gone in and out of the Tang Sect secret room many times to search for parts. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are half of their bodies. Most Tang Sect disciples would rather break them themselves. I don’t want to break my legs.” Halfway through Matthew’s words, he noticed the way I looked at her and smiled slightly: “This is all what my father... Dr. Roman told me when he explained the anecdotes of the world.”

I understand, one of Roman’s confidantes is a Tang sect woman.

"What if it can't be repaired?" I felt that the big hole didn't look like it could be repaired with bare hands.

"Generally speaking, Tang Sect disciples will give up their missions and go to the nearest Tang Sect station for repairs. Most of the stations have sufficient spare parts. However," Matthew glanced at the Tang Sect girl, "I'm afraid there won't be any suitable parts." .”

"Hmm..." I put the finger to my ear again.

"[Hehehehe, there is no need for 'I'm afraid', it means 'certainly' no,"" Sun Wukong said with a smile: "[Even if the underage Tang Sect disciple goes on a mission, he will not leave Shu. It is basically impossible to have a model suitable for her in other places. parts.】"

"I think that thing can't be repaired," I said to the little girl, "How about you stay here for one night and I'll find someone to take you back to Tangmen tomorrow?"

The machine eagle can no longer be repaired. The little girl has obviously discovered this and is staring at its remains in a daze. After hearing my words, she shook her head: " must be left to repair."

Even so, are you still thinking about the mission? There is indeed a reason why the Tang Clan Association has grown to such a large scale.

Okay... I'm very familiar with taking in little girls.

"Then, before you repair it, stay on Qingcheng Mountain temporarily, and I will ask the diners to help you find the parts you need." I said to her.

Go back and ask who "Sinai" is. If he is not one of Ding Xiadong's men, you can give her information to the little girl before leaving. seems I haven't asked her what her name is?

"...Thank you." The little girl from the Tang Sect bowed her head slightly to me, then raised her finger and pointed at herself: "...Aimi Tang."

Her dad must be a foodie!

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