The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and twenty-one?

"Xiao Hao, have you decided to participate in this 'Famous Sword Conference'?"

"Yes, father, my 'Bei Ming Divine Skill' is only one step away from the 'Dou Zhuan Xing Yuan'. That kind of competition that can easily lead to serious injuries may be an opportunity."

"You have been smart since you were a child, and your father will not repeatedly tell you what you need to pay attention to. There is only one thing. If that Ding Xiadong really shows up, you are not allowed to show off."

"You are worrying too much. How can I, a person who relies on a wheelchair, fight with a monk who has been famous for a long time?"

"...It's best that way."

At this time, nearly two years have passed since my younger brother went out for training and returned. Until he came to me with two newly made swords, one light and one heavy, saying that he would definitely win the first place in the "Famous Sword Competition" , when I was getting a treasure that could heal my "injury", I finally remembered why he said "three years" in the first place.

In the world of cultivation, every four years, a grand martial arts competition between various sects and families is held. Only young talents under the age of twenty-five can participate. The winners can choose from various martial arts competitions jointly provided by each sect according to the final ranking. Choose what you want among various rewards.

It is said that it was first started by the "Xia Ke Island" who is rarely seen in the world. At the beginning, there were only five sects participating. They were named because they all used swords. As it continued to be held, the benefits were gradually discovered. Many sect families began to join one after another, but it was difficult to change the name.

The young people of a sect are the future of this sect. If the juniors of any sect can win two consecutive championships or even win the championship, the outside world's evaluation of the sect will naturally rise. At the same time, the quality of the prizes provided for these young people will naturally rise. , can also show the heritage of the sect.

After all, the true wealth of a sect cannot be openly disclosed, and long-famous celebrities cannot take the initiative to reveal their trump cards, but they can use the "Famous Sword Conference" to implicitly display their own heritage and strength, hinting to others. The martial arts "Don't mess with me".

Since the "Famous Sword Tournament" is held every four years, no matter how talented these young people are, they can usually only participate twice, unless someone has the ability to surpass their peers from four major continents since the age of ten. He/ Only her sect would allow such a young person to compete with adult monks in their twenties.

As for the last famous sword competition, Xiao Shu was underage, so I was not interested at all. However, Ryunosuke seemed to have attended and got a high ranking.

The champion of that year was a water spirit root practitioner named "Jin Youwei" who used a spell called "Water Spout" and was extremely good at defense. All his opponents were pushed off the ring and eliminated by him. The loser They were naturally unconvinced, claiming that if it was a purely defensive fight like life and death, they could defeat it ten thousand times. However, because the Famous Sword Tournament is not a life and death fight in the first place, who should be the champion?

However, because this style of play only aims to win in the competition and has no effect on actual combat, if young people learn this style of play, it will be contrary to the original intention of holding the conference. The messenger from Xiake Island announced at the end of the conference that the next There will be no arena for a tournament, and it will end only after confirming that the opponent has lost combat effectiveness or voluntarily admits defeat. Although this may still lead to the "it is difficult to lose if you don't win" style of play, the judges from various sects present are not fools. At that time, it can be directly judged as a loss.

Because the Famous Sword Tournament is not a life and death battle, each sect will prepare various emergency treatment methods to deal with "loss of combat effectiveness". In a normal Famous Sword Tournament, my "Beiming Divine Skill" will probably be of no use... At a normal famous sword competition.

The organizer of this famous sword conference is Mingjiao.

My brother's previous rough investigation only confirmed that the people suspected of being under the command of "Xingxiu Great Immortal" Ding Xiadong disappeared within the sphere of influence of the Ming Cult. It was speculated that Ding Xiadong might have a hidden stronghold there, but Sun Wukong clearly told me that Ding Xiadong Hua The man named "Xia Donghai" holds an official position in the Ming Cult and is the flag owner of the "Xia Banner" among the four banners of "Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter". He plans to use the opportunity of the famous sword conference to drive the Ming Cult believers controlled by him with the "talisman of life and death" to revolt. ,

If the leaders or elders of the various sects present at the scene fail, they can also put the blame on the Ming Cult and run away directly.

It's hard to understand what his motivations were for doing this, and how he was going to deal with the thunderous wrath of the entire world. Maybe he was really crazy.

However, he couldn't say this to his father directly, so he added fuel to his brother's investigation results, "speculating" that Ding Xiadong might take the opportunity to cause trouble at the Famous Sword Conference, and he was determined to follow him to protect his brother.

Although I don’t know how much my father believed it, my younger brother was quite moved and said that as long as he is around, no one can touch a hair on my head.

…Then my hair was touched by Sophie and Amy Tang.

As Lin Shu's candidate for this competition, there is no doubt about Lin Shu's strength. Although he was still relatively immature when he first learned the "Dugu Nine Swords", after one year of training abroad and two years of intensive study at home, he is already able to compete in the competition. Zhong and his father were tied.

And his wonderful swordsmanship also aroused Wang Yue's interest, and he gave him guidance from time to time. At first, his younger brother didn't believe how powerful he was as a "gravekeeper", until he separated him with a "mark in the sky". Only after Lao Yuan knocked the sword from his hand did he finally put away his contempt and accept the instruction seriously.

But the strange thing is that Wang Yue, the "Sword Master", has no regard for my "Six Meridians Divine Sword". Instead of giving guidance, he would persuade me to give up this "evil heretic".

In line with the idea of ​​asking monkeys when I am indecisive, I asked Sun Wukong about this and got a ridiculous answer.

This "Six Meridians Divine Sword" was originally the unique martial arts of the previous island advocate San of "Xia Ke Island". Naturally, when he uses it, it will not be intermittently effective like me. It can be called "invincible in the world". As the contemporary "Sword Master", Wang Yue naturally wanted to compete with him. The duel between the two lasted for three days and three nights, and finally ended with Zhang San winning by half a move.

Wang Yue became angry and went into seclusion, trying his best to deduce the method of cracking the Six Meridians Divine Sword. Then he disappeared from the world and his reputation gradually faded.

A few years later, he figured out the trick to crack the Six Meridians Divine Sword, and went out to find Zhang Sanyi to avenge his previous shame. However, the owner of the Knight Island was no longer Zhang San but Li Si. Li Si refused to compete with Wang Yue and only attracted the attention of Zhang Sanyi. He went to see the cliffhanger where Zhang San wrote "Xia Ke Xing" before his death.

The entire poem on the cliff was engraved by the Six Meridians Divine Sword, and the sword energy was fierce. From the moment Wang Yue began to read it, the moves contained in the strokes were like fighting with him. Wang Yue naturally responded according to the sword skills he had learned. Unexpectedly, the swordsmanship he had learned was no match for the swordsmanship contained in the article. He could not read the last sentence several times, so he was so embarrassed that he left without mentioning his return to the world.

As for how he met his mother, and how the copy of "Xia Ke Xing" was found by his brother in the ruins together with the Calabash Nine Turns Resurrection Pill, although I am curious, I don't bother to ask anymore. As long as I know that the Six Meridians Divine Sword is very strong and can Just slowly repair your spiritual roots.

Of course, besides these. I also have something extra to rely on.

When she told Xiyuan that there was a disciple of the Ming Cult named Sinai who had been looking for her, she readily agreed to go to the Ming Cult with us. She had been undercover for many years and could tell the secret secrets of the internal topography of the Ming Cult. Perhaps Ding Xiadong After taking control of some members of the Ming Cult, changes will be made, but the overall difference will not be too much. Taking her with her this time, even if things are not harmonious, they can escape smoothly, but her only request is that her fellow villagers must be taken away. Sinai rescued.

Do people from Hezhou, Xiniu, all have the surname Xi? This is too strange.

Then there is Matthew. Thanks to her, my reputation as a "miracle doctor" has become more and more famous in the past two years. After all, she has the inheritance of the Immortal Medical Valley and can cure almost all the patients who come here. If there is a solution, If it doesn't work, leave it to me for "transfer". Then according to common sense, only the diseases that this "little medical fairy" can't solve will come to me. My medical skills are naturally much better than hers, right? This gave me a very good reason to go to Mingjiao.

In addition, the "Flower Journey" that Matthew inherited from Roman is not just a spell used to keep his appearance forever. Although the lethality is not enough, the control and interference capabilities are very strong.

Then there was Tang Aimi. Her machine eagle had been repaired a long time ago, but she found it again after returning to Tangjiabao, claiming that she would stay in Qingcheng Mountain until she became an adult.

Because she was not good at words, she still didn't know after asking several times, so she turned to ask Sun Wukong. Only then did she learn that it was arranged by Mrs. Tang, the talker of the Tang clan, but the specific reason was unknown. Sun Wukong claimed that he She only has "fiery eyes" but no "mind-reading skills". She has no idea what Mrs. Tang is thinking.

In any case, as long as she is here, it is impossible for ordinary traps and poisons to plot against us.

However, according to my speculation, the Tang Sect, as a family of assassins, may have taken a fancy to my "Six Meridians Divine Sword", which is a hidden weapon that cannot be found at all.

Finally, there is Sophie. She has not grown at all in the past two years. No matter how much she eats, she is still the little one with baby fat, but her strength, agility and endurance are increasing day by day, like a piece of stone that has been repeatedly forged. Hitting an unshaped iron block makes people very curious about what she will look like after "forming" - this is not a good metaphor, but after all, she is from a family of swordsmen.

When I asked Sun Wukong this question, he said nonchalantly, "How can the golden scales be a thing in the pond? They turn into dragons when encountering wind and clouds"... Do you still need to say this?

Regarding this famous sword competition, the sects that will participate have been roughly decided. Traditional famous sects such as Shaolin, Wudang, and Emei will basically participate in every session. At the same time, Xiakedao, as the founder, will also send people, but they may not necessarily participate. Then there are the Kunlun, Penglai, Beggar Clan, etc., which are second level to these old famous places but have the same long history. Then there are various aristocratic clans that have a certain foundation, but their strength fluctuates due to various reasons, such as hosting this event. The Ming Cult, Tang Sect, Five Poison Cult, etc. in the first conference, and the Lin family is among them. After that, there are small groups that are sometimes able to participate and sometimes unable to participate. They may even exist in the previous session but be disbanded in the next. The small sects are not strong, but their total number of people is relatively large. Basically, they can only watch the battles and gain insights. The Xingxiu Sea and the Impermanence of Life and Death Sect are at this level - although the latter will definitely not dare to come.

The last one is about the Long family who came to break off the engagement after discovering that I had become a "waste".

It is at the same level as our Lin family, and can barely be considered a close match. However, because the family is too large, the internal competition within the family is very fierce. Many people will be sent to the competition in previous conferences. If you accidentally bump into your own family, no matter you win or lose, there will definitely be another one within the family. There was a lot of excitement. If nothing happened to my brother, I would really marry him. Not only would my family's relationship be unclear, but I would also have to deal with all the best relatives. Just thinking about it makes me feel tired.

I remember that Ryunosuke also said "three years" at the beginning. There is no doubt that he is also eyeing this conference.

Although I didn't pay special attention to him, the shadow of this person appeared from time to time in the information collected from the Lin family and Tang Aimi.

Just as I guessed at the beginning, after we broke off the engagement, the Long family immediately arranged another marriage for him in order to silence the separated family. The other party was the Zhang family, who was good at talisman cultivation. The Long family, who specializes in jutsu and swordsmanship, had little interest, but they admired Ryuunosuke who had won the last famous sword competition, so they made a request that he must win the championship in the next famous sword competition before agreeing to transfer Zhang. The young lady of the family married him.

It is said that the Miss Zhang family believed in Buddhism, was compassionate, and had a bodhisattva-like heart. She had treated tens of thousands of patients with Talisman Water. She herself seemed to have no objection to the marriage and only said that she would obey her parents' arrangements.

This matter, how should I put it, is such a coincidence. When I used Li Daitao to save my younger brother, I had never heard of this Miss Zhang family. But when I started to deliberately build a reputation as a "healer", I only realized it later. I realized that what I did seemed to be the same as hers. In this way, no matter what the facts were, in the eyes of outsiders, it was because I was very unconvinced after my engagement was annulled and wanted to compete with Ms. Zhang in the fields she was good at. To prove that the Long family's choice was wrong, and even make Ryunosuke change his mind.

If you think about it carefully, among the patients who have come here in the past two years, there are many kind old ladies from aristocratic families...

Now even if I went out and said that Ryunosuke worked so hard for me, probably no one would believe it.

Yes, very hard. Unlike his younger brother who has been fishing at home for two years, Ryuzosuke has been busy exploring the secret realm, honing his martial arts, doing chivalry, and helping people in need. The name of "Taiyuan Flame Sword" has become quite famous, even in the famous sword competition. It hasn't even started yet, but it is already regarded by most critics as a seed player who can compete for the championship.

But similarly, in the eyes of the outside world, Ryuzosuke, who worked so hard, must be to qualify to marry Miss Zhang, and has nothing to do with me, a useless person whose engagement was annulled.

If he and his brother met in the finals and had a confrontation, the scene would be interesting to think about.

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