The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and twenty-four, I don’t know if it’s worth it

"Senior Sister Qingqing, why don't you listen?" Sophie pushed the wheelchair and turned back three times: "The story of Lingji Bodhisattva beating the yellow-robed monster is only halfway through."

"Because it's too noisy." I replied smoothly.

There is a monkey in the ring that laughs wildly from time to time. No matter how wonderful the storyteller is, he can't listen to it, and...

"What the senior sister means is that there are too many people gathered around to listen to the book, and it will be very troublesome if they are recognized." Matthew said.

"...Many people...are looking at us." Tang Amy nodded.

No, wearing a hat and veil, you are not afraid of people seeing you at all.

"Well, let's continue to investigate the site?" Sophie nodded in understanding.

"You don't need to look at it, at least not on the Lotus Peak." I tilted my head to indicate the ring where the storyteller was: "What he did was to check whether there was any problem with the ring."

"Huh?" Sophie was puzzled.

"If an ordinary person is talking about a book, is it necessary to move so big? After finishing a sentence, he almost walked all over the stage." I briefly recalled the exaggerated movements of the Taoist priest: "He inspected the arena itself and was so impressed. The audience who came inadvertently checked the area around the arena for him. If he had created some secret tunnel mechanism in front of everyone, the Mingjiao would definitely be unable to explain it, but unfortunately there was no such thing."

"Hmm... that is to say, are there others who are wary of the Ming Cult? Have they discovered the 'life and death talisman'?" Sophie asked again.

"No, if those famous sects discover such a serious matter, they will not just make limited preparations like us who are short of manpower. It is possible to directly unite all the sects present to besiege Guangmingding." I shook my head and said.

"...A famous sect?" Tang Amy was confused.

"I only see that he is very strong, can Senior Sister Qingqing actually see his identity? He is indeed a Senior Sister." Matthew said with amazement.

"That's the elder of the Wudang Sect..." I recalled what Sun Wukong said before: "Zhuge is correcting me."

"Elder Wudang? Storyteller?" Although she was far away from the "Storytelling Arena" at this time, Sophie still couldn't help but look back.

"My father once told me an anecdote about the three elders of the Wudang Sect, Zhuge Zhengwo, Zhuge Xiaohua and Zhuge Shenhou. If you guess the personalities of these three brothers based on their names alone, you will definitely be wrong," Matthew said: "Zhuge Zhengmei is bold and unrestrained, Zhuge Xiaohua is serious and old-fashioned, and Zhuge Shenhou... is a reckless man."

"As far as what the name lacks and what it comes from, there's actually no problem." I took my finger away from my ear slightly to avoid Sun Wukong's laughter bursting out again.

"The young lady is not bad, and the young master is not bad either." Sophie immediately answered.

...My younger brother who was preparing for the game must have sneezed.


"Miss Lin?"

When I was about to leave Lotus Peak, someone stopped in front of my wheelchair.

I was already prepared for being recognized. After all, as long as I broke through the thinking pattern of "paralyzed people will never travel far away" and recognized the wheelchair I was sitting on, it was not difficult to confirm my identity, but it was also Only acquaintances.

As for the woman who stopped me, I'm pretty sure I've never seen her before. After all, it's hard to forget her outfit.

She appeared to be in her early twenties, with a simple long ponytail, an oval face, slender willow eyebrows, slanted red eyes, and a black mole under her right eye that did not ruin her appearance at all. People could not help but look at it.

Wearing... a set of dark green full-body heavy armor, holding a black square shield with a tiger's head in his left hand, and a thick-backed single sword in the same black color in his right hand.

Armor and the like are not worn by everyone in the world. After all, some secret realms evolved from the arsenals of previous dynasties. After getting a treasure with a higher grade than their own but poor appearance, most people will grit their teeth and put it on.

Relatively speaking, shields are much rarer. After all, all monks are "high in attack and low in defense." If one hit misses, there will be another hit. Avoidance and counterattack are the mainstream tactics. Setting up a shield will not only make In addition to becoming a target, he is also unable to defend against spells.

Almost no one would do something so stupid, unless... that shield was a particularly powerful treasure.


"Who are you! What do you want!"

Before I could say anything, Matthew took out her pen and stood in front of me, scolding the woman.

No, this reaction was a bit too big. She was clearly telling the other person, "You guessed it right." Given her usually calm personality, it seemed that she shouldn't be so out of character.

"Iron Hands?" I tried to remind her of our current status.

"Sorry, Senior Sister Qingqing," Matthew said without looking back, "This person is very dangerous."

Danger? Look at this kind of equipment that wraps itself into a turtle shell. What dangers can there be?

"'Ruthless'?" The woman nodded thoughtfully: "It seems we will get along very well, Miss 'Ruthless'."

"If you have anything to say, just say it!" Matthew still looked angry.

"My name is 'Zhang Xingcai', and I am the 'Miss Zhang' who entered into a marriage contract with the man who broke off the engagement with you," the woman said, "and the name I registered for the Famous Sword Competition is 'Sun Wangqing'."

"...Huh?" I almost raised my hand to point impolitely: "Exquisite at cultivating talismans, a firm believer in Buddhism, compassionate towards others, and a bodhisattva-minded person?"

"What? Could it be that a Bodhisattva's heart cannot be thunderous?" Zhang Xingcai shook the shield in his hand: "The reason why I believe in Buddhism is because they say that evil people will turn into beasts and insects after reincarnation. This makes me very relieved. After all, I have always been If you can't bear to torture anyone, you'll have to chop them off with one knife."

"Then the rumors about you from the outside world..." If my legs and feet were fine, I would probably be jumping up by now.

"What does the person Sun Wangqing killed have to do with me, Zhang Xingcai?" She blinked.

"...Okay." I couldn't find a reason to refute at the moment.

"So, what do you want to do with Senior Sister Qingqing?" Matthew's attitude seemed to have softened, but he did not get out of the way.

"I originally wanted to go to the Lin family to see if I could meet the Miss Lin who was rumored to be 'unsatisfied that her engagement was annulled, so she studied medicine in order to surpass Miss Zhang's, just to make the unfaithful person regret it.'" Zhang Xingcai laughed: " Rumor has it.”

"I..." "You..."

"Let me say it first," Zhang Xingcai raised his hand to stop me from speaking: "One of the rumors is true. I actually don't mind being arranged by my parents to get married, but I can't be someone who has someone else in mind. Did he say that he wants to get a famous sword? The champion of the conference, choose a treasure for you that can heal your injuries? From this point on, he has no chance."

Your Zhang family is quite well informed.

"Besides, he has to win the championship of the Famous Sword Tournament to be eligible to marry me, right? Then I will take away this championship, deprive him of his qualifications, and not give him the chance to reject me." Zhang Xingcai paused: "As for that The treasure that can heal your injuries would be the same if someone else handed it to you, right?"

...This Famous Sword Conference is really becoming more and more interesting.

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