The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and twenty-five, I think more than this

"[Today is the first day of the Famous Sword Tournament held every four years. A total of 233 young talents are about to compete for the rankings of the 'Rookie List' and the prizes attached to each ranking. I am the chief host and chief referee of the Lotus Summit of this famous sword competition, Zhuge Zhengwo, and this is the head of the Arhat Hall of the Shaolin School, Master Fahai.]"


"[Perhaps you may be wondering why the preliminary competition of this conference will be spread out to the three main peaks, but it only takes a moment of thinking to come to the conclusion that you are so enthusiastic about signing up that Guangming Summit has already There is no room for so many people.】"

In the corner of the Lianhua Peak arena, a not-so-high platform was erected. At the moment, two people were sitting on it talking. They obviously mobilized their spiritual energy to spread when they spoke, so that even I, who was on the periphery of the crowd, could hear it. Got it crystal clear.

One of them was the Taoist storyteller I saw the day before, and the other was a handsome-looking young monk with murderous intent all over his body.

"[The knights who successfully registered and received the ring number can go to the competition ring and wait for the referee to arrange the competition. There is no need to worry about misjudgments or omissions. Even if we are sitting here, we can clearly see the status of every knight on every ring. Action, don’t you think so, Master?]”


"Junior sister 'Iron Hand'," I looked at Matthew who seemed a little nervous: "Don't worry, this is the preliminary round, you can't just hit the dark horse."

"I'm not worried about this," Matthew took two deep breaths: "I'm afraid that even using the weakest move will kill the opponent."

It is indeed true that the martial arts of Medical Immortal Valley mainly consists of insignificant acupuncture attacks and moves that cause the hidden wounds buried by these attacks to explode together. If you are not careful...

"Then you can only trust the methods of Elder Zhuge and Master Fa Hai, and your own medical skills. If it doesn't work, I'm still here," I sent her arm: "Go ahead."

"..." Matthew paused again. After the number of people bragging and walking to the ring began to increase, he made up his mind to walk to the ring that belonged to her.

"Hmm... Speaking of which, this Wudang elder seems to be a lot more serious." I put my finger to my ear again.

"[Ha, do you know why he was assigned to be with Fahai? He just thought that Fahai would not pick up his words and make the scene quieter.]" Sun Wukong said.


I was thinking whether Sun Wukong had used the wrong word, when Zhuge Zhengwo spoke again.

"[Think back to those days, when the Famous Sword Convention was first held, all participants used swords, but it's different now. Look at these knights in the audience, what are they holding in their hands?]" He paused for a moment, then Cai Dao said: "[Swords, spears, swords and halberds, axes and axes, hooks and forks, whips, maces and hammers, boring sticks and sticks, kidnappers and meteors, anything with a hook, a blade, a point, a wing, an Emei needle. Yes, with chains, there are really all kinds of weapons~]"


"--another one!"

I watched the fight just to watch the fun, but unexpectedly there was a cross talk here, and the audience or the audience cheered one after another.

"[Look, gentlemen, some impatient knights have already boarded the ring to start fighting. On the ring nearest to us, there is a knight wielding a bright silver spear. When he stabs out, there are thousands of plum blossoms, and when he throws them back, there are thousands of plum blossoms. The cold air is flying, the spear tassel is shining, and there are five steel hooks hidden inside. If you are hit by this shot, you will die nine times out of ten ~] "Zhuge Zhengwo really did it again.

"——Isn't this Jin Youwei?"

"——Taoist Master, your eyesight is bad. That is an ice spear made of water."

"——Water control and ice control are two different things. After the famous sword tournament changed the rules, he also changed his moves. He is worthy of being the 'Newcomer King'."

"——He didn't directly enter the semi-finals. Isn't this bullying? His opponent is still a woman——"

Wow! Bang!

The ice gun was directly split into two pieces by a thick shield and then shattered. The young man holding the gun was so stunned that he had no time to change his move.

He was knocked out of the ring by a heavy knife that followed closely behind the shield.

Since the loss of combat effectiveness must be confirmed before the winner can be judged, the Mingjiao disciple in charge of the arena immediately went to check. After a brief inspection and a few questions, he raised his hands to indicate that he was eliminated.

"Don't look, I cut it with the back of the knife," Zhang Xingcai walked to the edge of the ring with the knife and shield in hand: "Hurry up and let the next one come up."

The Mingjiao disciples arranged for people to carry Jin Youwei away, then shouted several times into the number book, and finally shook their heads to indicate that all her opponents had abstained.

"[Oh, it was really thrilling. I thought he was going to be split in half just now. I was worried that losing someone's life right after the game started would reduce my reputation as a referee." It's not the same as him: "[But actually don't worry, Master Fahai has just been ready to take action. That move is called 'Sacrifice', and it can bear all the damage for the next ten breaths for others, right?"


No wonder the master didn't speak, because all the words were snatched up by him.

"That secret skill seems to be a bit similar to 'Li Dai Tao Jian', except that he did it before the injury, and I did it after the injury. For the protected, the former is naturally better, but they will be more grateful to the latter." I can't see it. Whether the Shaolin master is prepared or not, he can only briefly evaluate the effect of this move.

"Because they will feel that even if they are not 'sacrifice', they can escape with their own abilities." Sophie snorted: "Yelang is arrogant and short-sighted."

This word... seems to be used completely wrong.

"[...Oh, it seems that my descendants are not without merit,]" Sun Wukong suddenly said: "[He noticed that most of the people present were affected in some way, but he couldn't tell the origin, and he didn't know what the effect was, so he planned to Dismissed together.】"

Um? How to cancel?

"[A very large-scale 'Suppressing Mountains and Rivers',]" Sun Wukong continued as if he guessed what I was going to ask: "[It might be possible for someone to discover that the formula for that move is all buried in trash talk.]"

Is this why he talks about storytelling and cross talk?


At this moment, Matthew's opponent suddenly spit out blood and fell to the ground.

"I, I told you to just admit defeat. You will definitely be seriously injured if you insist on charging the acupuncture point." Matthew said in a panic to the swordsman who obviously couldn't hear her.

The disciples of the Ming Cult stepped forward to check and signaled that Matthew, or "Iron Hand", had won, and then carried away the fallen opponent.

"[Oh, he vomited so much blood, it seems that this knight needs to take some good supplements after waking up,]" Zhuge Zhengyi said: "[For example, steamed lamb, steamed bear paws, steamed deer tail, etc." Flower duck, roasted pheasant, roasted goose, braised salted duck, soy sauce chicken, bacon, pine flowers, baby tripe, dried meat, sausage, assorted Su Plate, smoked chicken, white tripe, steamed eight-treasure pig, glutinous rice stuffed Duck--】"

"[Amitabha!]" Master Fahai shouted angrily.

Um...wait? I stared at the Mingjiao disciples who carried away the injured and incapacitated warriors amid the roar of laughter.

They deliberately changed the rules and prepared people to carry people. Is it to prevent the loser from discovering the "talisman of life and death" when looking inside in order to heal his injuries?

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