The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight, I am——

[In the teahouse on the roadside, there are scattered figures, and two or three shouts can be heard from the street. 】

[Let’s see that he is eloquent and has a lot of dust on his clothes, but he turns out to be a storyteller in the world. 】

In a teahouse in Wuyou City, Zhuge Zhengwo put on the old storyteller's robe again, telling stories and ancient stories there, and fooling the knights and knights who had never seen him before.

Wearing a bamboo hat and a cup of tea in my hand, I sat in the corner and listened to his random remarks about others.

The most popular ones nowadays are naturally the previous "Famous Sword Conference" and "Guangmingding Incident".

Jianghu people without connections can basically only tell rumors with no details, such as "Mingjiao wants to catch all the participants", "Guangmingding exploded", "Famous Sword Conference has been cancelled".

As far as these three rumors are concerned, specifically they are:

Ding Xiadong used the pseudonym "Xia Donghai" to infiltrate the Mingjiao and controlled most of the Mingjiao disciples through the "talisman of life and death", trying to coerce the elites of the various sects participating in the Famous Sword Conference into his subordinates.

Xiyuan and Sinai, two undercover agents from the Zoroastrian Cult, led the remaining Ming Cult disciples to resist, and finally detonated the gunpowder placed in the secret passage of Guangmingding, causing the entire Guangmingding to collapse.

After discussion by the elders of the various sects present, it was decided that this Famous Swords Tournament would not be counted. It would be postponed for one year and would be jointly organized by Shaolin, Wudang and Emei. The specific competition format and the rules of the subsequent Famous Swords Tournament and other related matters would be discussed later.

[Shaking a fan in front of others, Xingmu patted the table. Dear readers, please listen carefully. 】

[The wind and rain in the country, the mountains and rivers over the years, the light of the sword and the shadow of the sword, there are not many legends in the world. 】

Just like Sun Wukong said, since the revival of spiritual energy, the application of it by various famous parties has been at a very superficial stage. Even if they occasionally discover some advanced techniques, they will not share them.

By chance, it was Ding Xiadong, a "house slave with three surnames" who first discovered the secret.

He was originally a Shaolin disciple, but he was expelled from the sect because he wanted to sneak into the Sutra Pavilion. He later concealed his identity and brought a Yi Tou master to my Lin family to learn some of the Beiming Divine Technique. He then left the Ming Cult and tried to secretly learn the Great Shift of the Universe. Ming Er Lao" established the "Xingxiu Sect", and also attracted the "Life and Death Sect" who were also abandoned disciples of Shaolin, and discovered from them the preparation methods of "Love Flower" and "Life and Death Talisman".

Up to this point, his goal was only to control the Ming Cult and dominate the world, so as to avoid being chased and beaten by my father. However, in the process of continuously preparing the "Life and Death Talisman", he understood the trick of "refining Qi and transforming into God".

According to Sun Wukong, this is just an advanced stage of cultivation, but for Ding Xiadong, it is tantamount to opening a new door for him. I don’t know what he thinks, but he seems to think that that kind of cultivation method can enable him to He "became an immortal", and then his life goal became "becoming the largest sect in the world", and then set his sights on the "Famous Sword Conference".

Judging from the results, he was very confident that even if those disciples of famous sects were forced to join at first, they would be devoted to him after they obtained the method of "cultivating immortals".

[The girl from Tianshan Mountain defended the dry city alone, just for the one person she once was. 】

[That Kunlun idiot is inseparable from each other. Who would have thought that we would never see each other again. 】

Tsk... What is Mr. Zhuge making up?

Although I said that in order to avoid trouble, I would conceal Ding Xiadong's identity, but he can't be an abandoned disciple of my "Tianshan Sect", right? There is still a girl waiting for him for this kind of thing?

Wait, according to the relationship he made up, it will be my mother who is waiting for him...

Stinky nose!

【The wind and rain in this country,

Years of mountains and rivers, chivalrous bones and soft intestines, how many onlookers here are drunk. 】

[I am just a wanderer on a duckweed. I am wandering without roots. I meet each other by chance and wander around the world without asking. 】

Ah...are you starting to brag about my brother and sister-in-law?

It's not impossible, after all, they did make great efforts to defeat the coerced Mingjiao disciples with the "Dugu Nine Swords" and the "Drunk Dance for Nine Heavens" that healed the knights who were hit by the talisman of life and death. They sounded like a family.

The brother who was called "Yun Ling" by his stupid brother, whose real name is "Yun Ling", is the third daughter of the contemporary leader of the Five Poison Sect. He also has an older brother "Yun Fei" and an older sister "Yun Qu". He has absolutely no responsibility to inherit the family business. , wanted to give up drugs and practice medicine, and the leader also followed her, but the father-in-law probably never thought that his precious daughter would be abducted by a stupid boy.

It can't be said that she "ran away". Yun Ling originally got along well with my younger brother by disguising herself as a man, so she basically didn't think about it, at least not when we parted ways.

However, she was afraid of failure in everything. She was pricked by a "love flower" when she was tracking those Xingxiu Hai disciples who collected love flowers. She usually stayed with her brother and it was fine. However, after returning to Miao territory, she accidentally missed him. It immediately broke out, and everyone in the Five Poison Sect was in a state of panic. In the end, they were unable to get rid of the poison.

Since the poisoning was not deep, Yun Ling tried hard to control herself not to think about her stupid brother while relieving her symptoms, and returned to the Central Plains to look for him. The result was that her brother was practicing sword training in seclusion... a tragic word with capital letters.

In short, if my brother goes to Miao territory to propose marriage, he will probably face a group of angry relatives-to-be, and walk through mountains of swords, seas of fire, and seas of poison, which should only be an appetizer.

[The mountains and rivers are picturesque, and each journey has brought suffering to many human beings. 】

[That beauty is so delicate, she loves to watch heroes, and she has dealt with all the bloodshed in the world. 】

No...who do you think is better than Ryunosuke?

That's okay, after all, "Taiyuan Flame Knife" and "Cang Yun Sun Wangqing" are the only two young generations who can fight head-on with Ding Xiadong, who masters the Great Shift of the Universe.

The flames of the Long family can directly evaporate those "life and death talismans", but Sun Wangqing, because of the treasure armor on his body, completely ignored that strange magic, which delayed my taking away the "life and death talismans" for a while.

However, what is a bit funny is that the two people developed an amazing tacit understanding during the battle, and their cooperation can be described as "flawless".

Although this kind of thing itself is due to the complementary martial arts between the Long family and the Sun family, Zhang Xingcai's current pseudonym is "Sun Wangqing" which has nothing to do with him.

The result was... Ryunosuke missed his original fiancée, rushed to the top of the famous sword competition in order to marry Miss Zhang, and then fell in love at first sight with a heroine of unknown origin.

As expected, because of this incident, he was known as "a playboy" and a "scumbag", and everyone from Zhanbuzhou in the south to Luzhou in the north knew him.

[The pavilions in the city have experienced many winds and frosts, and a wanderer from the end of the world has a dream of yellow beams. 】

[Different gods and ghosts, a ridiculous scene, a conversation and a laugh, half unfamiliar and crazy. 】's finally the finale.

Because Ding Xiadong threatened the disciples of various sects who had been hit by the talisman of life and death, Master Fahai, Zhuge Zhengwo and Ji Xiaolan were unable to take action. They could only watch as Long Zhijie, Zhang Xingcai, Lin Shu and Yun Ling attacked them.

So, they really didn't listen to me.

With the skill of "Great Shift of the Universe", the more people besiege him, the easier it will be for him to deal with them. How easy can it be? That guy even began to consider himself a winner, telling him his plan, layout and basic understanding of "refining qi and becoming a god", trying to persuade the young talents in front of him to actively join his army.

But it's a pity that the two men and two women present did not accept this trick.

hostage? None of our business.

A more advanced way of cultivation? Wouldn’t it be enough to beat you to death?

In the end, when Ding Xiadong shouted, "How dare you disobey me who has the power of God?", two women from the Western Regions named Xi detonated the explosives under the Bright Dome.

However, their preparation time was too short, and they failed to blow up the Bright Dome in one go. They only made it begin to crack and collapse.

In this way, the elders of each sect had no reason to be threatened. If they continued to hesitate, their disciples would be thrown to death, so they all came to save people and evacuated the disciples and onlookers to the other two peaks.

Ding Xiadong wanted to stop him, but was held back by the final four and unable to escape, and therefore failed to discover that most of his "life and death talismans" had expired.

In the end, I took the opportunity to make a sneak attack. First, I used a set of Six Meridian Divine Swords to immobilize his movements, and then with a [Star Shift], I captured all those "life and death talismans" and a lot of things including "spiritual root fractures" on him. .

Ding Xiadong finally disappeared into the blazing fire of the collapsed Guangming Dome with his stiff posture and wide eyes.

【The country is easy to grow old, it is mottled several times, the crazy son and the chivalrous woman have many feelings. 】

[The wine and sword follow the horse, a stranger in a foreign land, the white clothes are gone, the peach blossoms are like yesterday. 】

Of course, all the credit goes to Matthew. As the only descendant of the "Medical Immortal Valley", she has the kind of "medical skills" that can make people die suddenly. It is not surprising that she can immobilize Ding Xiadong. .

When we were cleaning up the mess afterwards, I pretended to be a member of the Tang family and stood behind Matthew with Amy Tang, but it didn't attract any attention at all. After all, no one thought that a man who walked well had anything to do with the paralyzed girl of the Lin family.

The only troublesome thing was Ryunosuke. He seemed to have discovered something. He repeatedly tried to talk to Matthew. You don't have to guess that he was talking to me. But Matthew didn't know whether he was pretending or doing it on purpose. He said fiercely to Ryunosuke, "He's a philanderer." "The behavior was criticized and then walked away with us.

As a result, he gained another title of "change of ideas".

[Readers sitting here, don’t think too much. The stories in the book are just a waste of time in the world. 】

【Everyone’s heart. It has its own commentary. After listening to this paragraph, I laughed it off. 】

All in all, according to Zhuge Zhengwo, this is a big evil guy with a miserable background. He wanted to take advantage of the famous sword tournament to implement his evil plan, but was ultimately completely destroyed by the knights and knights present who went through all the hardships. story.

In order to avoid this happening again and to negotiate on the follow-up to the accident, this "Famous Sword Conference" will be postponed for one year. The messenger from Xiake Island will negotiate with the organizers about the specific procedures and rules.

But everyone knows that what really needs to be discussed is the method of "refining qi and transforming into gods" that Ding Xiadong took the initiative to expose. If this method of cultivation is popularized, it will have a huge impact on the entire world, and will further Widen the strength gap between monks and mortals.

The most critical thing is that this method of cultivation seems to be able to break through the one hundred and fifty-year lifespan limit that no one has been able to break through since the revival of spiritual energy.

If the strength is increased to a certain extent and the life span is dozens of times greater than that of mortals, and there are monks who really call themselves "gods" and "immortals" and regard mortals as ants, what should we do?

"[Of course, build a 'Heavenly Court' and lock them up.]" Sun Wukong said.

I always feel that...if this continues, all the boasts that the "Monkey King" boasted at the beginning will be fulfilled one by one.

【In this world of ups and downs, years and mountains, the world is short, and there are a few people who see through it. 】

[A big dream is just you and me in the play. 】

[If you want to know what happens next, let me tell you next time~]

After finishing a section of the book, Zhuge Zheng and I drifted away, while the listeners left the teahouse one after another while discussing the content of the book, leaving me alone sitting in a corner of the teahouse.

Because Ding Xiadong was surprisingly weak, the original arrangement was completely useless. He neither let Sophie go to beat people nor let Tang Aimi sneak attack, let alone let Sun Wukong go out for a "personality suppression" - although I don’t understand it, but it sounds so powerful.

At this time, since I no longer have to keep anyone around me, the three of them have gone shopping happily.

"Then, now is the time to treat the last patient," I rubbed the finger ring set with golden gems: "Great Sage, how can I use [Dou Zhuan Xing Shift] to help you?"

"[Take out the two 'Holy Fire Tokens' that the two girls from Xiniu Hezhou gave you before they left," Sun Wukong floated out of the ring with bursts of golden light surrounding him: "[Treat me as a person who is about to Dead people, and then transfer the 'injury' to them.】"

"Could it be that [Dou Zhuan Xing Shift] can transfer injuries to non-living creatures? Then my mother——"

"[No, no, you can't,]" Sun Wukong waved his hairy hands: "[You can do this to me because I am also 'not a living creature'."


Thinking about it carefully, it is indeed true. Even those who are spiritual cultivators and ghost cultivators have never heard of anyone who can stuff a ray of residual soul into a ring. That is to say, I have nothing to covet, so I ignore this suspicion.

Then... I took out the two black black iron tokens and tried to use them as objects to transfer the "injury" on the monkey.

[The stars change]!

Almost at the same time as I activated it, the two tokens disappeared directly from my hand, and the golden light that enveloped Sun Wukong and the golden connection between it and the thumb also disappeared at the same time.

"[Hey hey hey,]" Sun Wukong scratched his head and bared his teeth at me: "[Just treat it like a dream, I'm still very moved when I wake up.]"


Wait...I seem to have heard this somewhere...

"Hey, Lin Hao, how do you sell this monkey?" Zhuge Zhengwo came back at some point and was staring at Sun Wukong sitting at the table eating melon seeds.

"This monkey is not for sale, but it costs five yuan to take a photo." I responded subconsciously.



Before I could figure out what was going on, the golden gem inlaid on the "Xiaoyao Sect Leader's Ring" on my hand suddenly cracked. When I lowered my head to look, the whole gem suddenly cracked without warning. Shattered into powder.

This is... [Self-Gem]?

I am--

The error-free chapters of "Collecting Doomsday" will continue to be updated.

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