The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine, infinite future (1)

"Who wakes up first from a big dream? I know myself in my life. I sleep enough in the spring in the thatched cottage, and the sun gets late outside the window~"

What do you do when you find out you've done something really stupid?

Of course, recite poetry loudly to fool him.

What kind of weird dream did I have before...

It seems to be a fusion of all the vulgar scenes of fantasy, fairy tales, and martial arts that I have seen before and have some impressions of. The main characters are all familiar...

Although I wanted to deceive myself and say that it was just a dream, it would be gone when I woke up.

But in the words of the stupid system... "Do you have any misunderstanding about your identity?"

These followers are all theoretically my "servants". Although under normal circumstances it is the "master" dreaming about the past of the "servants", how can I be considered "normal"? I'm afraid I didn't bring everyone in to perform a big show with me...

No, it’s too embarrassing. I’m going to continue reading poetry loudly.

"Speaking of which, my Lin family's mansion has five main rooms, a front porch, a rear mansion, east and west wing rooms, east and west side rooms, and east and west wing rooms. The east courtyard is the kitchen, the west courtyard is the thatched room, and the five study rooms on the back are the living room. The hinged windows, the big glass that can be fanned, the Xia Jingtian is the curtain of Misu, and the winter scene is the damper at the entrance of the emperor. When you look inside the room, it is really a painting of an open air, a unique cave - "

No, no, no, this is storytelling, right? Why did you learn Zhuge Zhengwo’s bad habits? Sure enough, I haven't woken up yet. Let's sleep a little longer...

I squinted my eyes and stretched my hands around, trying to grab a pillow to cover my head and continue sleeping, but after scratching for a long time I couldn't find anything but the sheets, so I simply retracted my arms to use as pillows and lay down.

Sleep for another five minutes, three minutes is fine.


Wait, what state was I in before I fell asleep?

It seems... because no "human being" has ever been born, the universe has been "fast forwarding" in a "diffuse" state, and because watching the development of the "animal world" is really boring, it finally fell asleep without "collapse"?

This is a bit bad... because the so-called "sleep until you wake up naturally" still requires the body to feedback the message "you have slept enough, it's time to wake up", and without the body, only the prompting sister and the stupid system can Wake me up, other should I say, should not be able to contact me in the "dispersed" state. long did I sleep?

I raised my head slightly and looked around.

where is this place?

The surrounding environment looks like a stone pavilion that is closed on all sides and cannot transmit light. There are large dry vines climbing on the old walls, and the ground is covered with the same dry and shrunken flowers.

I was lying on a perfectly round piece of strange furniture that looked like a sofa but also a squat piece of furniture. There was a clean white cloth under me, and there were no pillows or quilts around me.

Well... I definitely didn't do it by myself. This weird shape that looks more like an exhibition stand than a bed doesn't fit my aesthetic at all.

No, no, the question now is, when did I "collapse"?

I raised my arm and clenched my fist, touched the length of my hair, and rubbed the pure white dress I was wearing twice to confirm the material.

It seems like it's me, but it's not quite me.

To be precise, this is the "I" seen in the "opening CG" with his hands surrounding the universe.

In other words, I am actually still in a "dispersed" state, but I am using a very high level,

And it's just an "incarnation" that is almost exactly the same as the original body.

Anyway, let’s confirm what the current situation is and where this place is.

I looked around the bed and found nothing that looked like shoes, but the dried flower petals covering the ground seemed soft and clean, so I jumped down barefoot.

After stepping on the flowers and walking around the "pavilion", I successfully found the "exit", which was a "door" made of gray mist, just because I had just woken up. I was still confused and misjudged it, thinking it was a relief wall.

Hmm... the strange fog door... I always feel that this situation seems familiar, but I can't remember it, and my head is still a bit numb.

I shook my head, gave up thinking for the time being, and followed my instinct and pressed my hand directly.


There was no such thing as "passing through" or "dispersing". The "fog door" disappeared without any warning or process when I touched it, revealing the endless dusky desert and the same scenery outside the "pavilion". Dusky sky.

Well, it can’t be said to be a complete desert. Although there are only undulating sand dunes in the middle and near distances, there are still classic-looking ruins popping up from time to time on the dunes, and on the distant horizon, there is a building that has obviously been abandoned for a long time. The city stands there.

"Hey, stupid system, where is this place?" I put up a tent with my hands and looked around: "If the residences of the 'World Will' are ruined like this, wouldn't the world itself be finished?"

The always chatty stupid system rarely responded.

Thinking about it carefully, it has made no sound at all since I woke up, and there are no little things around that seem to be stupid systems.

Did he eat too much again and evolve in the nook and cranny?

I waited for a few seconds and then asked: "Then... remind sister?"


A series of piercing screams almost deafened me.

After covering my ears and bringing up the "Game Interface", I was immediately greeted by a series of [prompts].

Sister, I was wrong! I shouldn't have fished for so long!

After the screams and screen refreshes continued for about two minutes, it finally slowly stopped and returned to the familiar cold voice and standard wording of the report written by my sister.

[Tip: The game time is 5 billion 47 million years, and 65535 doomsday elements have been obtained. 】

[Tip: Recycle the doomsday elements ‘Element Zero’, ‘Mountain and River Sheji Map’, and ‘Reincarnation Space’. 】

[Tip: Recycled followers: Talos (monitor), King of Green Light (monitor), John Shepard (monitor), Catalyst (Lin Shu), Tetu (Lin Shu), Harold ·Winston (Roman), Dr. Manhattan (Roman), Yulia (Meng Nali), Yun Waijing (Meng Nali), Emil Mengsk (Emil), Ao Yuyu (Emil), Yueyong Shena (Sophie), Angela Ziegler (Matthew), Sharon Rogers (Matthew), Slave Knight Gale (Old Man of the Mountain), Ancient One (Lo God), Seraph (Zhao Yun), Suo Takumi (Abigail Williams), Mystique (Hasan), Illya Kamsky (Illya), Kelly Kamsky (Emiya Kiritsugu), Choi Nettie (Irisviel), Trinity (Maiya Kuu), Trinity (Xia Lei), Joe Cole (Kirei Kotomine), Harley Quinn (Claudia O Erdesia), Gwen Stacey (Haru Shisanniang), Kaos Lichtem (Hasta), Natasha Romanoff (Tushan Reiling), Nova (Tushan Reiling) Yamarerei), Jingu (Enkidu), Yuriko Suzuko (Gilgamesh), Kane Cathy (Cathy Palug), Buzz Lightyear (Bubbas). 】

[Tip: Followers who failed to recover: Ilia (Mind Stone), Ash Storm (Time Stone), Malefia (Space Stone), Queen of Blades (Power Stone), Lin Mingmei (Reality Stone), Kangna ·Shepard (Soul Stone). 】

[Tip: New followers have been added, and some priesthoods have been updated. 】

【End Game】

[One more round... 】

What kind of weird hodgepodge is this? Is it really my fault for having random dreams?

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