The Collection of The End

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty, Infinite Future (2)

When I saw the long list of "casts" that were worth complaining about both "roles" and "actors", my mind didn't turn around for a moment.

How could so many characters with such huge differences in ability and strength appear at once? Even though this world is as big as the entire Milky Way, it is still the same world after all.

I felt that the world before I fell asleep, which incorporated elements such as spores, stars, star boundaries, and World of Warcraft, was already outrageous. I didn't expect that it would be even more outrageous after they developed freely.

Look at...Marvel, DC, Mass Effect, StarCraft, The Matrix, Overwatch, Dark Souls, Detroit, Railgun, Macross, even the Cthulhu Mythos...wait for it, Cthulhu myth?

I looked at "Hasta" and couldn't help but grit my teeth.

In fact, there is nothing in other worlds. No matter how high the level of power is, or even breaking through the dimensional wall, they will at most go to the editorial offices of Marvel and DC and not point at me. But Cthulhu Mythos is much more troublesome, as long as Its worldview is formed, and "Azathos" must be me.

In the previous world, as long as the octopus head appeared, it would be resolutely attacked, which was partly due to this factor. But this time it is obviously not good: this "Hasta" does not appear as a "character", but as a "character" The emergence of the identity of "actor" means that the entire world view has been formed, and I actually fell asleep.

"Well, to remind you sister, what is the name of my incarnation?" I tugged on the hem of the white dress and felt that this look didn't look like Azathoth, so I asked.

[Hint: ‘Death(ess)’]

Oh, it turns out to be the five great gods of Marvel... This is obviously from DC, right? !

But, okay, at least DC’s side is not as chaotic as Marvel’s side, with Thanos and Deadpool and so on...

I glanced at the "cast list" again and didn't see "Deadpool" or "Thanos". I was a little relieved. Maybe there was "Thanos' snap of fingers" among the many "doomsday elements".

In addition, although it is a bit outrageous that the incarnations I have used turned into Infinity Stones, it is still acceptable. According to Marvel's settings, there are actually seven Infinity Stones, and the extra one is called the "Self Stone". It was split from "Nemesis" to preserve her self, but I don't seem to have seen this gem...

Isn’t it the one in the dream? The personality of the Xiaoyao Sect has penetrated several levels of elemental walls because of its existence!

"Hmm... So, where is the place I am now? Why can't I feel the game world?" I pointed to the desolate yellow desert around me.

[Tip: The game world of ‘Ironman Mode’ will be automatically deleted after the game ends. 】

[Tip: Current map name: ‘End of Time’. 】

...I knew there would be no good results from linking up with World of Warcraft.

So, this small world is the remnant of the entire galaxy after it was deleted. If I choose "End Game" it will disappear. If I choose "One More Round", the game world will be restored and the settlement will be restored. Continue playing with the previous backup, but get nothing.

Speaking of which, it seems that before the game started, I had discussed with the doctor and others to cooperate, but I didn't expect that I just slept through it. Next time, I won't open such a big world next time.

Anyway, this time I have overfulfilled my task, so I’ll just end it.

I poked "End Game" twice but nothing happened.

[Tip: The system is not responding.

Force close? 】

Uh... I forgot about the stupid system. I was talking to it smoothly just now, but my sister was prompted to force it to shut down... It turns out to be useless, right?

No, no, if the game wants to "run normally", the system is still necessary, but now it is a "shutdown" operation, right?

"No, there's no need to force it to shut down. I probably know where it is." I waved my hand, walked back to the "pavilion", and kicked the "bed" where I had just rested: "Wake up! You stupid system!"

[I didn’t... fall asleep... just... I was full...]

[Tip: Current map name: ‘Azathos’s Bedroom’]

This...I didn't know which one should be shocked first, the fact that Yuyouzi was full or the fact that Azathoth's palace didn't have a choir.

But I still want to kick the stupid system in the first place.

"You actually ate the 'doomsday element' secretly?"

[Not...stealing...] The stupid system, or this short bed, started to groan: [ limit of doomsday only 65535...the extra...I can only eat... 】

"Won't you give up if you can't eat anymore?" I was angry and funny, and I kicked him again while saying it.

[No... the doomsday element that exceeds the upper limit... if you don't eat it... it will... explode again... next time you collect it... it will still be it. 】

...In the first half of listening, I thought it was protecting various civilizations in the game world, but after listening to it, I realized that this guy just wanted to change his taste.

"So how much did you eat? How long did it take to 'digest' it all?"

After kicking my feet twice, I found that the "incarnation" of the stupid system felt pretty good, so I kicked it twice and sat on it again.

When I sat on it, the other side of the low bed tilted up to form a large sofa.

Hmm... It seems that I made a wise choice before I fell asleep completely. With its IQ, this is basically its only use.

[Five...] The stupid system muttered.

"Fifty? Five hundred?"

【Fifty thousand...】

"You can hold on until you die!" I stood up from the sofa and started jumping.

[That's useless...] The stupid system continued to mumble.

"It's definitely useless, I just want to dance," I said while stepping up and down on the sofa: "Let me think about it, last time, it seemed to be in The Elder Scrolls, you did it after eating too much Upgrade, and you said before that you need 20,000 doomsday elements to take me to 'reality' to find trouble with 'players'. In other words, no matter if you need 20,000 doomsday elements from 16 to 20,000 doomsday elements, There have been several upgrades, so they must have been completed, right?"

【……right. 】

"So, unless you have an upgrade plan of more than 20,000 yuan, you don't need to eat any doomsday elements in the future, right?"

【wrong! no! Maintaining your divine kingdom "Earth 0" is also costly! 】The stupid system was so anxious that it even overcame the stuttering.

"Really? How long will it take to consume all 65,535 doomsday elements?"

[This...according to the quality of the doomsday element itself, it every seven days to one month of 'Earth 0' standard time. 】

"It's obvious that we have a lot of money, but you just said it in a tone that said you were about to go bankrupt." I sat down again and patted the sofa: "First make room for me to 'end the game', and then we'll talk about the rest later. "

[Tip: Selecting ‘One More Round’ can effectively clean up the system running space. 】

【No! 】

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