The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven, infinite future (9)

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The method of using "Dimension Pass" is very simple. Just pinch it and choose to use the three effects, and you will feel the low-dimensional world that can be connected. At this time, as long as you confirm the choice, a channel connecting to it will be born. Of course, It's not the kind that has a physical body. If you insist on speaking, it's probably the "ascension path" kind.

But what surprised me a little was that the so-called "low-dimensional world" actually only had a "virtual dimension", and all the worlds I had experienced before were not there.

After thinking about it carefully, I found that this seemed quite reasonable. After all, the houses, communities, cities, earth and even the galaxy were all moved from those worlds by me. It would be unreasonable if they were low-dimensional, and Luoshen is set as a The role of AI is truly low-dimensional.

But... where is the Luo Shen who was said to be "as graceful as a startling dragon, as graceful as a swimming dragon"?

Less than two seconds after I used the "Dimension Pass", a portal consisting of a ring of shining fire appeared in the small courtyard, and then, a man wearing orange robes with a thin face, bright eyes, but the top of his head The naked woman stepped out.

"Pfft..." Roman, who was drinking tea, almost burst out: "You don't need to continue to use this image, 'Teacher'."

"I can't be called 'teacher,'" Luo Shen, or Gu Yi, responded with a smile, and then turned to me: "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life."

ah? What did I ask her to do?

[Most of the ‘doomsday elements’ I harvested were provided by her. 】Silly System seemed to have remembered something happy and interrupted.

A virtual apocalypse in a virtual world? But because all "players" cannot leave, once the game world is destroyed, it will be a real doomsday for them, so it can be collected... So that's it.

"No, I just arranged it with the idea of ​​giving it a try. The success is thanks to your efforts." I waved my hand at her.

"Oh?" Meng Nali looked at Luo Shen and then at me: "So you have thought of it a long time ago? It seems that I am too confident."

ah? What comes to mind?

"Of course," Luo Shen nodded: "Be prepared for a rainy day and anticipate the enemy's plans. Although I don't know when Lin Hao had this idea, her idea should have been mature when she started creating the virtual world of Cyberlux."

Hmm...wait a minute, virtual dimensions are low dimensions to me,

And I can get doomsday elements by saving the doomsday in the virtual dimension, so...

"If we pull down the 'high-dimensional creatures' and put them into the 'reincarnation world', the three-minute time limit will not be consumed," I tried to say: "Then, let him or her save the world once. According to the 'Doomsday Observation' According to this theory, the 'doomsday elements' we collected are likely to be 'high-dimensional', so just see if the collected doomsday elements can be used as 'consumption'. If so, just calculate the income. , the more people we pull down, the more 'high-dimensional doomsday elements' we get."

"Look, you still said you didn't think of it?" Meng Nali smiled.

"No, this is very common 'infinite flow' logic," I waved my hands repeatedly: "When I was reading those books, I always doubted whether those gods, systems, etc. were doing charity, and they were not parents. To be so unconditionally good to the protagonist, they must have benefits that can be obtained in the process, but few people can clearly explain the origins of these inexplicable plug-ins and the nature of the world the protagonists travel through."

If I want to talk about the stupid system I have on hand, it is separated from a high-dimensional game. Its only purpose is to eat those doomsday elements. If I didn’t have special collection skills, it would be enough to go through a world and collect a doomsday element. If one is eaten by it, it will be a completely endless cycle, and it is impossible to develop the Kingdom of God to such a huge size.

"So, our initial purpose is to try to let 'high-dimensional creatures' provide us with 'high-dimensional doomsday elements', and achieve 'dimensionality enhancement' through research on them," Meng Nali nodded: "Then, strengthening What about the aspect? The enhancement we can provide should be limited to our world, right? If we can't become stronger in the 'higher dimensional world', the 'higher dimensional creatures' will only think that these experiences are a dream, right?"

"Of course," I had clarified my thoughts at this time, and my words became smoother: "'Low dimension' cannot affect 'high dimension'. Even if it can, it will cost a lot, but 'high dimension' will always be affected by itself." Is that possible? We can feed back the obtained 'high-dimensional doomsday elements' to 'high-dimensional creatures' as 'strengthening' and 'exchange'. I have tested this with monkeys. As long as the 'harm' is not strengthened, they will It was not considered a 'plague' at all."

[No - let me have a taste before using it -! 】The stupid system started to scream and twist for something that didn't exist yet, and I could only hold it down harder.

"Ah, Babas' high-gloss world." Roman concluded: "So, after using the 'Pass' to pull down the 'high-dimensional creatures', directly plunge into the designed 'Reincarnation World', and the three-minute limit will be used to settle and give With rewards, exchanges and enhancements, when he or she returns, they will 'evolve' and attach to him or her according to the actual situation, which are called 'enhancement' and 'exchange', but are actually the abilities of 'doomsday elements'."

"But in this case, if we go to a high-demon world, we won't be able to provide corresponding abilities and treasures. If we go to a low-demon world, we won't be able to get high-dimensional currency and technology," Meng Nali suddenly turned around and looked at her mid-sentence. Me: "But Lin Hao, you must already have an idea, right?"

Isn't that a ready-made solution?

"Send it to the biohazard," I replied without hesitation. "The technology there is backward and worthless. The effect of the T virus on improving physical fitness can be simulated by using 'doomsday elements'. If you want to exchange for red and go back, Let Luoshen send a backup, just in time to see the situation of the high-dimensional network - there shouldn't be much difference between 1 and 0."

"Oh? Then what?" Meng Nali folded her hands and looked at me.

"Then we can arrange some worlds like Death is Coming, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and The Grudge. In a world with an endless pursuit as its background, he or she has to exchange some props for avoiding and harming ghosts, right? And the setting of the reincarnation world It must be us who have the final say. The ghosts and monsters can be expelled and eliminated at absolutely zero cost. The release standard is that the things inside are useful in the 'reincarnation world' but useless in the 'high-dimensional world', and it will not arouse suspicion. "I thought about what a normal person would think when facing this situation: "At the beginning, we can't let the 'reincarnation' realize that this main god space is empty. He and she are the only wage earners. We may have to make a guest appearance. In addition, , the 'high-dimensional doomsday elements' obtained in the early stage must also be used to increase our influence on the 'high-dimensional world', lest the 'reincarnators' feel that the main god space is weak."

"What if the plan fails? For example, we are never able to interfere enough with the 'higher-dimensional world'?"

"Then there is Plan B, such as pretending to be a complete stealth game, which can bring in more people, and there is no need to worry about the 'reality' of the 'high-dimensional world' at all, but Luo Shen may become very busy... " Halfway through, I realized that the atmosphere was not right: "Why are you all looking at me?"

"Hello Lin..." Meng Nali shook her head: "You still said you have no plan?"

Are those all the fruits of the wisdom of our predecessors?

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