The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and thirty-eight, infinite future (10)

Perhaps because my younger brother has been an AI "catalyst" for a while, he has a natural affinity for Luo Shen, the AI, so after I finished writing the script of "Reincarnation World", I took the initiative to help Luo Shen.

I'm not sure if the identity of "Patient Zero's younger brother" has any added value to the creation of the world, but since he is so active, let him go.

But... Lin Shu... Dugu Nine Swords... Linghu Chong... Yi Lin... Baldhead... Gu Yi... Luo Shen...

This connection is a bit too far-fetched, and it's just a dream, so it shouldn't work...probably.

Having said that, the purpose of bringing the AI ​​lady named Gu Yi, Luo Shen, or whatever she is called from the virtual dimension to the real dimension is to assist in the creation and management of the "reincarnation world", but the immediate effect is that she can Use the "portal" to bring followers scattered throughout the "Kingdom of God" to the "headquarters".

It is obviously a world without demons, but it can do this kind of thing... Well, it is probably related to the fact that "Avengers" is advertised as science fiction, but there are a lot of gods, demons and the like.

However, although their status is "followers", I can't really regard them as subordinates who can come and go when called upon, especially those adults and children with adult minds. As for those with children's minds, Adults...well...let's talk about it later.

Naturally, the first ones brought back were Matthew and Fufu from the Antarctic, then Emil from the Middle East, and then Sophie from Area 11.

As for their identities...

Matthew is a meteorologist with 17 doctorates and the leader of key climate research projects. He has a large group of rough guys who call themselves the Knights of the Round Table.

Emil is the mascot of the ancient Assassin organization Assassin. He usually prevents a couple who are Templars and Assassin from discovering each other's true identities.

And Sophie ate and drank at the house of a female programmer named Xiao Lin, and usually went to a nearby elementary school to pretend to be a primary school student to eat nutritious meals.

"You..." I didn't know how to comment for a moment: "If you want to maintain this daily routine, that's fine. If you want to go to the world of reincarnation, let Luo Shen bring you here."

"Okay~" Emil and Sophie, who were sitting in a row, responded in unison.

"Well... if this is an 'event', senior has already 'cleared' it, right?" Matthew watched Roman and Meng Nali analyze the "Dimension Pass": "Then I will stay Here, I will cooperate with Dr. Luo and Dr. Meng to plan for the next 'difficult' step."

Although something seems wrong, there is generally nothing wrong with it.

"Basically, all 'followers' will be notified when the 'Reincarnation World' is activated. Everyone can enter in advance as before, but one thing to note is that this time the 'Reincarnation' comes from a place that is almost exactly the same as here. World, don’t make your identity too obvious, it will be very troublesome if you are used as an easter egg or entangled in side tasks." I responded and looked at Emil and Sophie.

Assassin's costume and the shape of the little fat dragon are too obvious. When accumulating "high-dimensional doomsday elements", they must not be allowed to run around. You can consider letting the monitors take care of it for a while.

As for the other followers…

Most of them are FATE series.

Illya, Chloe and their wife are in the German castle, Kiritsugu is working as a detective in England, Maiya and Xia Lei are the assistant and landlord respectively, Weber and the trumpet Conqueror are in the clock tower, and the Happy Prisoner family is in Italy.

Tokiomi and his family are not here. After all, the world will of that small world is inconvenient to run around, but when the cooldown of the "Dimension Pass" ends, they can connect to that world and let them come out and play.

Jin Shining and Enzi are both at the old site of Uruk. They seem to have become archaeologists and don't know what they want to dig out.

The Great Wilderness, Journey to the West and the Three Kingdoms are connected, and most of them have deep-rooted connections with the world itself. Even if you want to follow me as "Hongjun", you will be unable to do so because your original identity has the element of "fitting yourself with the Tao". Come,

Let’s wait until the Dimension Pass cools down.

But what’s a little strange is that Chun Shisanniang actually ran out and is looking for a husband. This means that Marshal Tianpeng is also outside, but I didn’t see any followers with similar identities... Could it be someone’s mistress? No.?

Then there is the Ke family, Hastur, Yog-Sothoth, Nyarlathotep, Cthurgia, Ghroth, there are a bunch of them, but for some reason they are missing the Black Goat and Cthulhu. It’s okay if you haven’t seen the former, but the latter has obviously made guest appearances many times...

"I want to see my brother and dad -" the two little girls raised their hands together, then looked at each other: "I want to see my dad and brother -"

They looked at each other again, with a bunch of question marks popping up in their heads.

"Okay, don't worry about the title. He is in the community clinic. You can go and play with him." I waved my hand.

After experiencing more of the world, all kinds of relationships become messy. This is why I will not bring out people who are lovers or husbands and wives with the "aboriginals". If I do, it will be with the whole family. After all, it is very difficult to bring up any ethical issues. trouble.

As for the monitor, he seems to be the male elder of the little girls every time, and once he even became my brother, so it doesn’t matter what the relationship is.

After Emil and Sophie ran away holding hands, I went to where Roman and Meng Nali worked to observe their research progress.

"We have preliminary results," Meng Nali responded without looking back: "This 'Dimension Pass' is a 'black box' technology that cannot be analyzed, but the purpose it wants to achieve can be observed. Knowing what to do After 'what to do', we can replace it with other methods without having to delve into 'how to do it'."

"Well... when I went to collect doomsday elements, I didn't pay much attention to the environment. Do you want to change places?" I looked at Meng Nali and Roman.

"No need, this 'office' is pretty good. At least you don't have to worry about being invaded during the holidays." Roman smiled.


It is said to be an office space, but it is just a few benches surrounding the "Globe Fountain". Anything they need will appear at hand out of thin air and disappear when it is no longer needed.

This way of working is Meng Nali's idea. Although I can indeed build a "Chaldea" out of thin air, where to put it is a problem, and the low-dimensional technology of spirit transfer is meaningless for high-dimensional interference. , what is really useful is "imaginary number stealth". After all, we are now moving from "non-existence" to "existence", and as the manufacturer of the submarine, Meng Nali also knows exactly what functions are inside, so just Just make a request and partially realize it, without actually building such a car.

But let me guess, it may be because "Da Vinci" died before the submarine was activated. She would have some conflicts with the real submarine, just like Tohsaka Rin and Electric. If that is the case , if "Little Da Vinci", that is, Lisa Meng comes...

"Good sister Lin!" Just as she thought of this, the garden door was banged open, and Lisa Meng rushed in and threw herself into my arms: "Wow! It's alive!"

"Fu! Fu!" Fufu, who was almost squeezed, jumped on her head and shouted angrily.

Something alive, as if she had seen something dead... No, maybe she had seen it, it should have been during the "time paradox".

"Hey hey hey... I'm sorry Fufu, I didn't see you," Lisa Meng touched Fufu on her head, and then turned to me: "Sister Lin, I want to participate in the design of the 'Reincarnation World', and I have designed a painting. The world's experience will definitely help."

"I believe you can, but now..." "But the first world has been designed. You can give us your opinions and we will officially participate in the next world." Halfway through my words, Luo Shen came out with a proud look on his face. Sparks walked out of the door.

Although the Reapers and Cyberlux are gone now, Luo Shen still controls the huge virtual dimension, and there are also many "virtual followers" in it. Because they are separated by two dimensions, they really can't get out, but He should be able to make a cameo appearance in "The World of Reincarnation".

"Let me take a look." I took the "Eye of Agamotto" from Luo Shen and looked at the "Resident Evil World" she designed.

The content of this world is easy to find. After all, there is the "Resident Evil" movie in Minecraft, and there is also the movie "Infinity Origins". Luo Shen only needs to completely restore it in the virtual world and arrange the planned development. As for the world's The evaluation is naturally carried out by prompting sister.

[Tip: The world of reincarnation is being evaluated...]

As a scene that was almost identical to the movie reappeared, subtitles gradually appeared.

[Game Mode: Single Player Mode]

[Doomsday Element: T-Virus (High Dimensional)]

[Map type: Reincarnation World]

[Map size: extremely small]

[Limited time: two hours]

[Escape conditions: time runs out or the person reincarnating dies]

'Huh? Wait, death? Isn't this okay? ’ I poked at the conditions for disengagement: ‘Wouldn’t it consume a lot of doomsday elements? ’

[If you don’t want the reincarnator to die, just say so. This is a terrible excuse. ] The stupid system said in a contemptuous tone.

‘You see there are so many people now and it’s not convenient for me to hit you, right? ’ I didn’t know how to gnash my teeth with my thoughts, so I gritted my teeth hard.

[See clearly, high-dimensional creatures can only exist in our world for three minutes. During this period, they will be consumed if they are injured or die. However, during this time, they must be in the 'mission briefing' or 'mission settlement' space. ,] The stupid system hummed: [Death in the 'virtual dimension' does not count. 】

Hmm... It makes sense. As a stupid system that cares most about doomsday elements, I say this, that is, it really doesn't consume anything.

[Characters: mercenaries (12), zombies (473), lickers (24)]

[Event: The mercenaries went deep into the underground facility, turned off the power, obtained the AI ​​motherboard and evacuated. 】

[Environment: Virus Research Laboratory ‘Hive’ and its ancillary facilities. 】

[Conditions for obtaining doomsday elements: destroy all zombies in the hive, or destroy all mercenaries. 】

'Uh-huh? Is this condition wrong? ’

【No problem? ] The stupid system said: [Because the 'entire world' is only as big as a honeycomb, so 'eliminating all zombies' means saving the world, and 'eliminating all mercenaries' means destroying the world. 】

Oh... Indeed, the purpose of my "main god" is not to promote human evolution or anything. It is meaningless whether the reincarnation follows the plot or changes the plot. What is really important is to let him or her do things that can "save the world" or "destroy the world". world" actions.

‘But isn’t there something underneath the hive? Umbrella high-rise dormant warehouse? ’ I thought back to the later Resident Evil movies I had watched.

【It’s not created. 】The stupid system adjusted the perspective of the world. Except for the inside of the hive, which is the location shown in the first movie, there is nothing, whether it is modeling or textures.

If we follow the plot of the first film, there is really no need for those behind the scenes. I even suspect that they did it for the purpose of editing the sequel. After all, the settings of the movie version and the game version of the Resident Evil world are still a bit different. Far.

The movie has already destroyed the world, but the game is still acting as a god of war.

‘What if the Reincarnators are that kind of plot-mining party? ’ I looked at the map border carefully: ‘Should I put an air wall here? But that would prove in disguise that this is a fake world dedicated to trials. Although there is such a setting, it is not good to be seen from the beginning. ’

[This is what you need to consider when setting up a mission,] Stupid System replied: [Should you design a scene where you must follow someone, otherwise you will be blown up, and then arrange a fake reincarnation explosion? 】

'No, that's not how to pay homage to the classics. The common view now is that the main god will not arrange missions that require death. As long as newcomers don't seek death, they must have a way to survive. Otherwise, they will be dragged into the reincarnation space and then let go directly because of a trivial matter. His death is a complete waste of behavior, unless the action of pulling people in is completely useless and is simply raising gu. ’

[And we consume a lot and cannot afford to waste it. If we experience the world once but do not provide the doomsday element, we will lose a net loss of 20,000. ] The stupid system responded: [So how are you going to arrange the tasks? What kind of image of the Lord God should be created? 】


[Friendly reminder: The Lord God cannot be the Holy Mother. 】

‘Stop talking! I know! ’

Mercenaries have a clear goal. It is impossible to take the initiative to eliminate zombies. It is easier to kill them when they are not prepared... No, no, no, although they are only NPCs in the reincarnation world, which of my followers was not an NPC in the first place? I'm like this myself, don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you, so I have to think of a way so that ordinary people who have just entered the "reincarnation space" and have nothing can eliminate the zombies in the entire hive. The plot must also be reasonable. , Don't let him or her feel that she is being taken special care of.


Wait, the acquisition condition is "Destroy all zombies", not "Lickers", right?

There is a way.

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