The Collection of The End

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-Nine, Resident Evil (1)

20th year month day

national city

Road number, gymnasium


"Xiaojing, let's go first."

"Would you like to play with us?"

Two girls wearing beautiful clothes that looked like they were going home were carrying small bags and passed by another girl wearing a blue and white school uniform carrying a bucket and mop. They waved and said hello casually, but what about the invitation? See how insincere it is.

"No, I'll finish it right away. This venue will be used tomorrow." Holding the poke in her hand, the girl known as "Xiao Jing" shook her head.

She is not tall, has slightly yellowed ear-length hair, her skin looks a little sickly pale, her face is slightly round, and her facial features are relatively ordinary. She is the kind of person who would not be found in a crowd, let alone in a crowd. Handsome guys and beauties gathered together.

"Volunteers don't need to be so serious. Just sweep casually. Foreigners can't see it anyway. They'll be dirty again tomorrow if they step back and forth."

"But that's what Xiaojing is good at. She is serious and reliable in her work. The boss will praise her when everything is fine, right?"

"Then you keep busy and we'll see you tomorrow"

One of the girls was talking as if she was about to say something sarcastic, but she was pulled by another girl before she finally stopped. After hearing a few polite words from the other girl, she left with her.

"..." Xiaojing watched them leave, was silent for a moment, and walked towards the sanitary equipment room with the bucket in hand.

Her name is Jin Jing, she is 22 years old and a sophomore. The reason why she has not returned to the dormitory so late is because she is doing what they call a "volunteer".

The World Cup will be held in the city from October 1st. In order to avoid waste, most of the matches will be rented in stadiums of various universities. For safety reasons, the work originally outsourced to cleaning companies will be transferred to school janitors, but the school janitors’ But the number was not enough, so some school leader had an idea and decided to let students participate in venue maintenance as "volunteers". Of course, some "social practice" credits would be given.

Jin Jing is not a scumbag, but she is not a top student either. Her grades are as average as her appearance. She is not very sure whether she can pass some subjects, so she takes the initiative to sign up to participate in this "social practice" that guarantees credits, and then finds that she seems to be the only one. One student took the initiative to sign up, while the other students were waiting for the class teacher nicknamed "Boss" to forcefully arrange it.

This was the problem with her interpersonal relationship, which was as ordinary as her appearance. No one came to tell her that everyone decided not to take the initiative to sign up. Although she tried hard to build a good relationship with her classmates throughout her freshman year, the effect was not good. After all, her appearance, grades, and abilities must all be equally outstanding in order for people to pay attention to her and interact with her. Specifically, no one would take the initiative to approach her for some collaborative projects, but there would be no discomfort in being assigned together.

This involves her "ability". Generally speaking, whether she is strong in organization, execution, or creativity, she can basically soar as long as she has the opportunity. But Jin Jing is different. She insists on summarizing In other words, she has "strong endurance", that is, if you leave any daily things to her, she will never "break up", no matter how boring it is, it is as if she has an alarm clock in her head, setting the time every day Reminders of when to do something, what has been done, and what has not been done.

This ability first appeared in front of people in elementary school. At that time, the second-grade homeroom teacher asked the children to write diaries and submit them to her once a week. At that time, some children kept forgetting. After the third- and fourth-grade homeroom teachers changed, , because the new class teacher didn’t know about it and no one mentioned it, there were no children writing at all. And in the fifth grade, the class teacher was changed again for some reason.

And reassigned the "diary writing" homework. When Jin Jing handed in the dozen or so diaries she had accumulated for three years, the old lady who always had a kind face and seemed to have everything under control showed a dumbfounded expression for the first time. .

Because of this "ability", Jin Jing was completely "other people's child" when she was in elementary school and junior high school. There were various awards and certificates all over the wall, and her mother would always show them off.

Obviously, the knowledge learned at this stage is completely based on the foundation, and there is almost no free play. As long as you are not playful and willing to memorize, there is no problem in stabilizing double hundred.

But... after entering high school, things became troublesome. Subjects such as mathematics, physics, and chemistry that must be "played by oneself" were extremely difficult for Jin Jing. She remembered the formulas and theorems, and the more obvious questions She could also get in, but those big questions that deliberately tested the students' creativity and logical thinking ability directly confused her. As a result, the external manifestation was that her academic performance began to decline steadily.

At this stage, Jin Jing has been able to basically judge his own limits, that is, if he can "memorize by rote", he will have no problem, but if he can "flexibly apply", he should give up and consider applying for liberal arts.

But their parents disagreed. At that time, the argument came from nowhere that science subjects had a better future than liberal arts subjects. Jin Jing, who had been their pride for so many years, naturally wanted to apply for science subjects. If she did not do well in science subjects, she would enroll in cram schools or do more Question.

This decision made Jin Jing hate Huanggang deeply and decided never to set foot in that place.

However, the question sea tactic still has some effects. Others learn problem-solving ideas from the question sea, but she memorizes the question types. After all, for the same theorem and formula, there are only so many ways to solve the problem.

The external manifestation of this is that the scores in the mock exams are getting higher and higher each time. The parents are very happy that their smart daughter is back. But only Jin Jing knows that for her, every time she takes a question, she has to do it with the teacher who set the question. In a duel in the arena, she had to observe the movement of the teacher who set the question, the shaking of his shoulders, the position of his eyes, and the muscles that tightened at the moment when he exerted force. She would either KO the teacher who set the question or be KO herself. There was no second chance. possibility.

In the end, she narrowly defeated the teacher who wrote the college entrance examination questions in the college entrance examination arena and successfully passed the department.

Then, she fell into confusion, because her parents completely gave up their "arrangements" for her after she was admitted to college, as if their mission was to send her to the battlefield of college entrance examination, and they didn't care about what happened after that. , when they came home for the holidays, they stopped asking about her grades and started talking about what kind of job she would find in the future and what kind of person she would marry.

So... in their minds, going to college means the end of their student days, and they have to prepare to enter the society. However, after being a good daughter and a good student for more than ten years, and barely making friends with boys, they have to Marry someone immediately after graduating from college in four years, otherwise they will lose face.

It seems that you are the ones who have been telling you not to fall in love early since junior high school, right? Just four years... Is university such a scary place?

Although he could not understand this change, Jin Jing could only take one step at a time. To use an inappropriate metaphor, it was like a horse whose bridle had been taken off since childhood, and then told that it could run as it pleased. This horse After the horse has been confused for a while, it will probably have to return to the path it is familiar with from the trot.

For Jin Jing, "the path that has been familiar since childhood" is learning. Although some subjects in college include more "free play" parts, and rote memorization has almost no effect, there are at least some "useful" subjects. , as a result, as a "severely partial" student, she had to sign up as a volunteer to get those few credits.

As a volunteer, it is naturally not as simple as cleaning. Inspection of relevant equipment, confirmation of material reserves, handling of complaints and maintenance of on-site order are all part of the job.

It was difficult for Jin Jing to understand why students could avoid this kind of step-by-step, everything could be done according to the preset procedures. Except for those who couldn't escape, they basically escaped whenever they could, out of the idea of ​​taking care of their classmates. , when the volunteers in the same group with her deserted, she would take the initiative to finish the work for them.

At first, the girls were a little grateful, and their relationship with classmates, which had been stagnant, tended to gradually become friends. However, after the head teacher quietly came to inspect the work and severely criticized those who had left the class, things started to go wrong.

The evaluation of her by outsiders has changed from "serious and responsible" and "hard-working and reliable" to "deep-minded" and "likes to express herself".

...Is it because I like to show off that I finish my work seriously every day? Who could have guessed that the head teacher would suddenly come to visit the class?

Because it is difficult to understand this logic, Jin Jing does not have many thoughts about the freezing of interpersonal relationships again. Of course, she will not give up her long-standing principles of behavior because of these comments, but will continue to diligently complete her "volunteer" duties. .

Maybe... when it's over and I return to the state of study, I, an ordinary person who has always been wandering in the middle, will not attract so much attention.

While Jin Jing was thinking, she soaked the mop with the faucet in the equipment room, rinsed it, and then wrung it dry on the sanitation cart.'s really hard to understand. She looked at the dirty mop with the numbers of other volunteers hanging on it and thought, after cleaning it today, it can be used directly by rinsing it tomorrow instead of having to get together in the morning when everyone is running the faucet. This kind of Are things difficult to understand? Isn’t it normal not to leave today’s work until tomorrow?

Of course, she is not a silly little girl. It is enough to ensure that the volunteer work in the gym is completed. There is no need to help other volunteers pack away their tools. She still understands the principle of friendship and hatred.

"Then, make sure all the equipment is turned off and you can leave." Jin Jing washed her hands and dried them, took out her Qingtian Piggy bag from the volunteer locker next to her, and prepared to make a final inspection of all the items belonging to her group. Areas covered by volunteers.

Basically, only the rooms and rooms need special attention. If the power supply in these places is not turned off overnight, problems may occur. As for others, such as the lights in the equipment room, there will be no problem even if they are left alone overnight.

Look, I'm also very lazy. Jin Jing laughed to herself, and then turned off the light in the equipment room.

When Jin Jing arrived at the room on the thirteenth floor, she was not surprised to find that the lights were still on.

There is a series of troublesome procedures for shutting down the equipment here. It cannot be turned off by directly turning on the switch. It may also cause it to run on the backup power supply overnight, causing the backup power supply to run out. Therefore, some "smart" students choose not to turn it off directly. , and Jin Jing, who was specifically emphasized several times that this equipment must be turned off after becoming a volunteer, naturally would not do that.

However, what is a little strange is that there is someone in the room at this time. There is a fast-speaking voice in an unknown language coming from the computer room.

" # """ # "

A common problem among Chinese people who are new to foreign languages ​​is that as long as a foreigner changes his tone or speed when speaking, and pops out one or two abbreviations and slang, he will no longer be able to understand the entire sentence.

"Gentlemen, what did you miss?" Jin Jing opened the door and asked in a slightly bad language.

Inside at the moment were two Chinese athletes, or in other words, Chinese people wearing athletes' uniforms, gesticulating at the equipment.

Jin Jing wasn't sure if he had seen them on the field, but if they had won medals, they might have been here, but they probably wouldn't have left their belongings behind.

"Oh, we are destined to return to our country. If I have a chance, I will come here. I plan to beat myself up to show you." The language of these two Chinese athletes was even worse than Jin Jing's.

Maybe it's the dialect... Jin Jing blinked and looked at the SLR they were holding: "Do you need my help to take a picture?"

"Oh, no need to worry, they are getting ready to leave." The athlete hid the camera behind his back: "I wish you good luck, Miss Volunteer."


Jin Jing watched inexplicably as the athletes from the two countries ran away at a speed that was close to fleeing.

Maybe it's against the rules for them to sneak into the room to take pictures?

She thought about it for a while, but couldn't figure it out, so she walked to the cubicle in the hall to turn off the device.

Boom, boom, boom, boom.

The red indicator lights on the huge device went out one by one, and the roar inside gradually disappeared.

I don’t know what the principle is of this kind of device that can’t be turned off even though it’s powered off directly, but it’s probably not something I need to consider in my profession.

"Well... it's already past nine o'clock. If you go back now, let's bring some midnight snacks to those two foodies." After Jin Jing turned off the equipment and left the room, she said to herself as she walked out of the gym: "But the dormitory manager Auntie is nagging us again, as if no matter what we eat, we will instantly become fat!"

The sudden foreign body sensation in her throat made Jin Jing bend over and cough for a while subconsciously.


When Jin Jing straightened up again, she found that the door leading to the outside of the gymnasium in front of her was replaced by a gray-white thick fog. Before she had time to think about what it was, a large piece of pitch black, like ashes, suddenly poured out of the thick fog. Ordinary things completely engulfed her vision.

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